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成 都 新 材 料 产 业 研 究 院 CHENGDU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS INDUSTRY 整 合 资 源 推 动 创 新 服 务 产 业 TO INTEGRATE RESOURCES, PROMOTE INNOVATIONS AND SERVICE FOR INDUSTRIES. 简介 宗旨 06 使命 08 目标 08 主要职能 10 组织架构 12 第一届专家咨询委员会 14 平台建设 15 网站建设 16 重点领域 20 成都市高性能纤维及复合材料产业技术创新联盟 22 02Introduction Purposes Missions Objectives The main function Organizational Chart The 1 Advisory Committee Platform Introduction Introduction of Website The key areas Chengdu High-Performance fiber and Compositeindustrial Technic Innovation League CATALOGUE 目录 CHENGDU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS INDUSTRY 成 都 新 材 料 产 业 研 究 院 CHENGDU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS INDUSTRY 00-01 MISSIONS/OBJECTIVES st 成都新材料产业研究院(以下简称研究院)是一家由成都市人民政府于2010年12月8日批准设立,成都市科 技局与新津县人民政府共同支持建设,主要从事新材料产业技术研发、成果转化、项目孵化、战略研究、科 技咨询及科技交流等创新活动的非盈利组织。研究院聘请国家“863”计划新材料领域专家组首席专家、中 国科学院化学研究所研究员徐坚任院长,实行理事会领导下的执行院长负责制。 研究院一期占地51亩,总建筑面积达14万平方米,包括行政中心、科研中心、会展中心、中试基地等主 体建筑。 研究院地处成都南部门户水城新津,居成都新材料产业功能区核心区,距成都市区28公里、双流国 际机场18公里,毗邻成雅(成乐)高速、成新蒲快速通道、成都第二绕城高速、成绵乐城际高铁、成昆铁路。 成都新材料产业研究院鸟瞰图 Chengdu Institute of Advanced Materials Industry was established with approval by the Chengdu Municipal Peoples Government on December 8, 2010, and is cofounded by the Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau and Xinjin County Peoples Government. It is a NPOengages in technology research and development of new materials industry, achievements, project incubator, strategic research, technology consulting and technology exchange activities, etc. Xu Jian, who is a recognized leading expert of the National High Technology Research and Development Program 863 in New Materials, and a researcher in the Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, acts as the honorary director of the institute, and is responsible for the implementation of the overall system of responsibility within the institute under the leadership of the council. The first stage of the institute covers an area of 51 acres with a building area of 14 million square meters, which includes the administration centre, science and research centre, exhibition and conference centre, experimental base, etc. Located in Xinjin, south of Chengdu and at the core area of the Functional Zone of the new materials industry, the institute is 28 kilometers away from downtown of Chengdu, and is 18 kilometers away from Chengdu Shuangliu Airport, adjoins Chengya (Chengle) highway, Chengdu-Xinjin-Pujiang express lanes, Chengdu the second around- city highway, Chengdu-Mianyang-Leshan intercity high-speed rail and Chengkun railway. Introduction 简介 成 都 新 材 料 产 业 研 究 院 CHENGDU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS INDUSTRY 02-03 MISSIONS/OBJECTIVES 成都新材料产业研究院总平面图 Location Xinjin 新津区位 Xinjin in , downtown of Chengdu, 18 kilometers away from Southwest Airport and total population of 304,800. south of Chengdu28 kilometers away from 新津位于成都南部,距成都市区28公里, 距西南航空港18公里,总人口30.48万。 灌县 都江堰 彭县 郫县 新都 温江 崇庆 大邑 邛崃 蒲江 龙泉驿区 青白江区 金堂 金牛区 成昆路 新津 成都市 至乐山 岷江 双流 Xinjin, is not only an important transport hub in the Western Sichuan Plain and material distribution center, is also an important modern manufacturing base in Chengdu. watertown as a gateway to the south of Chengdu, 作为成都南部门户的水城新津, 不仅是川西平原重要的交通枢纽和物资集散地, 也是成都重要的现代制造业基地。 由于它在全省新能源、新材料产业带上的区位优势, 使其成为成都市总体规划布局中的13个市级产业功能区之一, 因此,未来的新津将快速成为全省乃至西南地区的新材料产业集群地。 04-05 MISSIONS/OBJECTIVES 成 都 新 材 料 产 业 研 究 院 CHENGDU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS INDUSTRY Project location 项目区位 Cargo Road west of the industrial land of 51 acres of land for R Carrying out the secondary development for new materials and technological achievements; Breaking through the key technologies of new materials; Providing effective supports for new materials enterprises. 2.Strengthening the industry-university-institute cooperation; Carrying out the new material application technology to engineering test; Promoting scientific and technological achievements into real productivity. 3.Providing incubation sites, R providing policy advisory services for government and new materials enterprises. 5.Providing technology research, technology consulting, product testing, quality testing, training, industry and other diversified information services for new materials development. 6.Organizing academic exchanges and product exhibition to promote the field of new materials and scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation. 7.Carrying out vocational skills training activities; Training new materials engineering and technical personnel. The main function 成 都 新 材 料 产 业 研 究 院 CHENGDU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS INDUSTRY 10-11 MISSIONS/OBJECTIVES 组织架构 Organizational Chart 成 都 新 材 料 产 业 研 究 院 CHENGDU INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS INDUSTRY Organizational Chart 四川省先进焊接及表面工程技术研究中心 烟气脱硫脱硝工程技术中心 高分子材料加工中心 高分子材料合成中心 信息功能材料测试分析中心 高分子材料测试分析中心 奇门工业设计有限公司 成都新材料科技成果评价中心 成都国恒人力资源管理有限公司 四川省军民融合新材料生产力促进中心 成都中企动力管理咨询有限公司 成都思隆创业投资咨询有限公司 交流合作部 研究咨询部 平台建设部 创新服务部 财务部 行政部 理事会 院领导 专家咨询委员会 职能部门创新研发平台公共技术平台 科技服务平台 The Council Institute Management Adviso
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