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浙江大学远程教育学院会计学基础练习题姓名:学 号:年级:学习中心:(1) 、要求:列表分析每个会计科目按其经济内容属于哪一类:应收账款、应付利息、应付账款、短期借款、制造费用、银行存款、预付账款、应收利息、本年利润、实收资本、财务费用、管理费用、生产成本、累计折旧、固定资产、库存商品、利润分配、应交税费、主营业务收入、投资收益。资产类应收账款、银行存款、预付账款、应收利息、累计折旧、固定资产、库存商品负债类应付利息、应付账款、短期借款、应交税费所有者权益类本年利润、实收资本、利润分配成本类制造费用、生产成本损益类财务费用、管理费用、主营业务收入、投资收益(2) 、资料:某公司某月有关账户期初余额和本期发生额如表所示:账户名称期初余额本期增加额本期减少额原材料 应付利息 6000040000生产成本45000盈余公积主营业务收入1、 根据以上资料,开设T型账户,判定账户所属类别;2、登记每个账户的期初余额和本期发生额并计算登记期末余额。 资产类账户 原材料期初余额 本期发生额 本期发生额 期末余额 负债类账户 应付利息 期初余额 40000 60000本期发生额 40000 本期发生额 60000期末余额 成本类账户 生产成本 期初余额 45000本期发生额 本期发生额 45000期末余额 所有者权益类 盈余公积 期初余额 本期发生额 期末余额 收入类 主营业务收入 本期发生额 本期发生额 (3) 、根据所给资料中的业务判断该项交易、事项属于什么性质?应记科目是什么?应记哪一方?业务情况表序号交易、事项内容资产负债所有者权益成本损益应记会计科目应记方向借方贷方1银行存款减少银行存款2本年利润增加本年利润3管理费用减少管理费用4预收销货款增加预收账款5制造费用增加制造费用6应交税费增加应交税费7对外投资减少长期股权投资8产品销售收入增加主营业务收入9产品广告费用增加销售费用10应收账款减少应收账款11产品材料费增加生产成本12利息费用增加财务费用13未分配利润增加利润分配14应付职工薪酬减少应付职工薪酬15原材料增加原材料(四)资料:某公司有关账户的本期发生额记录如图所示。 但是对于自己的女儿,支月英却疏于照管,两个女儿对自己的妈妈说“妈妈,你是一位好老师,但是你不是一位好妈妈。”manufacturers of technical documents on the quality requirements applicable to this project. Construction quality inspection and evaluation standards issued by the national power company of the electric power construction standard for quality inspection and assessment of the 11 articles assessment inspection standards as well as other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of electric power, the State power company executive. Does not verify in the specification within the evaluation criteria, implementation design, manufacturer or . Or issue a new national standards and regulations, bidders shall comply with new norms and standards. If there are conflicts or is inconsistent, whichever is the higher standards. 3.3 3.3.1 project of responsibility, authority and communication organization and project managers, at all levels of responsibility and authority see section II of chapter III of the present tender site management organization and part of workforce planning. 3.3.2 according ISO 9001, GB/T 50430 and company quality distribution of the quality manual, combining the departments of projects, project quality function distribution allocation table on the following page of the projects quality functions shown below. 3.3.3 project with each Department interface, interface between the internal departments of the project by project managers at all levels and the quality regulations of the responsibilities and authorities of the Department. Customer requirements and hope: project management; Quality planning, management program: the projects quality control Department; Site design: Project Engineering Department; Contract: the contract budget25借方 银行存款 贷方 1) 10000 2) 8500 4) 5) 50008) 20000 9) 50000借方 库存现金 贷方6) 20000 1) 10000 7) 560 10) 800借方 物资采购 贷方 2) 18500 借方 应付账款 贷方5) 5000 2) 10000 借方 固定资产 贷方 3) 借方 实收资本 贷方 3) 借方 短期借款 贷方 4) 借方 主营业务收入 贷方 6) 20000 借方 管理费用 贷方 7) 560 借方 应交税费 贷方 9) 50000 借方 应收账款 贷方 8) 20000
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