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2012年5月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集Contents2012.05.26A South African cartoon: No joke 绝非玩笑12012.05.26Once in a lifetime 一生一次22012.05.26Homeric wisdom荷马式智慧62012.05.26Bangladeshs toxic politics 毒雾弥漫的孟加拉国政治72012.05.26The feelings mutual 共同的感觉102012.05.26Pedalling prosperity 中国经济:一路骑行,繁华似锦132012.05.26Triassic lark 嬉戏三叠纪182012.05.26Azerbaijan and Eurovision 阿塞拜疆与欧洲歌唱大赛192012.05.26Collateral management: Security services 资产抵押业务222012.05.26Everybody was kung fu fighting 人人都有功夫242012.05.19World,here we come 世界,该我们大展拳脚了262012.05.21Foreigners in China 外国人在中国302012.05.19The big engine that couldnt 力不从心的大引擎342012.05.19Duelling the duopolies商用飞机:与垄断二强一较高下432012.05.19County jails: Worst case 加州郡级监狱糟糕透顶452012.05.18JP Morgan & Spain: Confidence game 摩根大通和西班牙痛苦462012.05.15TRANSLATOR IN THE SPOTLIGHT 聚光灯下的译者482012.05.12Aviation in China:Soaring ambition 凌云壮志492012.05.12The euro crisis希腊很可能退出欧元区502012.05.12Amarillo Slim 悼一代赌侠522012.05.12The economy: Unequal pain 美国经济不平等的痛542012.05.12Something to watch over us 注视着地球的天眼562012.05.12Graphene shows its colours 石墨烯露出真容582012.05.12Turning a line 化学元素周期表将出现新的一行602012.05.12Luxury goods in China: Riding the gilded tiger 中国奢侈品.632012.05.05Postal Service: Waiting for deliverance 美国邮政企盼改革642012.05.05That day that changed everything 改变一切的日子662012.05.05Chinese carmakers 中国汽车制造商:初级阶段692012.05.05A tilted playing field 现任总统在大选中的优势732012.05.05Private space flight: Star truck 民营航天时代即将来临762012.05.05Going for growth, but how? 到底如何实现增长?782012.05.05Paying what you want: Conscience v commerce 当良心遭遇私利812012.05.05Keep on truckin驾剑长飞八亿里,遥看银河九重天832012.05.05Nuclear-powered crops 经过核改造的农作物86882012.05.26A South African cartoon: No joke 绝非玩笑【导读】:一幅南非总统祖玛的肖像画在约翰内斯堡美术馆展出,由于画中祖玛的私处暴露,该画疯传,引发总统支持者的强烈抗议。A South African cartoon 引发南非举国关注的一幅讽刺画No joke 绝非玩笑A cartoon of President Jacob Zuma has provoked a storm of outrage关于南非总统雅克比祖玛的一幅讽刺画引发强烈不满May 26th 2012 | CAPE TOWN | from the print editionHARDLY anyone would have heard about Brett Murrays satirical portrait of South Africas president, Jacob Zuma, had the ruling African National Congress (ANC) not put out a statement on May 17th expressing its “outrage” over the “disgusting” depiction of its revered leader and demanding its immediate removal from the Johannesburg gallery where it was hung and from the website of the only newspaper that had noticed it. When both refused, the party promptly applied for a high-court order to force them to do so.南非执政党非洲国民大会(ANC)在5月17日发表了一份声明称,约翰内斯堡美术馆展出的一幅“恶心”的肖像画丑化了他们备受尊敬的领导人,对此他们表示“极度愤慨”并要求美术馆马上撤下这幅画。在声明中他们还要求唯一一家报道该事件的报纸把肖像画从网站上立即撤下。要不是这份声明,几乎没人会知道到布雷特穆雷(Brett Murray)所作的关于南非总统雅克比祖玛的这幅讽刺画。当上述要求遭到美术馆及报纸的拒绝之后,非洲国民大会随即向高等法院提出申请,要求法院下令强制执行。This, of course, sent thousands of South Africans rushing to the internet to see what the fuss was about. There they found a cartoon of a fully clothed, bespectacled Mr Zuma, virtually unrecognisable save for the characteristic bump at the back of his shaven head, in a heroic Leninesque pose, but with his genitals hanging out of his trousers. Soon every newspaper in the land was carrying the portrait, entitled “The Spear”. It promptly went viral, even earning its own page on Wikipedia.正是这份声明引得成千上万名南非民众争相上网一探究竟。他们看到一幅肖像画,画中人物衣着整齐,戴着一副眼镜,摆出一幅列宁式的英雄站姿,但生殖器却露在了裤子外面。要不是他标志性的后脑勺,几乎认不出来画中人物就是总统祖玛。不久,全国所有的报纸都刊登了这幅名为矛的讽刺画。这幅画很快便传疯了,甚至在维基百科上都出现了专属词条。In his affidavit, Mr Zuma, who has four wives, two ex-wives and some 22 children, argued that the painting constituted a grave violation of his constitutional right to dignity “as it depicts me with my private parts showing”. He felt “offended and violated”, as it suggested he was a “philanderer, a womaniseran abuser of power”. It also, he said, tarnished the ANCs image as a liberation movement.总统祖玛除了两位前任配偶之外,现在有四个妻子,大概22个子女。他在书面陈述中称,这幅画严重侵害了他受宪法保护的人格权,“因为在画中我的私处露在了外面”。他觉得 “被冒犯,而且权利受到侵害”,因为这幅画暗示他是一个“玩弄女性、花心及滥用职权的人”。他还说这幅画玷污了非洲国民大会作为解放运动组织的形象。The work, said Gwede Mantashe, the ANCs secretary-general, was racist, suggesting that “black people were objects and inferior to whites.” Zwelinzima Vavi, leader of the main trade union federation, said it could “only be the work of a very sick mind, full of hatred.” No white leader, they said, would ever be portrayed like that. (In fact Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Stephen Harper, Canadas prime minister, haveamong othersbeen depicted naked in abusive cartoons.)南非国民大会总书记格维德曼德谢(Gwede Mantashe)称这幅画带有种族主义色彩,因为它暗示 “黑人只是被嘲笑的对象,而且低白人一等”。总工会常务秘书长瓦维(Zwelinzima Vavi)称可能“只有神智不清、脑中充满仇恨的人才能画出这种东西”。他们说白人领导从来不会被刻画成那种形象。(实际上,包括比尔克林顿、乔治W布什及加拿大总理史蒂芬哈伯在内的一些白人领导人,他们都有过一丝不挂地出现在侮辱性漫画中的类似遭遇。)On May 22nd the Zuma painting was all but destroyed with red and black paint by two enraged supporters of the president. One of South Africas biggest churches, the Nazareth Baptist Church, has called for Mr Murray, a well-known
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