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2019中考英语完形填空基础练(11)【能力选练】 APeople all over the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the new year doesnt begin on the1day every year. In many countries, the New Year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Years Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square.2theyre waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 oclock, everyone3down from 10: 10, 9, 8 As soon as its 12 oclock, everyone shouts very4, “Happy New Year!”New Years Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a5.On New Years Day, many people make resolutions for the new year. They6a list of things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work7at school than others. ” or “I wont spend so much time playing video games. ” When they have made8list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to9their resolutions.So it doesnt matter how they celebrate,10people in countries all over the world, its a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new.( )1. A. familiarB. same C. important D. normal( )2. A. If B. Even thoughC. While D. Before( )3. A. comesB. turns C. looks D. counts( )4. A.loudlyB. quietly C. sadly D. safely( )5. A. walkB. secret C. job D. treatment( )6.A. puton B. write downC. take away D. look after( )7. A. quicklyB. hard C. harder D. hardly( )8. A. itsB. his C. herD. their( )9. A. followB. makeC. do D. give( )10. A. byB. for C. with D. from答案:1B 2C 3D 4A 5A 6B 7C 8D 9A 10B【能力选练】 B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案记事类On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store. We had bought many things. I was feeling a littleas I was carrying our shopping bag, so I decided to throw something away. I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of usI was walking towards a dustbin(垃圾箱). He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it. I suddenly felt very because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy. I walked up to him and handed the and some bread over to him. The man looked upand took what I gave him. A huge smileon his face. I felt I couldnt be happier with . But then he said, “Wow, this is my sons lucky day!” With that, he me happily and started off on his bike. Iheard him singing as he rode away. I got a warminside. I now understand what it means by the saying “Giving is getting”.【小题1】AworriedBinterestedCsurprisedDtired【小题2】AsoBwhileCandDbut【小题3】AnervousBhappyCsorryDproud【小题4】AmoneyBtoysCdrinkDclothes【小题5】Ain silenceBin surpriseCin angerDin excitement【小题6】AturnedBappearedCwentDran【小题7】AmyselfBourselvesCyourselfDhimself【小题8】AhelpedBthankedCreturnedDhurt【小题9】AstillBonceCevenDever【小题10】AideaBwelcomeCwordDfeeling【能力选练】 C【2012丽水】完形填空。阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I was small, my mum used to give the family something special for meals she would make breakfast food for dinner. I still remember one night my mum 31 some bread in front of my dad, something very burnt. I waited to see if anybody noticed. To my surprise, my dad just took his 32 , smiled at my mum and then turned to ask me how my day at school had been. Ive 33 what I told him that night. 34 I do remember watching him put some butter on that bread. He 35 as usual, every single bit. After dinner, my mum said 36 to my dad for burning the bread. And I never forget what he said, I 37 burnt bread, dear. It doesnt matter at all. 38 , I went to kiss Dad good light. I asked him if he really liked his bread burnt. He held me in arms and 39 , “Your mum worked very hard all day. Shes really _40_. And you seea bit of burnt food never hurt anyone!” Now I know life is not perfect. _41_ is perfect, either. As for me. 1 often forget birthdays or some other special days. But Ive learned something _42_ over these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, whether between a husband and wife, a parent and _43_ or just between two friends. This is the key to a happy 44 .So dont get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember. 45 bread never hurt anyone. Be kind to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you.31
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