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七年级人教版(上)英语教学课件,语法焦点 与同步作文指导,七年级英语(上)人教版,语法焦点,(一)序数词的构成及用法,序数词是表示顺序为“第几”的词,其构成规则如下: 1.第一(first);第二(second);第三(third)单独成词。 2.请牢记以下口诀: 1st,2nd,3rd,( first,second,third);往4以后的基数词变序数词加-th,(fourth); 遇5和12变ve为f加-th,(five-fifth; twelve-twelfth);遇8直接加-h,(eighth); 遇9去e加-th,(ninth);整十的基数词(除10以外)变y为ie加-th, (twenty-twentieth); 3.多位数只将个位变为序数词,其他数位不变。 4.序数词的前面要加定冠词the,但序数词前有物主代词、指示代词等修饰时,则不必再用the。,语法焦点,(二)名词所有格的构成,名词所有格是指在某一名词后的右上角写上“”加上s,表示“的”这一结构形式。如Toms:汤姆的;my fathers:我爸爸的。其构成分两种情况: 1.一般单数名词,或不以“s”或“es”结尾的复数名词,构成所有格时,在单词后写“”加s构成。 eg: JimJims; Mr. WuMr Wus; childrenchildrens; menmens. 2.如果是以“s”或“es”结尾的复数名词构成所有格时,在后面写上“”即可。 eg: teachersteachers;studentsstudents. 3.表示共同所有时,只需将后一个名词变为所有格;表示各自所有时,每一个名词都变为所有格。 eg: Lucy and Lilys room; Jacks and Mikes bags,一、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.When is (David) birthday? Its on May (twenty-five). 2.My father has (twelfth)T-shirts. 3.The (seven) month is July. 4.Do you know her (parents) names? 5.We have only (first) earth(地球). 6.Mr Wu is the ( boy) teacher. The boys like him. 7.Jenny is the (four) girl to come. 8.How old are you? Im thirteen (year) old. 9.Hello! Im the (children) teacher, Miss Gao. 10.I have (ten) books. The (ten) one is in English.,强化训练,Davids,twenty-fifth,twelve,seventh,parents,one,boys,fourth,years,childrens,ten,tenth,二、把下列汉语短语译为英语。 1.我爸爸的生日 . 2.罗伯特的年龄 . 3.她父母亲的卧室 . 4.三年的时间 . 5.蒂娜的爷爷的爷爷 . 6.苏珊和丽丽的书包 .,强化训练,my fathers birthday,Roberts age/the age of Robert,her parents bedroom,three years time,Tinas grandfathers grandfather,Susans and Lilys bag,写作指导,本单元的写作任务是叙述某人的生日情况。在写作时,首先要确定好人称;其次要把题目中所给的条件重新整合,确定先后顺序;还要确定主要句式,要尽量用短句去写;结尾处可加上评价性语言。,常用句型归纳如下:birthday is,写作示例,根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇40字左右的短文介绍你的朋友Tom,文章的开头已给出。,经典示范,I have a friend. His name is Tom. His birthday is September 8th. He is 13. His phone number is 59596811. His favorite colors are blue and white. He likes hamburgers, eggs and chicken very much. Do you want to make friends with him?,Thank you!,随堂1+1,
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