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语言学入门02-0005贵州广播电视大学形成性测评系统 课程代码:5205776 参考资料 试卷总分:100填空题(共5题,共30分)1.(6分)Our make-up frames our perception of the world.【答】:genetic2.(6分)Time has been viewed differently in different and at different times.【答】:cultures3.(6分)Use hedges when we are uncertain about what are going to .【答】:say4.(6分)In ordinary conversation, we often contrast shuo(saying thing) with (doing sothing).【答】:zuo5.(6分)The symbolization of our generates knowledge and networks of meanings.【答】:experiences单选题(共5题,共30分)6.(6分)Tense refers to a_of recording time in language.A、simple wayB、comlicated wayC、common wayD、particular way【答】:D7.(6分)Sugar is _.I really appreciate its sweetness.A、hardB、softC、sweetD、sour【答】:C8.(6分)If you are moral and decent, you should do something about something wrong youve done,that is,you should _ .A、assertB、apologizeC、requestD、propose【答】:B9.(6分)If the offense is light, a _ apology will do.A、compoundB、intricateC、simpleD、subtle【答】:C10.(6分)Saying is _, given appropriate circumstances.A、actionB、doingC、hearingD、speaking【答】:B判断题(共5题,共40分)11.(8分)The theme of Unit 5 is that saying something, giving the circumstances, is prforming a speech act.【答】:12.(8分)It is unimportant to know the cause for apology.【答】:13.(8分)The perlocutionary act is what we hope to achieve by doing it.【答】:14.(8分)In the western culturre, people do not name their pets or farm animals【答】:15.(8分)The world does not appear the same to these animals as it does to us.【答】:
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