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Unit 5. Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China一. 重点词汇及拓展 1.order n秩序2.principle n原则,准则3position n职位4.stress vt.强调5resign vi.辞职6.influential adj.有影响的7justice n公正8.fuel n燃料9condition n状况;条件;环境10equal adj.平等的equality n平等权 11.philosophy n哲学philosopher n哲学家12honesty n诚实honest adj.诚实的13contribution n贡献contribute v作贡献14invent vt.发明invention n发明15argument n争论;辩论argue v争论,辩论 二. 重点短语 1.Look after照顾;照料2Bring up养育,抚养3at war with与处于战争状态4be proud of为自豪5.for the first time首次,第一次6in conclusion总之7Responsible duty责任感 三. 重点句型1.But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers.但那也是一个有许多哲学家的时期。2They say (that).他们说 四. 语法 Defining attributive clauses:of whom/in which(限制性定语从句:介词关系代词引导的定语从句) 一. 重点词汇及拓展1equal adj.(能力、力气等)胜任的;(大小、数量、程度)相等的,相同的 n同等或平等的人或物vt. 与相等,等于(be equal to);比得上 (1)A equals BA is equal to BA等于B。be equal to sth./doing sth.等于,能胜任be equal with与平等equal pay for equal work同工同酬without (an) equal无人可比地 (2)equal sth.与相等equal sb. in sth.在方面与某人匹敌(3)equally adv.相等地,同样地,等分地equality n同等;平等,相等例句:Women demanded _.妇女们要求同工同酬。A pound is roughly _ 500 grams.1磅约等于500克。Bob_ the job of running the office.鲍勃的能力足以管理这个部门。None of us can _,either in beauty or as a dancer.不论是容貌还是舞技我们都比不上她。 同类辨析equal与same两者都含有“相同的”的意思。(1)equal指“在数量、大小、价值、程度等方面不存在差别的”。(2)same指“同一的”,实质上不同,但在数量、意义、外表上没有明显区别的。same前要加定冠词the。例句:One li_ half a kilometer.一华里等于半公里。They have _ problem.他们有类似的问题。 【链接训练】All the countries in the world should _ each other,though some developing countries cant equal developed ones_some sections.Abe equal to;in Bbe equal with;onCbe equal;on Dbe equal to;of 2order n次序,顺序;整齐;秩序;命令;订购vt.命令;指令;订购;点菜;安排;指导归纳拓展(1)in order of.照(依)顺序排列out of order不整齐;状况不佳;出故障的in good order井井有条;状态良好keep order维持秩序place an order for sth.订购某物give/take orders下达/接受命令in order to do./that.为了 (2)order sb.to do sth./order sth.to be done命令某人做某事/某事被做order that.命令(从句中谓语动词用should动词原形,should可以省略)order sb. sth.order sth. for sb.为某人订购例句:The doctor ordered him to take a rest for a week or two.The doctor ordered that_.医生叮嘱他休息一两周。He put his papers_ before he left.他在动身前把文件都整理好了。The phone is _.电话坏了。 【链接训练】Remember to put the books _ before leaving the room.Ain the place Bin the order Cin order Din need 3stress n重压;压力;强调,重音vt.着重,强调,重读归纳拓展(1)lay/place/put the stress on/upon.把重点放在上;在上用力;强调重要性under the stress of.为所迫;为所驱使;受到所造成的压力cause/reduce stress造成/减少压力(2)stress the importance of.强调的重要性 (3)stressful adj.产生压力的;使紧迫的a stressful job/situation/lifestyle繁重的工作/艰难的处境/紧张的生活方式stressed adj.紧张的,焦虑的(不位于名词前,且常修饰人)例句:Our parents always _ proper behavior.我们的父母一直很强调行为的得体。He_.他强调合作的重要性。 He finds his new teaching job very _.他觉得新的教学工作非常紧张。 【链接训练】Things can easily go wrong when people are under _.Astress Bweight Cload Dstrength 4resign n辞去(职务)v辞去,辞职归纳拓展(1)resign from.从辞去职务resign as sth.辞职resign ones post/position辞职resign.to.把托付给resign oneself to (doing) sth.听任(某种影响);只好(做)某事(2)resigned adj.已辞职的;已放弃的be resigned to sth./doing sth.心甘情愿resignation n辞职,辞职书;放弃,顺从hand in ones resignation递交辞呈 例句:The Minister _ office.那位部长辞职了。The team refused to resign themselves to being defeated.该队不甘心失败。 We havent yet received his _.我们尚未收到他的辞职信。 resign与retire两者都含有“退职”的意义。(1)resign表示因对工作不满意或工作上的失职而自愿或被“辞退,辞去”了职务,常与from连用。(2)retire表示因年龄大或是身体状况不允许,按国家有关规定“退休”,并享受规定补助。例句:He_ the business when he was 60.他60岁时退休了。 【链接训练】After a number of disagreements with the committee,the chairman decided to _.Aretire Bretreat Cwithdraw Dresign You must resign yourself to _ a bit longer.Await Bwaiting Cwaited Dwait for 5condition n条件,情形,环境,社会地位;(pl.)(生活或工作的)条件,环境vt.以为条件,使达到要求归纳拓展on condition that.条件是;在前提下on no condition绝不要;绝不under the conditions of.在的情况下be in good/poor condition在好/坏的状况下be out of condition身体不适be in no condition to(身体状况)不适宜be in (a) condition (to do a thing)能做、有做的条件 例句:You can go out _ you wear a coat.你要穿上外套才能出去。The ship is not _ make a long voyage.此船的现状不适宜远航。 同类辨析condition,state与situation三者都含有“情况,状况”的意思。(1)condition作“情况,情形,条件”时,常指人或物目前的情况,常用复数形式。(2)state表示“状况,情况”时,常用单数形式,与冠词连用,构成in a . state或in the state of.,指人或物在环境、外观、心灵、健康等方面的情形或状况。(3)situation常与in连用,表示“处于一种状况”。 例句:He is in a good state.他身体健康。Their living conditions were terrible.他们的生活条件很差。We are in a difficult situation.我们正处于困境。【链接训练】Ron lent me the money on _ that I pay i
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