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,TRAINING ACADEMY,FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE MODULE “Tea” F&B SERVICE 05-12,Introduction (前言),At Hyatt Regency Dongguan we have a selection of Local and International high quality Loose Teas. 在东莞松山湖凯悦酒店,我们精选了一些 来自本地或进口的高品质的茶。 Tea Drinkers have extremely high expectations. They rate a good tea on: Quality Tea Leaf or Flower, Presentation and most importantly Flavor. 茶爱好者对茶的要求很高。他们会从茶叶和茶花的质量, 外表还有最重要是香味等方面评价茶的好坏。,wow,This forms the base for a 这一切源自,Introduction (前言),experience at Hyatt Regency Dongguan. 莅临东莞松山湖凯悦酒店的独特体验,Objective (目标),By the end of this Session, our Objective is to ensure that you have a Basic Knowledge about “ Tea”. 在本次课程的结尾,我们的目标是确保你能掌握 “茶”的基本知识。 Any Questions? 有什么问题吗?,1. What is Tea (什么是茶),Tea is made from the dried leaves of the tea plants 茶是由干的茶树叶所制成的。 Tea can be also made from herbs or other natural products (i.e fresh mint tea, fresh lemon grass tea ) 茶同样也可由香草或其它一些天然材料所制成(例如薄荷茶,柠檬茶等),2. Classification of Tea (茶的分类),There is a variety of teas: 有以下几种不同类的茶: Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 Ginger tea 姜茶 Camomile tea 甘菊茶 Lemongrass tea 柠檬草茶 Fresh Mint tea 薄荷茶 English Breakfast Tea 英式早餐茶 Earl Grey 伯爵茶,2. Classification of Tea Jasmine Tea 茶的分类茉莉花茶,Jasmine tea is an original tea leaf from the highlands of central Vietnam. 茉莉花茶是一种来自越南中高部的原始茶叶。 Its unique combination of taste is resulting from the fermentation of tea and fresh Jasmine flower 它独特地融合了茶的发酵和新鲜茉莉花的清香。,2. Classification of Tea Ginger Tea 茶的分类姜茶,Ginger tea a blend of fermented tea, delivering intense taste of fresh ginger on the palate. It is known as a tea accompanying freshest and finest seafood 姜茶是一个发酵而成的茶,带有浓郁的姜味,与鲜美的海鲜是很好的搭配。,2. Classification of Tea Camomile Tea 茶的分类甘菊茶,Camomile tea a Vietnamese traditional tea style, made of sundried camomile flower. 甘菊茶是一种传统的越南茶,它是由晒干的菊花而制成。 Widely known as a cooling body tea with a deep sunlight color appearance 它也是一种众所周知的深黄色凉茶。,2. Classification of Tea Lemongrass Tea 茶的分类柠檬草茶,Lemongrass tea made from chopped lemongrass, dried and heated with a deep sunlight color appearance 柠檬草茶是由切碎的柠檬草晒干而成,呈深黄色。,2. Classification of Tea Fresh Mint Tea 茶的分类薄荷茶,Fresh mint tea made from mint leaf delivering a taste of fresh mint 薄荷茶由新鲜的薄荷叶而制成,具有新鲜的薄荷味。,2. Classification of Tea English Breakfast Tea 茶的分类英式早餐茶,English Breakfast tea a blend of the finest Darjeelings and Assams make this a typical traditional “English” cup of tea full bodied, strong and aromatic. 由最好的大吉岭茶和阿萨姆邦茶混合而呈,是一种传统的香味浓郁的茶。,2. Classification of Tea Earl Grey Tea 茶的分类伯爵茶,Earl Grey tea Fine Assam leaf flavored with Bergamot (an aromatic Mediterranean citrus herb) oil yields a world famous Earl Grey tea with a delicate liqueur and exceptional fragrance 由上等的阿萨邦茶叶混合佛手柑(一种来自地中海的柑橘)油制成,具有意想不到的利口酒香味。,Earl Grey,Checking the Standard (检查标准),Q: What is tea made from? 茶由什么制成? Q: What is Jasmine tea? 什么是茉莉花茶? Q: What is Ginger tea? 什么是姜茶? Q: What is Camomile tea? 什么是甘菊茶? Q: What is English Breakfast Tea? 什么是英式早餐茶? Q: What is Earl Grey tea? 什么是伯爵茶?,Any Questions?,
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