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教师用书独具演示,新课导入建议 通过对学生作业的检查导入本堂新课。,演示结束,target n目标;靶;受批评的对象 First,not only target fish are caught in the net,but many other sea animals are found hanging there.(教材P23) 首先,不仅仅要捕的鱼被困在网内,许多别的海洋动物也被发现挂在网上。 My suggestion became the target of criticism. 我的建议成了批评的对象。,meet a target达到目标 set a target设定目标 aim at the target瞄准目标 hit/miss the target中/脱靶 target vt.把当做批评对象;以为攻击目标;把对准 target sth.on/at 把对准,He missed the target somehow.不知怎么地他脱靶了。 The campaign is clearly targeted at the young. 这个宣传计划是针对青年人的。,单项填空 The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct . Asolution Btarget Cmeasure Dfunction 【解析】 考查名词词义。solution“解决,解答”;target“目标;靶子”;measure“措施”;function“功能”。由句意可知A项正确。 【答案】 A,观察下列从Reading中选取的句子。体会动词ing的被动形式 1I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting,so even though I didnt have the right clothes on,I raced after him. 2As we drew closer,I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. 3Being badly wounded,the whale soon died.,4I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. 5It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James,and when we approached him,I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom. 自我总结 当动词ing形式的逻辑主语是动作的 时就要用动词ing形式的被动语态,它的常见形式是 。 【答案】 承受者;being done,复习动词ing的被动形式 一、动词ing被动形式的构成、用法,三、动词ing被动形式的否定形式在其前加not He was unhappy for not having been invited to the party.没有被邀请参加聚会,他感到很不高兴。 Not having made preparations,they failed. 因为没有准备,他们失败了。,四、动词ing的主动形式表达被动意义 1在deserve,need,require,want等词之后,总是用动词ing的主动形式表达被动意义,相当于“to be过去分词”。 The radio needs repairing. The radio needs to be repaired. 这台收音机需要修理了。,2be worth后也常跟动词ing的主动形式表达被动意义。 The book is worth reading again. The book is worthy of being read again. The book is worthy to be read again. 这本书值得再读一遍。,.单项填空 1(2013江苏高考)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins,the city took on a new look. Areducing Breduced Cbeing reduced Dhaving reduced,【解析】 句意:在遭受大地震,沦为废墟之后不久,这座城市就呈现出了新的面貌。shortly after在之后不久,引导时间状语。after在此可视为介词,后接动名词作其宾语。根据短语reduce the city to ruins(使城市沦为废墟)可知,逻辑主语the city与reduce构成被动关系,排除A、D两项;而and连接两个并列成分,根据suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins中suffering的形式,可确定答案为being reduced。 【答案】 C,2 many times,he finally understood it. ATold BTelling CHaving told DHaving been told 【解析】 句意:说过很多遍后他才理解。tell与主语之间的关系是被动和完成的关系,所以用having been done 来表示被动和完成。 【答案】 D,3I still remember to the Famen Temple and what I saw there. Ato take Bto be taken Ctaking Dbeing taken 【解析】 考查非谓语动词的用法。remember后接v.ing形式作宾语时,表示非谓语动词的动作已经发生过了;后接动词不定式作宾语时,表示动作还未发生。根据后文的saw可知此处非谓语动词的动作已经发生过,且与主语I是被动关系,所以应该使用v.ing形式的被动结构。 【答案】 D,4I saw her to write by her mother. Abeing taught Bhaving taught Cto be taught Dhaving been taught 【解析】 句意:我看见她妈妈正在教她写字。see sb.doing sth.“看见某人正在做某事”,为固定搭配;且此处是“被教”,故选A项。 【答案】 A,5Research out by several experts suggests that the oil spill in the Gulf has caused the fatal damage to the environment. Ato carry Bcarrying Cbeing carried Dhaving carried 【解析】 句意:由几位专家正在进行的研究表明海湾石油泄露已对周围环境造成了致命损害。现在分词短语的被动式being carried out在此作定语,修饰research,carry out与research为动宾关系。 【答案】 C,6 to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film. AHaving been asked BTo ask CHaving asked DTo be asked,【解析】 考查非谓语动词。句意:我那天晚上因为被要求加班而错过了一场精彩的电影。非谓语动词和逻辑主语I之间是被动关系,且所表达的动作发生在谓语动词missed之前,故应用现在分词的完成被动形式。having been asked既表被动,又表完成,在句中作原因状语;to ask表主动和目的;having asked表完成和主动;to be asked表被动和目的。故选A。 【答案】 A,7 around the Tianan men Square,the tourists from Iceland were taken to visit the Palace Museum. AShowing BHaving shown CBeing shown DHaving been shown 【解析】 句意:被领着参观了天安门广场以后,这些来自冰岛的游客又被带去参观故宫博物院。tourists与show之间为动宾关系,且show这一动作发生在take之前,故用现在分词的完成被动式。 【答案】 D,8 the programme,they have to stay there for another two weeks. ANot completing BNot completed CNot having completed DHaving not completed 【解析】 句意:由于没有完成这一项目,他们不得不再在那里待上两周的时间。分词的否定式是在分词前加not,complete这一动作发生在句子谓语动词表示的动作之前,故选C。 【答案】 C,10Shanghai is the first city in the world a highspeed Maglev train,from the city to Pudong Airport. Ato build Bto be built Cto have built Dto have been built 【解析】 句意:上海是世界上第一个建高速磁悬浮列车的城市,从上海到浦东机场。动词不定式作定语,该事已发生,故要用不定式的完成式。 【答案】 C,.用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空 1I still remember (take)to Paris when I was ten. 2 (show)around the lab,we were taken to the library. 3Afraid of (attack)by sharks,people dare not go swimming in the sea. 4The bridge (build)now will be completed in two weeks. 5The little girl was really terrified of (leave)alone in that dark house.,6What worried the child most was his (not allow)to visit his mother in the hospital. 7While were developing industry and agriculture,we must prevent the earth (pollute) 8She is busy in (do)her homework. 9 (expose)to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. 10It is fun (take)to see the Water Cube and the Birds Nest.,【答案】 1.being taken 2.Having been
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