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关于动物的谚语,Proverbs About Animals,a wolf in sheeps clothing,“披着羊皮的狼 ”,a black sheep,“害群之马”,a lost sheep,“迷途羔羊”,a sheep among wolves,“落入狼群”,follow like a sheep,“盲从”,return to ones sheep,“回到主题”,separate the sheep from the goats,“区别好人和坏人”,A cat in gloves catches no mice.,“带手套的猫捉不到耗子”,copy cat,“盲目的模仿”,enough to make a horse laugh,“极其可笑 让人笑掉大牙”,enough to make a cat speak,“令人惊讶 事情太出奇”,It rains cats and dogs.,“瓢泼大雨”,let the cat out of the bag,“泄露秘密”,The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream,“掩耳盗铃”,see how the cat jumps,“看风使舵, 随机应变”,- wait for the cat to jump,When the cats away, the mice will play .,“山中无老虎 猴子称霸王”,
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