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My Thoughts on the University Arts Festival 1. 表达你对即将举行的大学艺术节的看法;2. 对艺术节具体内容和组成部分的建议Outline:1. Universitys arts festival is an important part of campus life.1) to provide Ss with a platform to show their various talent2) to generate general interest and appreciation for arts2. Personally, I think the university should take the following factors into consideration/ account when organizing arts festival.1) variety: to hold open competitions and auditions for anyone who wants to take part in the festivals exhibitions and performances.2) fairness: to set up a joint committee of judges made up of both faculty and students, both experts in the field and novices.3) publicity: to launch publicitycampaigns to encourage Ss to take an active part in it3. Conclusion Universitys arts festival is an important part of campus life. On one hand, it provides students with a platform to show their various talents. On the other hand, it will not only increase general interest in and appreciation for the arts, but would also be a good way for our university to show its support for the arts.Personally, I think the university should take the following factors into consideration/ account when organizing arts festival. First, there should be categories for painting and sculpture; classical, folk and modem dance; and instrumental and choral groups, both large and small. Second, the judges should be joint committees made up of both faculty and Students, both experts in the field and novices. Lastly, the department concerned should launch publicitycampaigns to encourage students to appreciate and take part in, regardless of major. To sum up, a well- organized arts festival will give students a break from studies and a greater enjoyment of the arts and a fuller appreciation for what it means to be human. 写作【闪光词汇】Art feastival 艺术节 audition n. 试演Take part in 参加 exhibitions and performances 艺术展演 Appreciation n. 欣赏 remind n. 使想起Regardless of 不管 category n. 种类Sculpture n. 雕刻 instrumental group 乐队 Choral group 合唱队 committee n. 委员会Faculty n. 全体教员 novice n. 新手Enjoyment n. 享受
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