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www.12y.org 留学生活网 专业提供留学生essay写作服务美国history Comprehensive essay questionsComprehensive essay questions综合论文问题1. In lecture, medieval culture was associated with three different social contexts (or “sites”): (1) the Church, (2) royal and noble courts, and (3) cities. Which two of these sites of culture is, and how does Dante bridge the gaps between them? 在讲座中,中世纪文化与三种不同的社会背景(或“地点”)相关联:(1)教会,(2)皇家和贵族法院,以及(3)城市。这些文化遗址中有哪两个,以及丹特如何弥合它们之间的差距?Dantes Inferno associated with royal and noble courts, and cities. Dante thought that those who can enter Inferno are the soul with sins while living and can be forgiven by punishment. Dante described the major seven deadly sins in Inferno, Dante took this to criticize and respond to some of the major problems in social and cultural fields at the time, Dante condemned the church for interference of secular politics, undermining Italian unification, he also critiqued the greed, arrogance and corruption of monk class. Dante described how he washed away the sins in Inferno to reach the ground paradise, with this, Dante emphasized the importance of faith and reason, he affirmed that the God is the supreme master, at the same time, he stressed the importance of human reason and free will, showing the emergence of ideas of humanism. Dante was through criticism of religious culture and inheritance of religious world under the background of royal and noble courts, as well as enlightenment of humanism under the background of cities to bridge the gaps between them.但丁的地狱与王室和贵族宫廷以及城市有关。但丁认为那些可以进入地狱的人是生活中有罪的灵魂,可以通过惩罚得到赦免。但丁描述了Inferno的七大致命罪,Dante当时批评并回应当时社会和文化领域的一些主要问题,Dante谴责教会干涉世俗政治,破坏意大利统一,他还批评了僧侣阶级的贪婪,傲慢和腐败。但丁描述了他如何冲走Inferno的罪孽到达地面天堂,由此,但丁强调了信仰和理性的重要性,他肯定上帝是至高无上的主人,同时,他强调了人类理性的重要性和自由意志,表现出人文主义思想的出现。但丁在皇室和贵族法院的背景下,通过批判宗教文化和宗教世界的继承,以及在城市背景下人文主义的启蒙来弥合它们之间的差距。2. Consider Dantes Inferno and Erasmuss Prais as representative texts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, respectively. What are the major differences between the authors worldviews? How do the differences reflect broader changes that occurred in the Renaissance? Did everyone in sixteenth-century Europe share Erasmuss worldview? 将Dante的Inferno和Erasmus的Prais分别视为中世纪和文艺复兴时期的代表性文本。作者的世界观有哪些主要区别?这些差异如何反映文艺复兴时期发生的更广泛的变化?十六世纪欧洲的每个人都分享伊拉斯谟的世界观吗?The main difference between Dantes Inferno and Erasmuss Prais lies in that Dante thought that faith is above reason, he confirmed that God is certainly the highest domination, he identified rational asceticism. Erasmus figured that reason is above faith, Erasmus upheld human free will and free development of personality, thinking that we should respect human instinct activity and oppose to asceticism. Dantes Inferno allowed a large number of Greek classical works and excellent thought to be further spread and developed, and Erasmuss Prais laid the ideological foundation for the later religious reform. In 16th century, not everyone in Europe shared Erasmuss worldview. For instance, Martin Luther believed that free will itself belongs to the title and proper noun of God, human should not use this sacred title. The Erasmus believed that free will belong to human-specific terms.3. How does Martin Luthers view of Gods justice and mercy compare to Dantes? (Hint: think about divine wrath and grace, and about the relationship between faith, good works, and justification for each of them.) What does the difference imply about the differences between Protestant and Catholic views on justification? Dantes view shows that people have to be redeemed by virtue of the grace of God and the Son from sin, people must get Gods grace and redemption by good works. Martin Luther emphasized justification by faith that as long as people believe in God, God can call them righteous man, so believers are no longer sinners. People get Gods salvation because of faith rather than the so-called good works and holy work. Catholic view on justification implies that justification is entirely Gods grace, which can not be acquired by faith alone, and it includes the following steps and actions: to be baptized to wash away the original sin from the soul to pour into Christs justification, those to be baptized must be cooperated with Christian love, including redemption for crime after being baptized: confession, contrition, receiving absolution continuing to do good works. Protestant views on justification imply that sinners are salvaged by God-given faith alone and it is totally out of Gods grace. Therefore Protestant advocates simplifying ritual and watering down or even abolishing the differences between clergy and laity.4. Martin Luthers view of human nature has been characterized as “pessimistic.” Explain this characterization and compare it with Erasmuss view of human nature, as expressed in The Praise of Folly. Why would justification by faith be attractive to someone who held such a view of human nature? Martin Luthers view of human nature says that peoples original
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