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,1,病理生理学,病理生理学 (Pathophysiology) 第二章 疾病概论,2,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,3,疾病的相关概念,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,疾病(disease),原始社会疾病是鬼神作怪的结果 古印度医学疾病是气、胆、痰三种“体液”的失衡 中国古代医学疾病是阴阳五行的失调 古希腊医学家Hippocrates疾病是由于来自心脏的血液、肝脏的黄胆汁、脾脏的黑胆汁和脑中的黏液四种元素的失衡所引起,4,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,5,Hippocrates (460 BC377 BC) established the fundamentals of anatomy, physiology, and pathology that served as the earliest knowledge for understanding health and disease,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,Hippocratess definition of “disease”,The disease occurred when the four humors became out of balance: Blood from the heart Yellow bile from the liver Black bile from the spleen Phlegm from the brain Parallel in Chinese “Yin and Yang”,6,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,Galen (129199, AC): introduced experimentation into the study of healing,According to Galen, the body carried three kinds of blood that contained spirits charged by various organs: the veins carried “natural spirit” from the liver the arteries, “vital spirit” from the lungs the nerves, “animal spirit” from the brain encyclopedia of anatomy and physiology,7,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,Andreas Vesalius (15141564),professor of anatomy and surgery at Padua, Italy. His published work, On the Structure of the Human Body, showing how the parts of the body looked and worked, set a new standard for the understanding of human anatomy,8,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,William Harvey (15781657),the English physician and physiologist, who in his book, On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals (1628), provided a physiologic framework for the circulation of blood,9,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,William Harveys most eminent patient, King Charles I, and the future King Charles II look on as Harvey displays a dissected deer heart,10,The first vaccination(1796). Edward Jenner (17491823) conducted the first vaccination by injecting the fluid from a dairymaids cowpox lesion into a young boys arm. The boy developed cowpox but not smallpox,The 19th century was a time of major discoveries that paved the way for understanding infectious diseases,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,In the 19th century,Joseph Lister: concluded that microbes caused wound infections Robert Koch, who discovered the anthrax bacillus Louis Pasteur, who developed the technique of pasteurization Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered X rays,11,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,Florence Nightingale caring for wounded during the Crimean War (1854-1856),12,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,In the 20th century,In 1910, Paul Ehrlich introduced chemotherapy (arsenic compound Salvarsan against syphilis) In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic,13,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,In the 20th century,In 1922, discovery of insulin by Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best In 1953, development of the polio vaccine by Jonas Salk In 1967, John Gibbon created the heart-lung machine,14,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,In the 20th century,Charles Darwins (18091882) evolutionary theories about inherited traits Gregor Mendels (18221884) theories on the segregation of traits, which laid the groundwork for establishing the chromosome as the structural unit of heredity,15,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,In the 20th century,In the early 1950s, geneticist James Watson of the United States and British biophysicists Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins presented their findings on the double-helical structure of DNA The substantial mapping of the human genome that has taken place,16,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,疾病(disease),现代疾病是在一定病因作用下,机体内稳态调节紊乱而导致的异常生命活动过程。 损伤与抗损伤,17,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,疾病(disease),病理过程(pathological process) 许多疾病中共存的成套病变 如:炎症、发热、缺氧、休克、心衰、呼衰等 疾病由病理过程组成 如:出血热由凝血障碍、发热、休克、肾功衰等组成,18,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,健 康,健康是心身健康的总称,它有赖于内外环境的协调与平衡 The definition from WHO (1948): As a “state of complete well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” 健康不仅是没有疾病,而是躯体上、精神上和社会适应上的一种完好状态,19,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,亚健康状态(sub-health),指介于健康与疾病之间的一种生理功能低下状态(75%的人群处于亚健康状态) 躯体性亚健康状态 心理性亚健康状态 人际交往性亚健康状态 引起亚健康的原因复杂积极、健康的生活、工作和思维方式,可使亚健康可向健康转化,20,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,21,病因学,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,病因学(etiology),病因学研究疾病发生的原因与条件 病因 条件,22,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,病因(cause) 引起疾病,赋予其特异性或决定疾病的性质,生物因素病原微生物和寄生虫,特点是有一定的入侵门户和定位;病原体和机体相互作用 理化因素 营养因素 (过剩或不足或搭配不当) 遗传因素(基因突变、染色体异常) 先天因素(损害正常胎儿发育的因素) 免疫因素(超敏反应、免疫缺陷病、自身免疫性病) 精神、心理和社会因素,23,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,条件(condition),条件:促进/阻止疾病发生发展,不能决定疾病特异性 诱因(precipitating factor) 危险因素(risk factor),24,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,25,发病学,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,发病学(pathogenesis),研究疾病发生、发展过程中的一般规律和共同机制,26,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,疾病发生、发展的一般规律,损伤与抗损伤 因果交替 局部和整体相互作用,27,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,损伤与抗损伤 无严格界限、矛盾的两个方面动态变化过程,28,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,因果交替,29,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,30,人民卫生出版社 病理生理学,因果交替举例,局部和整体关系举例,局部影响整体 毛囊炎可引起局部充血、水肿等炎性反应 白细胞升高、发热、寒颤等
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