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Reading and Language Activities,Part II,Book 1-Unit 8,Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work,Reading and Language Activities,Book 1-Unit 8,Return to Menu,Most of the following words can be used to describe a smile. Do you know differences between these kinds of smile?,attractive instinctive artificial wry pleasurable genuine forced incomprehensible,Pre-reading Task,Book 1-Unit 8,attractive smile instinctive smile artificial smile pleasurable smile genuine smile forced smile incomprehensible smile wry smile,漂亮的(诱人的,有吸引力的)微笑,直率,真诚的(本能的)微笑,装出来的,虚假的微笑,令人高兴的微笑,真诚的微笑,天真无邪的微笑,强作的微笑,苦笑,令人难以琢磨的微笑,难解的笑,(英国人特有的表示幽默,冷嘲,乐趣,厌恶等感情时将嘴角作微微翘起状的)狡黠的微笑;面部扭曲的微笑,Book 1-Unit 8,Explain the meanings of following adjectives, describing the word smile.,instinctive smile,forced smile,artificial smile,pleasurable smile,incomprehensible smile,genuine smile,guffaw,giggle,chuckle,titter,sneer,smirk,grin,wry smile,attractive smile,Book 1-Unit 8,Book 1-Unit 8,Talk about times when you have experienced different kinds of smile.,Did you ever see a genuine smile? My nephew always gives me a genuine smile when I go home. How would you feel if someone gave you an artificial smile? I would feel embarrassed because I wouldnt have known if I had made a mistake.,Adjectives that can be used for talking about ones feelings about smiling: safe warm cold uneasy happy joyful awful unhappy glad sick relaxed nervous comfortable pleasant tense unpleasant,beam smile laugh guffaw grin giggle chuckle titter sneer smirk attractive smile instinctive smile artificial smile pleasurable smile genuine smile forced smile incomprehensible smile wry smile,Different Kinds of Smile,Book 1-Unit 8,Comprehension Work,Text Organization Questions for Discussion Difficult Sentences Story Reproduction Activity,Book 1-Unit 8,Book 1-Unit 8,Text Organization,The first two paragraphs,The following four paragraphs,The last paragraph,recognition of function of smiling,the message behind the smile,biological function of smiling,type of social behavior,different meaning of a smile because of different cultures, ages and sexes,Questions for Discussion,What is the biological function of smiling? Why is smiling considered a type of social behaviour? Does a smile mean the same thing in different cultures? What are the examples given by the author? How do men and women differ in smiling? Why did some Americans organize social skills programs for children who seldom show their emotions?,Book 1-Unit 8,What is the biological function of smiling? Why is smiling considered a type of social behaviour?,Babies start to smile as early as three weeks old. unlikely to be picked up from parents a survival mechanism,Some smiles are true; others may not be, such as artificial smiles. A smile becomes a conversational signal.,Book 1-Unit 8,3. Does a smile mean the same thing in different cultures? What are the examples given by the author?, No. (a typical British “wry smile” and Japanese facial expressions ),Note a typical British “wry smile”: A wry smile is a smile you do when you find a situation slightly amusing because you know more than other people or you can see how ironic it is.,Book 1-Unit 8,How do men and women differ in smiling?, different tendencies for men and women concerning smilingwomen smile more than men in social settings Note: Some people believe that women tend to smile more because of their innate social qualities and abilities, while men smile less because they are less comfortable in social settings. smiling mensocial people smiling womenfeminine characteristic,Book 1-Unit 8,5. Why did some Americans organize social skills programs for children who seldom show their emotions?,Serious children tend to be less approachable and unpopular. People who smile appear more attractive than those who are stern and stony. The training program may help build up their self-confidence and encourage them to become comfortable while interacting with others.,Book 1-Unit 8,Pre-reading Task,instinctive adj.本能的;直觉的;天生的 Its an absolutely instinctive reaction if a child falls you pick it up. n. instinction,Pre-reading Task,artificial adj.人造的, 人工的, 虚假的,人为的 He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means. artificial intelligence 人工智能 artificial leather 人造革,Pre-reading Task,wry adj. 歪斜的,扭歪的;歪曲的 v. 扭曲;扭歪 wry face 面瘫 genuine adj.真正的; 坦率的,真诚的 genuine leather 真皮 genuine gold 纯金,赤金,Pre-reading Task,forced adj. 被迫的;强迫的;不自然的 She called him darling. It sounded so forced. force sb (not) to do sth,Pre-reading Task,incomprehensible adj.难以理解的,难懂的; 莫测高深的 Her speech was almost incomprehensible. comprehend vt.理解,领会; 包含 I did not comprehend his meaning. n. comprehension adj. comhrehensible comprehensive adj.广泛的,综合的,全棉的,Paragraph 1,fake vt.伪造; 篡改 n.骗子; 冒牌货,赝品 adj.假的,冒充的 It is filled with famous works of art, and ever
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