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Chapter 9 income and spending 收入和支出,Mutual interaction between output and spending Autonomous spending increase output more than one for one .(multiplier effect) The size of the multiplier depends on the marginal propensity to consume and tax rates.,收入和支出具有密切的关系 自发的支出具有乘数效应 乘数效应取决于边际消费倾向和税率,Increase in government spending increase aggregate demand and therefore tax collections. But tax collections rise by less than the increase in government spending, so increased government spending increases the budget deficit.,政府支出提高了总需求和税收总额,但少于政府支出的增加额,所以财政赤字增加,9-1 总需求与均衡产出 Aggregate demand and equilibrium output,aggregate demand AD=C+I+G+NX equilibrium output Y=AD=C+I+G+NX unplanned inventory IU=Y-AD,总需求 均衡产出 非意愿存货,9-2 消费函数和总需求 The consumption function and aggregate demand,consumption function C=C+cY The marginal propensity to consume The increase in consumption per unit increase in income The marginal propensity to save,消费函数 边际消费倾向 边际储蓄倾向,消费和储蓄 consumption and saving,autonomous spending determined outside the model and specially assumed to be independent of income,自发支出自发性: 影响变量在模型之外,特别是独立于收入 主要讨论自发性投资、政府支出、税收、转移支付等,公式的推导(193): AD=C+I+G+NX,Fig9-1 The Consumption Function and Aggregate Demand,Fig9-2 Determination of Equilibrium Income and Output,the formula for equilibrium output 194页的图与公式,均衡产出的公式,Equilibrium income and output 均衡收入和产出,Given the intercept, a steeper aggregate demand function , implies a higher level of equilibrium income. For a given marginal propensity to consume, a higher level of autonomous spending implies a higher level of equilibrium income,两种情形的讨论 A不变,c越大,均衡产出越高 c固定,则A越大,均衡产出越高 结论:C越大,自发总需求越大,则均衡产出越高,saving and investment (储蓄和投资),In equilibrium, planned investment equals saving. I=S +(TA-TR-G)- NX “corn economy”-leftover corn: saved by individuals; corn leftover from government tax collections net of government spending, and any net corn imported from abroad.,在均衡条件下,意愿投资等于储蓄 两部门条件下的公式推导 四部门条件下的分析 公式的推导: 形象的比喻:“谷物经济”,9-3 the multiplier (乘数效应),The multiplier is the amount by which equilibrium output changes when autonomous aggregate demand increase by 1 unit. The multiplier is therefore potentially part of the explanation of why output fluctuates.,公式的推导(196页的公式与198页的图) 乘数的概念: 一般性概念:自发性需求增加1个单位时,总产出的变化量。 不考虑政府部门和对外贸易:1/(1-c) 讨论乘数的理由(讨论),9-13,Derivation of the Multiplier,94 the government sector 政府部门,The government directly affects the level of equilibrium income in two separate ways. Government purchases of goods and services. TR、TA affects the relation between output and income.,政府影响 均衡收入水平的两种方式: G:政府购买是总需求的一部分 TR、TA影响产出与收入、可支配收入之间的关系 公式的推导: 对图的说明(fig 9-4),equilibrium income (均衡收入),a=1/1-c(1-t) Income taxes lower the multiplier.,公式推导(200-201页) 结论:收入税的出现降低了乘数效应,effects of changes in fiscal policy财政政策变化的效应,政府购买的效应 公式推导(202) 图的说明 (fig9-5 The Effects of an Increase in Government Purchases ) 政府转移支付的效应 公式推导 图的说明 两种政策效应的比较,95 the budget (财政预算),预算盈余(budget surplus) 预算赤字(budget deficit) Fig 9-5 U.S. Government Budget Deficit as a Percent of GDP, 1901-2002,Fig 9-6 The Budget Surplus,政府购买和税收变动对预算的影响(略),increased government purchases reduce the government surplus. the increase in the tax rate increase the budget rate,公式(206) 分析 第一个猜测: 第二个猜测:,9-6 the full-employment budget surplus 完全就业的预算赢余,
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