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英语(二)自学考试 备考指南,By: 余勇,目录,一、考什么 二、考试题型 三、如何备考 四、学习方法讲解 五、做题方法讲解(真题),一、考什么?,考试要求: 1. 较系统的英语语法知识; 2. 约3800个英语单词&约750个词组; 3. 一定的英语写作能力 重点:基本词汇和语法 目的:培养阅读能力 优势:没有听力 与其他英语考试对比: 高考 约3500词汇 Pets 3 约4000词汇 CET 4 约4000词汇 CET 6 约6000词汇,TEM 4 约8000词汇 TEM8 约12000词汇 TOEFL 约8000词汇 IELTS 约8000词汇,二、考试题型,总分100,考试时长150分钟 题型如下: 阅读判断:10 阅读选择:10 概括大意,补全句子:10 填句补文:10 填词补文:15 完形补文:15 写作:30,主观题,客观题,三、如何备考,植根书本课文、多做模拟题与真题 1. 单词记忆放在具体语境中,尤其是课文;把生词记忆和课文经合,记单词是为学课文服务。 2. 通过做基础语法练习和阅读练习来巩固和加强基本词汇和常用词组的练习。 3.在考试题的练习中巩固和提高词汇的应用能力。 4.占卷面总分一半的试题所用的句子是根据教材中出现的句子编写的。其余的试题所用句子虽然不是引自教材,但他们的选择也是严格按照考试大纲的要求和教材的范围进行的。 5. 语法系统性,四、学习方法讲解,1)单词记忆 构词记忆、分类记忆、同反义记忆、阅读记忆等 构词记忆:前缀、后缀、词根、词干、合成 un- unable, unemployment, uncover re- rebuild, recycle, rewrite, review -ful beautiful, wonderful, helpful, truthful -ous dangerous, generous, courageous 扩展: create creator creation creative creatively Succeed success successful successfully,分类记忆 island 岛、岛状物 insular 海岛 peninsula 半岛 islet 小岛 快乐的,高兴的happy, joyous, blessed, pleasing, delightful 同反义记忆 accept, receive accident, event, incident problem, issue, question, matter 合成词 weekend, homesick, woman police, man-made, duty-free,坚持四个原则 多感观记忆:眼看,口读,手写,耳听,心记 联系记忆 理解记忆 复习记忆,2)语法学习 十种词性,十六种时态,两种语态,三种语气 名词 动词 形容词 副词 代词 数词,实词,介词 冠词 连词 感叹词,虚词,主动语态和被动语态 陈述语气,祈使语气,虚拟语气,3. 句子构成 简单句的五种基本句型: 并列句: And, but, yet, for, so, and so, while, whereas, or, as well as, rather than, either or, neither nor, not only but also, besides等 感叹句、祈使句,复合句 主语从句 宾语从句 同位语从句 表语从句 定语从句限制性&非限制性定语从句 状语从句时间、地点、条件、原因、让步、 方式、比较、目的、结果 另:主谓一致 倒装,名词性从句,五、解题方法讲解(真题),一、阅读判断 先看题,从第一题开始从文中找相对应的句子,如果文中有一样的,则判断是否正确,如果按顺序做下来没看到相同或相近意思的句子,则先标记出来,做完10道题后再快速浏览文章,核对有无出现。确定没有后选择答案C,表示文中没有给出。 请看下题: 1.I was unhappy with my life three years ago. A. True B. False C. Not Given P1: I remember one evening three years ago, when my life was very different. 1 was overweight. I was deeply in debt. I was a smoker. I felt hopeless and helpless. I couldnt change anything. 技巧:1. 题目中有时间,所以先确定文章中时间所在地; 2. 题目讲的是unhappy,看文章有没有相同,相近或相反的词。注意unhappy,所以也要注意文中出现not / no的地方。 hopeless 无希望的;helpless 无助的 -less,形容词尾缀,表否定。,2.I drank every day and couldnt stop it. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3.I was unable to support my family. A. True B. False C. Not Given P1: I remember one evening three years ago, when my life was very different. 1 was overweight. I was deeply in debt. I was a smoker. I felt hopeless and helpless. I couldnt change anything. P2:Then I looked up at the sky and thought what a miracle life is. And I resolved to list the good things in my life. I had a wonderful wife. 1 had five amazing children. I could see and appreciate the beauty of the world around me. The list went on, but you get the idea. Even when things seemed terrible for me, actually I was OK. 注:第二题说drank,但是通观第一和第二段都没有看见同义词,所以暂时判断为文中没提。同理第三题在前两段也未出现。,4.One evening I came to a new understanding of my life. A. True B. False C. Not Given 5.Many people value the habit of gratitude nowadays. A. True B. False C. Not Given P3: That night I resolved to be grateful for(对心存感激) what I had, and for the people in my life. I started the habit of gratitude. Now many people consider it unimportant. Im here to tell you that its very important. It changes lives. 注: 从第2段和第3段第一句中的resolved可以看到第4题答案。resolve除了表解决外,还可以表转变,正好和第4题的came to a new life相照应。 第5题,很多人可能对value这个词的名词意思很熟悉,即价值,但这里考的是熟词生义,即value做动词时可表重视。而unimportant正好表示相反的意思。 通过这两题我们可以看到,如果词汇量不够,就是再多的技巧也不一定有用。,6.Now I have a closer relationship with my wife. A. True B. False C. Not Given 7.I am now more strict with my kids. A. True B. False C. Not Given P4. Now I appreciate my wife Eva more. I feel good about having her in my life. And we have deepened our relationship. I also appreciate my kids more. Instead of criticizing them, I tend to notice their loveliness, curiosity and humor. 注:第6题的closer是一个比较级,表更亲近的,那么我们从第四段可以找到两个对应的词,一个是more,另一个是deepened,前者表更,后者是由deep引申而来的动词,表加深。 同理第7题的更严厉可以与instead of criticizing them呼应,其中instead of表转折,所以可以得出答案。,8.I like making friends with people around me. A. True B. False C. Not Given 9.I now try to see the good in others. A. True B. False C. Not Given 10.A small action doesnt work to change ones bad habit. A. True B. False C. Not Given P5. To others around me, at work and everywhere else, because instead of seeing the faults in everyone, I see the good, and am grateful for them. I need less,because instead of thinking about what I dont have, I am grateful for what I do have. Each and every moment becomes cause for gratitude, and life becomes easier. P6. Without the habit of gratitude, we tend to complain and see the bad in people and things. We cant change that at once, but you can do something. For example, you can start with a small action. Really feel the happiness that something or someone is in your life, or take a moment to make a list of the things in your life that youre thankful for.,本题总结:按顺序做题 同近义词词义辨析 _ 二:阅读选择(略),二:概括段落大意和补全句子,16. D. Impact of ancient Greek v
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