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2 - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL DISEASES 2 - 人体生理学及工业疾病,SKIN 皮肤,Skin - The skin is the outer covering of the body, also known as the epidermis. 皮肤皮肤是身体的最外层,也称表皮。 Skin performs multiple functions: 皮肤有多种功能: Protection: an anatomical barrier from pathogens and damage between the internal and external environment in bodily defense. 保护功能:是身体防御病原体、内外环境伤害的解剖学屏障。 Sensation: contains a variety of nerve endings that react to heat, cold, touch, pressure, vibration, and tissue injury. 感觉:含有多种神经末梢,对热、冷、触觉、压力、振动和组织损伤有反应。,SKIN 皮肤,Heat regulation: the skin contains a blood supply far greater than its requirements which allows precise control of energy loss by radiation, convection and conduction. Dilated blood vessels increase perfusion and heat loss while constricted vessels greatly reduce cutaneous blood flow and conserve heat. 热调节:皮肤含有远大于需求的供血能力,能实现对辐射、对流和传 导方式造成的能量损失进行精确控制。血管扩张会增加灌注、和热损 耗,血管收缩会大大减少皮肤血流量,保存热量。 Control of evaporation: the skin provides a relatively dry and impermeable barrier to fluid loss. Loss of this function contributes to the massive fluid loss in burns. 对蒸发的控制:皮肤是避免体液流失,相对干燥且不透水的屏障。如 无该屏障,烧伤时会出现大量体液流失。 Storage and synthesis: acts as a storage center for lipids and water, as well as a means of synthesis of vitamin D. 存储和合成:是脂类和水的存储中心,是维生素D的合成工具。,SKIN 皮肤,Excretion: sweat contains urea, however its concentration is 1/130th that of urine, hence excretion by sweating is at most a secondary function to temperature regulation. 排汗:汗液中含有尿素,但其浓度是尿液中尿素的1/130,因此,皮肤排汗是仅次于温度调节的第二大作用。 Absorption: While skin acts as a barrier some chemicals are readily absorbed through it. 吸收:虽然皮肤确实起屏障作用,但某些化学物质还是很容易通过皮肤被人体吸收。 Water resistance: The skin acts as a water resistant barrier so essential nutrients arent washed out of the body. 抗水性:皮肤是防水屏障,确保体内必要营养物质不会流失。 The skin can be affected by chemical, physical and biological agents and skin disorders account for a substantial proportion of industrial diseases. The types of effect can be classified into; dermatitis, physical damage, cancer, biological and other effects. 皮肤对受化学、物理和生物因素的影响,皮肤病在职业病中所占比例也很高。其影响可以归类为:皮炎、物理性损坏、癌症、生物和其他影响。,SKIN 皮肤,毛干,汗毛孔,表皮,皮脂腺,毛囊,神经纤维,真皮,皮下组织,静脉,动脉,汗腺,SKIN 皮肤,Dermatitis 皮炎 The most common disorder is contact dermatitis and 70% of cases are due to primary irritation i.e. direct action on the skin. 最常见的疾病是接触性皮炎,70的接触性皮炎患者的病因均为原 发性刺激,如直接作用于皮肤。 The other form of contact dermatitis is allergic contact dermatitis. This results from sensitising the skin by initial contact with a substance and subsequent re-contact. 接触性皮炎的其他形式还有过敏性接触性皮炎。过敏性接触皮炎是 因皮肤与外来刺激物质后接触,又反复接触所致。,SKIN 皮肤,Dermatitis showing reddening of skin 皮炎,皮肤泛红,SKIN 皮肤,Dermatitis showing crusting and thickening of skin 皮炎,皮肤结痂和增厚,SKIN 皮肤,Allergic contact dermatitis on the face 脸上的过敏性接触皮炎,SKIN 皮肤,Physical agents which can harm the skin include weather, friction and injury. Cold, wind and rain cause dry chapped skin, and sunlight can burn or cause skin tumours, so occupations exposed to the elements (fishing, farming) are at risk. 对皮肤造成伤害的物理因素包括天气、摩擦和受伤。寒冷、大风和下雨都会造成皮肤干燥皲裂,阳光会造成皮肤晒伤,导致皮肤肿瘤,所以在上述物理因素条件下的工作(捕捞,耕种)都有皮肤病的隐患。,SKIN 皮肤,Severe sunburn and blisters on a shoulder, three days after a significant exposure to sun without sunscreen. 在阳光下直接曝晒(无防晒措施)三日后,严重晒伤,肩膀上有水泡。,SKIN 皮肤,Biological Agents - The skin can be prone to the effects of biological agents such as viral injections from animals, yeast/fungal infections when prolonged contact with water occurs and anthrax infections where animal products are handled. 生物因素皮肤很容易受到生物因素的影响,诸如动物病毒的侵入、长时间接触水后导致酵母/真菌感染、处理动物制品时的炭疽感染。,SKIN 皮肤,Cancer - Benign skin tumours and cancers can result from contact with creosote, mineral oils and ultra-violet radiation, and ionising radiation (radioisotope work, radiographers) can cause skin cancers. 癌症与木馏油、矿物油和紫外辐射接触时可能会导致出现良性皮肤肿瘤和癌症,电离辐射(涉及放射性同位素的工作、放射技师)可能会导致皮肤癌。 Exposure to ultraviolet radiation whilst working outdoors is also a common cause of skin cancer. 接触户外紫外线也是皮肤癌的常见原因之一。,SKIN 皮肤,Skin Cancers 皮肤癌,SKIN 皮肤,Other effects: 其它影响: Dirty work involving mineral oils can lead to oil acne particularly on forearms and thighs. Plugged pores becoming infected produce blackheads and pustules. Chloracne, with blackheads and cysts on the face and neck results from the effects of some polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons on sebaceous glands. 涉及矿物油的废物处理工作可能会导致出现油脂性粉刺,前臂和大腿最容易出现。受到感染后出现毛孔堵塞,随后会出现黑头和脓疱。如如氯代芳烃作用于皮脂腺腺体,可能会导致患有氯痤疮,脸部和脖子都出现黑头和囊肿。 Alterations in skin pigmentation can result from chemical contact. 接触化学品可能会导致皮肤色素沉着出现变化。 Strong alkaline and acid solutions cause burns. 与碱酸性强溶剂接触可能会导致灼伤。,THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM 肌肉骨骼系统,The musculoskeletal system provides form, stability, and movement to the human body. 肌肉骨骼系统是人体外形、稳定性和运动的基础。 It is made up of the bodys bones the skeleton, muscles, cartlidge, tendons, ligamanets, and joints. The musculoskeletal systems primary functions include supporting the body, allowing motion, and protecting vital organs. 肌肉骨骼系统由人体骨骼、骨架、肌肉、软骨、肌腱、韧带和关节组成。肌肉骨骼系统的主要功能包括支持身体、进行运动和保护重要器官。,The s
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