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Dear Zoo,CC,Lets go to the animals world!,快速说出你看到的动物。,lion,snake,Do you have a pet (宠物)? Whats it like?,Challenge your memory! 记忆大挑战!,How many animals are there in the book? 书中提到了多少动物?,Dear Zoo,(送),I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me an (他们送给我一个),(很重),He was too big! I sent him back.,(我把它送回去了。),He was too big! I sent him back.,(我把它送回去了。),He was too big! I sent him back.,(我把它送回去了。),So they sent me a,(所以他们送给我一个),giraffe,(易碎轻放),He was too tall. I sent him back.,He was too tall. I sent him back.,He was too tall. I sent him back.,So they sent me a,Learning tip: They sent me a / an.,(危险),(凶猛的) He was too fierce. I sent him back.,lion,Which animal is fierce?,Which animal is fierce?,He was too fierce. I sent him back.,So they sent me a,(可怕的) He was too scary. I sent him back.,snake,He was too scary. I sent him back.,So they thought very hard.,Pair work 同桌讨论,What animal is perfect for you? Why? 对你来说,什么动物才是完美的呢?为什么?,So they thought very hard and sent me a .,puppy,perfect,I sent him back?,He was perfect. I kept him.,Challenge your memory! 记忆大挑战!,How many animals are there in the book?,Challenge your memory! 记忆大挑战!,How many animals are there in the book?,Five.,Enjoy the story.,Retell the story,(复述课文),They sent me a / an _. He was too _. / He was_. I sent him back. / I kept him.,(Pair work: choose one animal and act it out.) 同桌合作:共同选择一幅图片并一同表演出来!,They sent me a / an _. He was too _. / He was_. I sent him back. / I kept him.,Role play,elephant giraffe lion snake puppy,Dear zoo, Can you send me a pet, please? But dont send me a _, its too _. Dont send me a_,its too_. Id like a _. Its _. Thank you! _,Group work: Write a letter to the zoo.,Group work: Write a letter to the zoo.,Dear zoo, Can you send me a pet, please? But dont send me a tiger, its too fierce . Dont send me a bear ,its too scary . Id like a cat. Its perfect . Thank you! CC,You may have many friends. But for the pet, you are the only one! 你可以有很多朋友, 但是对于宠物来说,你却是唯一的!,Please take care of our pets! 请照顾好我们的宠物朋友吧!,Homework Read all the story. Design your own story book.,
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