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1、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 In the digital age,copying someone elses words is easy,but getting caught copying is even easier. When Melania Trump recently spoke at the Republican convention, she used some of the same words that Michelle Obama had used at the Democratic convention in 2008. Within hours, news spread around the world with the claim that Melania Trump had plagiarized Michelle Obamas speech. Students and teachers at universities in the U. S.and elsewhere were shocked. What is plagiarism? That person could also be called a literary thief or a plagiarist. Why is plagiarism a serious problem? Its our own worst fear, to have that thing that we created stolen from us, and its the same as our words. That thing that we created is essential to who we are.Academics are especially aware of the nature of plagiarism because their work is essentially the creation of ideas and putting them into words. One of the possible punishments for plagiarism at U. S.universities is dismissal from the school. Students may fail a course or be given a letter of censure(谴责)that stays on their school record, Professors or researchers who plagiarize may damage or end their careers. Plagiarism is easy to find Before the digital age we live in, plagiarizing was harder. You had to write out the words you copied. But now anything can be copied and pasted. In the past, teachers would have to work hard to prove that work was copied. The plagiarism checking software programs used by many students and universities include Turnitin, Grammarly, Duplichecker, and Ithenticate. Nobody is going to get away with it.A. How to avoid plagiarismB. Consequences of plagiarismC. Stealing our words is as serious as if stealing our child.D. Nowadays,some software programs will help you avoid plagiarismE. Plagiarism is to copy someone elses written work without giving them credit.F. But nowadays, all you have to do is run a paper through a plagiarism detection software.G. They learn from their early years in school that copying another writers words is wrong.2、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多途选项。Kids and food: advice for parents It is important for parents to know how to help their kids eat healthy. Here are a few easy ways. Parents control the supply lines. _Though kids may keep asking for less nutritious foods, parents should decide which foods are regularly provided in the house. Kids wont go hungry. Theyll eat whats available in the fridge at home. Say goodbye to “clean-plate club”. _Lots of parents grew up under the clean-plate rule, but that way doesnt help kids listen to their own bodies when they are full. When kids feel full, theyre likely to overeat. _ Food preferences are developed early in life, so try to offer different kinds of food. Likes and dislikes begin forming even when kids are babies. Parents may need to serve a new food on several different occasions(时机) for a child to accept it. Food is not love.Find better ways to say “I love you.” When foods are used to reward kids and show love, they may start to turn to food when feeling worried or unhappy._ Kids do as you do._When trying to teach good eating habits, try to set the best example. Choose nutritious food, eat at the table, and dont forget breakfast.A. Start them young.B. Rewrite the kids menu.C. Be a role model and eat healthy yourself.D. Offer praise and attention instead of food treats.E. Let kids stop eating when they feel theyve had enough.F. You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them.G. Let kids choose what to eat and how much of it they want.3、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Mustangs The image of horses running free across the plains is a popular symbol of the American West. However, mustangs are not native to the United States, they are descendants (后代) of Spanish horses._Before the Spanish arrived, horses had been extinct (灭绝的) in the New World for about 12,000 years. _The word comes from the Spanish word mesteo, meaning “wild.” Mustangs are medium-sized horses. They measure around 56 inches to 60 inches (140 to 150 centimeters). They weigh around 800 pounds (360 kg). These horses escaped from the Spanish soldiers. And they were also used by native people to fight against the Spanish army. _Most of the mustangs that run free across the plains today are of mixed ancestry. By the end of the 19th century, about two million mustangs ran across the countryside. Farmers began to complain. _The mustang population decreased as farmers drove the horses away from the plains. Then, private conservation efforts to protect the mustangs began as early as 1925. By 1970, fewer than 17,000 mustangs were left. _
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