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客观 主观,客观,便利 环境 节约浪费 经济 效率 文化,分析影响,1. 便利 Convenience Sth will offer/bring about us great conveniencein/ tremendous inconvenience in many aspects of our life.,分析影响,2.节约和浪费 Save and waste It will help us save a great deal of time (and money). Sth. is nothing but a waste of our precious time.,分析影响,3. 效率 Efficiency It can enhance /decrease our work (study)efficiency greatly.,分析影响,4.环境 Environment Sth. contributes to the improvement of environment. Sth. has a detrimental impact on the environment.,分析影响,5.经济、发展、就业 Economy Culture and education Sth. contributes to/will hamper the ( )development of economy. Long-term Sustainable Rapid and sound Comprehensive,分析影响,具体内容:万能理由(二) 个人主观因素,独立 社会能力 合作,观点对比,健康 自信 产生影响,1. 独立 Independence 2. 合作 cooperation 3.自信 confidence,好的方面: It can help people foster the consciousness of independence/cooperation/ self-confidence.,坏的方面: It is unfavorable to the formation of consciousness of independence/cooperation/self-confidence.,观点对比,4. 社交能力 Social skills,观点对比,沟通能力 communication capabilit 实践能力 practical capability 适应性 adaptability,好的方面: It can help people enhance their social kills.,观点对比,坏的方面: It is not conducive to the improvement of their social skills.,5. 个人健康 Health,好的方面: Sth. contributes directly to our body health.,观点对比,坏的方面: Sth. has a detrimental effect on our body health.,6. 个人产生影响 Influence,Sth. will exert a profound(negative) influence on ones life / growth.,观点对比,
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