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,3B Unit8 Were twins!,宝应县夏集镇子婴河小学 刘艳,boy,男孩,girl,女孩,Boy boy, Im a boy.,Girl girl , Im a girl.,Who is he ? 他是谁?,Lets watch and sing,a photo of my family 我家的一张照片,Lets know,aunt,姑母;姨母;婶母;舅母;伯母,开放日,Who are the children (孩子们)?,www.xkb1.com,Were twins!,Were twins!,Were twins!,Were twins!,Were twins!,Were twins.,双胞胎城的双胞胎节 双胞胎城(Twinsburg)在美国的俄亥俄州。每年8月第一个星期的头三天,这座城市都会举行双胞胎节,每到这时候,全世界有数百万的双胞胎(twins)来参加盛会。 人们都很喜欢这个节日,在聚会上,他们会开展各项活动并进行比赛。双胞胎们在这里进行交流,结交新朋友(make friends)。,?,Watch the cartoon and match.,Learning tip: 看动画时,带着问题, 仔细观察,做到眼到, 耳到,心到!,Watch the cartoon and match.,Su Yang,Su Hai,Watch the cartoon and match.,Su Yang,Su Hai,Learning tip: 我们要养成仔细观察的好习惯!,Lets listen and number:,你能根据录音内容,给这些图片排排序吗?,a,b,e,c,3,d,Learning tip: 听录音前,先仔细观察每幅图,注意人物的动作、表情,然后对谈话内容进行预测。,5,1,4,2,Listen and repeat,注意模仿语音语调哦!,Read by yourselves and choose the right answers.,(1).,H e is _ uncle. A. Yang Lings B. Mikes C. Su Yangs,She is Yang Lings _. A. mother B. aunt C. uncle,(2).,自读课文,找出正确答案。,B,B,Learning tip:在读书过程中,不会读不理解的地方,记得用笔把它标出来哦,想办法把它们弄懂哦!,Listen and repeat,特别要注意自己不会读的句子哦!,Lets read together. (齐读课文),朗读时声音要响亮,注意语音语调哦!,Read in roles 分角色朗读,注意语音语调,还要有动作和表情哦!,语音正确、声音响亮、说得流畅。,语音正确、声音响亮、说得流畅、 语调准确。,语调正确、声音响亮、说得流畅、 语调准确、动作表情到位。,Lets act,1,5,4,3,2,Lets act,小组比赛开始啦!加油!,表演时,要做到声音响亮,说得流畅,还要注意动作和表情!,寻找本节课的 “学习之星”,要求: Look at the pictures and make a dialogue with your partner with the sentences we have learnt today. 看图,选择至少一幅图,和你的同桌用今天所学句型编个对话。 下面的句子,会对你有帮助! Whos she / he? Hes / Shes. Whos that girl / boy? Shes / Hes.,1,3,2,A: Whos she / he? B: Hes / Shes. A: Whos that girl / boy? B: Shes / Hes.,Lets share,boy, girl, uncle, aunt, twin,Who is he/she ?,Hes /Shes .,同学们,今天这节课你学到了什么?一起分享吧!,单词,句子,Whos that girl ?,She is .,A good friend is my nearest relation. 良友如近亲。,Friends should love each other.,Ticking time,Homework 1.Listen and read the text 2.Talk about your family and relatives with your friend. 3.Copy the new words.(the words under the text),Thank you!,
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