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Module 5,Unit 1 I was two then.,我会记单词,old young short long tall short big clean dirty new fat thin was were then because so hair,young 年轻的,old 老的, 年老的,thin,fat,long,short,tall,short,small,big,new,old,教学目标,学会用was,were描述过去的事情或情况 初步了解一般过去时的肯定句和否定句 情感态度与价值观:看图回忆过去,自学指导,who are they? Who is that little girl? 3.接触和掌握过去时,This is me. I was one. I was short. Now I am tall.,Who are they, Lingling?,They are my grandparents.,They were young then.,Yes ,now they are old .,Whos that little girl?,Its me .I was two then.,Your hair was so short.,Yes, now my hair is long.,Aah. You were very cute.,Yes, but I was very naughty too.,grandpa,grandma,grandparents,hair头发,long hair 长发,short hair 短发,so short 那么短,now then am/is was,I am now. I was then. He is now. He was then. They are now. They were then.,now then are were,Her hair was short then.,Now her hair is long.,He was short then.,Now he is tall.,They were small then.,Now they are big.,He then. Now he .,It then. Now it .,was young,is old,was small,is big,They then. Now they .,were short,are tall,Her hair then. Now it .,was long,is short,1. We (waswere) young then. 2. The cat is big now. But it (waswere) small then. 3.Lingling was short then. Now she is (talllong) . 4. Her hair is long now. But it was (shortold) then. 5. I (amwas) thin now. I (amwas) fat then.,Choose.,当堂训练,I two then. But I ten now. A. am, was B. was, am 2.- you short then? Yes, I was. A. Were B. Are 3. My hair was short then , but its now. A. tall B. long,当堂训练,4.They young then, but they old now. A. was, were B. were, are 5. You two then. I two ,too. A. were, was B. was, was,Thank you !,
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