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跨文化交际03-0001贵州电大-形成性考核 课程号:5205775 试卷满分答案 试卷总分:100单项选择(共8题,共40分)1.(5分)He is always shooting his mouth off about how many VIPs he knows.A、boastingB、imagingC、telling lies aboutD、denying正确的选项是:A2.(5分)Some psychologists argue there are six basic emotions. They are surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness and_.A、confusionB、boredomC、sadnessD、shyness正确的选项是:C3.(5分)A:Wow! Carl has done some really amazing things!B:Dont believe everything he tells you. He was probably pulling your leg.A、teasing youB、cheering you upC、ridiculing youD、dragging your leg正确的选项是:A4.(5分)She is always hiding her light under a bushel when it comes to giving us her ideas.A、keeping ideas to herselfB、leaving the office with her ideasC、telling everyone her bright ideasD、agreeing with others ideas正确的选项是:A5.(5分)Which idiom or saying below shows peoples positive attitude towards dogs?A、A jolly dog.B、He worked like a dog.C、Lead a dogs life.D、Treat someone like a dog.正确的选项是:A6.(5分)In a Western meal, you re offered a second helping, but you have already had enough. What would you say?A、No, thanks, I dont like itB、.No, I dont want any.C、No, Im terribly full.D、That is delicious, but Ive already had plenty, thanks.正确的选项是:D7.(5分)Im mot surprised at the downfall of the President because of the promises he made before he came into office turned out to be plans that are unlikely to be fulfilled.A、Dutch courageB、a piece of cakeC、the salt of the earthD、castles in the air正确的选项是:D8.(5分)Ill have to start earlier the next time. This time I only finished by the skin of my teeth.A、finished it unsuccessfullyB、finished with my mouth shutC、barely succeeded in finishing itD、rarely shut my mouth when finishing it正确的选项是:C判断题(共6题,共30分)9.(5分)In China, when offering or accepting , both hands are used to show respect正确的选项是:10.(5分)English writing pays a lot of attention to unity and coherence.正确的选项是:11.(5分)British people apologize to their friends over things like asking for help in some small matter or telephoning late at night.正确的选项是:12.(5分)In China the most important relationship in the family is that between parents and son.正确的选项是:13.(5分)Communicating with one another, British practice demands (expects) eye contact, though not have to be constant.正确的选项是:14.(5分)To look at somebody while listening is not a sign of showing respect in China.正确的选项是:案例分析(共1题,共10分)15.(10分)I have an American friend. I have invited him several times, and at long last he invited me to his home one day. He told me to get there at 3 pm. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. I gave him a Chinese calendar, a womans scarf and a bottle of Chinese white wine.He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and a bottle of wine.After two hours chat,I found there was no hint of a meal and said good-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year.After I got home,I found the box had already been opened.I was very surprised答: (限500字) 1) In China, a visit to home always includes a meal. And the guest always brings a relatively rich present to the host.And the present should be well wrapped or untouched.2) In the west, a visit to home only means a meeting, not necessarily including a meal. And the present is treated not as importantly as it is in China.3) I acted in a way that was based on Chinese customs, so I felt the American way was very interesting (unusual) .写作(共1题,共20分)16.(20分)Write a short piece on the topic:Different ways of building up relationships with friends答: (限500字) Building up a close bond with friends is important in all cultures. But different cultures have different ways of socializing.The Chinese love going to restaurants. Family, friends and colleagues all go out to eat as a way of relaxing. So Chinese restaurants are much louder and noisier places compared with those in the Western world.Although British people do social activities by going out for dinner, most people meet in pubs. They go there in the evening and sometimes during the day. Most people order wine or beer.While the meeting place is different from culture to culture. Essentially they serve the same purpose, which is that humans need a place to come together to meet,said Aidan Saunders, a professor of social history at the University College London. We are sociable animals.People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.
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