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湖北省主要景点介绍(中英文对照)东湖国家级风景区,武汉人心中的骄傲。在这里,初春踏青,盛夏戏水,金秋品桂,严冬赏梅,已经成为几百万市民的野趣,也必将给您的旅途增添光彩。三十三平方公里湖面,烟波浩淼;三十四座岗峦,苍翠欲滴。散布于景区的古亭佛塔给秀美的东湖平添了几分历史的凝重。东湖湖岸曲折,港汊交错,因为有充足的水分和光照,东湖有372种树和390多种花,以梅花和莲花最为出众。徜徉于这秀丽山水之间,浓郁的楚风之中,怎不让人心旷神怡,流连忘返。East Lake,located in Wuchang district, is rated as one of the top national attractions and is the pride and joy of the People of Wuhan. Many of the residents enjoy walking along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, smelling the sweet laurels in autumn and admiring the plum trees in winter. The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches as far as the eye can see. Ancient pavilions and pagodas scattered throughout the 34 hills around the lake make this scenic spot historic and impressive. Due to abundant rainfall and sunshine as well as a humid climate, East Lake has rich botanical resources. There are 372 kinds of trees and over 390 varieties of flowers, of which plum blossom and lotus are the most famous. While wandering between the green hills, clear water and ancient architecture, one can easily feel the essence of “Chu Culture”.黄鹤楼座落于长江南岸,最初作为古代作战时的瞭望台,自占有“天下绝景”、“江南三大名楼之首”以及“天下江山第一楼”美誉。历代名人墨客登楼观光,留下了无数动人的故事和名篇佳句,千古流传。其中唐代大文豪李白的送孟浩然之广陵最为脍炙人口:“故人西辞黄鹤去,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。”黄鹤楼始建于公园三世纪的三国时期,在漫长的岁月里,历经沧桑。现今的黄鹤楼于1986年完工并对外开放,楼姿雄伟为历代黄鹤楼之首。Yellow Crane Tower, located near the Southern end of Yangtze River Bridge, is one of Chinas most famous towers. Originally used as a watch tower in ancient times, it inspired many ancient poets and artists. Well known poet Li Bai wrote during the Tang Dynasty:“My old friend, bids farewell to me in the west at Yellow Crane Tower. Amid Aprils mist and flowers, he goes down to Yangzhou. His distant image disappears in blue emptiness. And all I see is the long river flowing to the edge of the sky.“As the foremost symbol of Wuhan, the original Yellow Crane Tower is said to exist as early as the 3rd Century. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. The current reconstruction was completed in 1986. 古琴台位于汉阳龟山之西,月湖之畔。始建于北宋,历代毁建多次。现在的主体建筑为单檐歇山顶,前加抱厦式殿堂,堂前汉白玉方形石台,相传是俞伯牙抚琴之处。相传有位名叫俞伯牙的琴师曾在此弹琴,抒发情怀,樵夫钟子期听其志在高山,意在流水,二人遂结知己。后来子期病故,伯牙悲痛不已,将琴摔坏,从此不再弹琴。“知音”典故由此而来,琴台是后人为了纪念这对挚友而建。Ancient Lute Pavilion is situated west of Tortoise Hill on the shore of Moon Lake Hill in Hanyang District. Originally built in Northern Song Dynasty (960 A.D.-1127 A.D.), it was destroyed and rebuilt several times. There is a popular fable about this pavilion that a person named Yu Boya was fascinated in playing the lute. Wood cutter Zhong Ziqi understood well Yu Boyas interest. As time passed by, he got to know that Yu boya was a man with high aspirations through his playing, so they became good friends. Afterwards, Zhong Ziqi died of an illness and Yu Boya was so sad that he broke the lute and proclaimed not to play it ever again. The phrase “Bosom Friend” was formed this way. order to commemorate the two friends, the later generations set up the pavilion. The main building is a pavilion with traditional Chinese architectural style. At The front of the pavilion, you can see a white marble square stone, which is said to be the place where Yu Boya put his lute.晴川阁位于汉阳长江岸边的龟山脚下,于黄鹤楼遥遥相对,为武汉市重点文物保护单位。晴川阁始建于明嘉靖年间(公园1522- 1567年),取唐代诗人崔颢登黄鹤楼写下的诗句“晴川历历汉阳树”中的“晴川”二字命名。晴川阁的历史虽然没有黄鹤楼那样悠久,但由于这里的视野极好楼台的造型也好,使它赢得了“楚国晴川第一楼”的冠誉。Qingchuan Pavilion, located at the foot of Tortoise Hill in Hanyang district, faces the Yellow Crane Tower on the other side of the Yangtze River. It is a key cultural relic protected by Wuhan City. First built during Jiajing Year of Ming Dynasty(1522-1567), the pavilion got its name from a poem written by Cui Hao, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. Although it does not have such a long history as the Yellow Crane Tower, you are able to have a wonderful birds-eye view on top of it. The pavilion boasts a specially-designed shape, thus winning the title of the “The First Pavilion of Chu”(a kingdom located within the present Hubei Province during the period from770 B.C. to 221 B.C.)归元寺是一座具有百年历史的注明古刹,为全国重点佛教寺院。寺院内的罗汉堂里供有闻名遐尔的五百罗汉;起伏坐卧,喜怒哀乐,神态各异,栩栩如生。Guiyuan Temple, located in Hanyang district, is a famous temple with hundreds Of years history and is one of the four Great Buddhist bases in Hubei, as well as a Key Buddhist temple in china. inside the Temple, there is the“Hall of Arhats”where the well-known 50 golden statues can be seen. these statues have different poses And facial expressions, so vivid as if they were alive.武汉江滩集旅游观光、休闲娱乐为一体,是武汉最靓丽的景观带之一。依江滩沿江大道而建的13栋各具特色、风格迥异的历史建筑浓缩了武汉以及中华民族的近代历史;而临江面的“酒吧一条街” 则是武汉最时尚的娱乐场所、聚集了当地最受欢迎的酒吧。白天、江滩碧波荡漾、芳草戚戚;入夜,这里更是流光溢彩、美仑美奂。Located on the Hankou side of the river, Wuhan Yangtze riverside is one of the Most beautiful and popular destinations in Wuhan. Thirteen European style buildings, built before 1949 along the rivers
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