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Unit 4【学习目标】1.学习掌握单词,词汇,短语并灵活运用.2.谈论自己遇到的问题和困难。3.学习帮助别人,并提出合理的建议。【预习合作探究】1. Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening? 今天晚上你为什么不早点睡觉呢?(P25 1c) Why dont you ? 句型的用法Why dont you do sth 相当于Why not do sth? 意为“(你)为什么不做某事呢?”表示建议对方做某事。肯定回答:OK! / All right./ Great idea. / Yes, I think so .否定回答: Sorry, I / Im afraid not.例如: Why dont you go shopping / take a vacation ? = Why not go shopping / take a vacation ? (你)为什么不去购物 / 度假呢 ?练习: -Look! Its raining heavily ! _take a raincoat with you ? - Well, I will take one right now. A. Why not B. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Would you like 2. Im not good at writing letters. 我不擅长写信。 (P26 2b)be good at 的用法。be good at意思为“擅长”,后面接名词或动名词做宾语。例如: Helen is good at English / playing basketball. Helen 擅长英语/ 打篮球。辨析 : be good to , be good with , be good for. (1) be good to意为“对友好”My friends are good to me when I was ill. (2) be good with 意为“与相处的好” He is very good with the children. (3) be good for 意为“对有好处/有益”Eating more vegetables is good for your health.练习: (1)English id my favorite subject, and Im good _ it. A. for B. to C. at D. of (2)我擅长下象棋。I _ _ playing chess. (3) 水果对我们的健康有好处。 Fruit_ our health.3. Well, you should call him so that you can say youre sorry. 哦,你应该给他打电话,这样你就可以对他说对不起。 (P26 2c)本句中so that 引导的“you can say youre sorry”是目的状语从句。so that 的用法so that 意为“以便,以至于”,引导目的状语从句,此时可与in order that 换用;从句中常含有情态动词 may, can/could, should, would 等I spend more time learning English every day so that(= in order that) I can make greater progress this year.今年为了取得更大的进步,我每天花费更多的时间学英语。(扩展)so that 意为“因此,所以”时,还可引导结果状语从句,此时不能与in order that 换用,主从句之间可以用逗号隔开。She didnt planned her time well, so that she didnt finish her homework on time.她没有把时间计划好,所以没能按时完成家庭作业。练习:The teacher asked me to read aloud _ all the students could hear me. A. in order to B. for C. because D. so that 4. Well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. 嗯,昨天我发现我妹妹在翻我的东西。(P26 2d) (要点一) find sb doing sth 的用法find sb doing sth 表示“发现某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在进行,doing sth 作宾语补足语find sb do sth 表示“发现某人做了某事”,是发现某人做某事的全过程。例如: I find the girls dancing under the tree. (正在树下跳舞) The teacher found Nancy reading English when she came in.(正在读英语) I found him leave. (我发现离开了) 练习: I found some children _ (play) in the park when I went outside. He found a girl _ (go) into the classroom just now.(要点二) look through 的用法 look through 意为“翻阅,浏览”,为固定搭配 例句: I looked through my drawer, but I could not find my keys. (我翻看了我的抽屉,但是没有找到我的钥匙) I usually look through newspapers after supper. (晚饭后我常常浏览一下报纸)归纳总结: 与look相关的短语 look around 环顾四周 look after 照顾,照料 look at 看,注视 look back 回顾,回想look down upon 看不起,瞧不起 look for 寻找 look forward to 期望,盼望look like 看起来像 look out 注意,当心 look up 查阅,查找 【形成性检测】一汉译英:1. 去睡觉_ 2. Get into a fight_3. 擅长_ 4. 给某人打电话_5. 闲逛_ 6.Look through_二:单项选择:( )1. Im going to take a vacation. Could you please _me _some information about interesting places to travel? A. offer, to B. offer, for C. provide, with D. provide, for( )2. Few people think about what they can do _others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped( )3.Mr. Black asks the kids _ in the river, because its too dangerous.A. swimB.to swim C. not to swim D. swims( )4.Thank you for your help, Linda. You made _ possible for us to finish the work in time. A. this B. it C. them D. that( )5. Could you please_ the piano so loudly? Your brother is having a rest now. A. not to play B. not play C. dont play D. to not play( )6.Could I watch TV? -No, you _. You _finish your homework first. A. cant, must B. cant, can C. couldnt, must D. couldnt, can( )7.Mary will make a plan as soon as she _her homework. A. finishes B. finish C. will finish D. Finished( )8.His father doesnt allow him swimming alone.A.goes B.to go C.going D.go( )9.Whats with you? A.wrong B.the wrong C.matter D.up( )10. give him a watch? A.What about B.Lets C.Why dontD.Why dont you( )11.You could save some money you can buy a gift for your mother. A.in order toB.becauseC.soD.so that( )12.I think the result must him very much. A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprises( )13. he is very poor, he feels very happy.A.Although;butB.Although;/ C.Because;so D.Because;/( )14.He has two sons. They are Ji
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