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1 大学生英语四六级答题技巧大学生英语四六级答题技巧 一、整体作答安排一、整体作答安排 作文:作文:106.5 30min 1H 时间固定 听力:听力:248.5 30min 15 选选 10: 35.5 10min 匹配题:匹配题:71 15min40-50min 可调节 阅读理解:阅读理解:142 20min 翻译题:翻译题:106.5 20min 四六级考试分为六大部分,分别是作文、听力、十五选十、匹配题、阅读理解、翻译题。笔者认为考试时应 该按照一定的答题顺序以及时间分配才能够做到有条不紊的答题,接下来就分享下笔者的时间及答题顺序安 排: 1)作文: 30min 2)听力: 30min 3)匹配题: 20min 4)阅读理解: 15min+15min 2 5)翻译题: 20min 6)十五选十: 10min(快速写完,如果时间不够可以放弃) 笔者认为考试时带一块手表是非常有必要的,因为它能够让你很方便的知道自己的答题顺序以及进度,按照 如上时间安排,一题题的在各自规定的时间答完。还有就是在平时的练习当中要有意识的按如上时间和答题 步骤安排练习,这样不管你的英语水平如何,至少能够不紧不慢的把所有的题目答完,能够稳住心态,不至 于手忙脚乱的。 注:答题过程中,遇到难以抉择的选项,思索一会儿难以确定时,不要恋战,可以选择你猜测的选项,并在 题号边注上标记。当时间有剩时 ,应该检查匹配题以及阅读理解部分注过标记的部分,快速扫视原文,找 出答案(你所选的答案,原文一定有对应的句子可以印证它所选的是不是答案,这个靠猜是不靠谱的) 二、听力策略二、听力策略 听力:1、视听一致+同义替换+高频词汇(用相近的词或句子替换的一般为答案) 2、首尾呼应(前面听到说什么,结尾又说了一遍,那么赶紧看选项有没这项) 3、转折/强调 (语气突然转变,比如 but,或者强调某件事很不可思议。 。 。 4、第二方的回答 5、语意模糊,不精确(很少出现语意很确定的答案,一般正确答案都是拐弯抹角出来的,需要推 测) Passage One Questions 16 to 19 are based on the conversation you have just heard. What does the speaker say characterizes American campuses? 16. A)The cozy communal life. B)The cultural diversity. 3 C)Innovative academic programs. D)Imperative school buildings. 【答案】A What does Brown University president Vartan Gregorian say about students daily life? 17. A)It is very beneficial to their academic progress. B)It helps them soak up the surrounding culture. C)It is as important as their learning experience. D)It ensures their physical and mental heal. 【答案】C In what way is the Uni States unrivaled according to the speaker? 18. A)It offers the most challenging academic programs. B)It has the worlds best-known military academics. C)It provides numerous options for students. D)It draws faculty from all around the world. 【答案】C What does the speaker say about universities in Europe and Japan? 19. A)They try to give students opportunities for experiment. B)They are responsible merely to their Ministry of education. C)They strive to develop every students academic potential. D)They ensure that all students get roughly equal attention. 【答案】B 原文: Many foreign students are attrac not only to the academic programs at a particular U.S. college but also to the large r community, which affords the chance to soak up the surrounding culture. Few foreign universities put much emp hasis on the cozy communal life that characterizes American campuses from clubs and sports teams to stu dent publications and drama societies. “The campus and the American university have ome identical in peoples mi nds,” says Brown University President Vartan Gregorian. “In America it is assumed that a students daily life is as i mportant as his learning experience.” 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 听长对话的时候,只需要盯着每个 题目的四个选项最后三个词看,然 后注意听,听力是否念出出和最后 三个或者两个词一模一样的,比如 16 题,原文出现 cozy communal life, 可能你听不懂 communal,但是至少 你应该能听到什么 cozylife 吧, 一看 A 选项有这个,赶紧勾选,依 此类推,最后等选完,听力开始问 问题的时候,就可以把答案搬到答 题卡上了,不需要管题目问的是什 么,因为即便你听懂问什么,也很 难知道选哪个,对吧? 与瞎蒙相 比,这方法更可靠 4 三、十五选十三、十五选十 先扫视每段的第一句话,大致了解文章所要表达的意思,接下来,快速对 15 个选项进行词义以及属性识别, 注上标记: 名词 n 3 个名词正确答案+1 个名词干扰答案 动词 v、ate 3 个动词正确答案+1 个动词干扰答案 形容词 a 、-able、tive、sive、ous 3 个形容词正确答案+2 个形容词干扰答案 副词 ad 、ly、sion、tion、ity 1 个副词正确答案+1 个副词干扰答案 1、冠词(a,an,the)+形容词+介词+n 为固定搭配 2、一个完整句子+_+名词/介词的结构时,逗号后面是伴随状语,应当填动词 ing3、3、或者 ed 形 式(独立主格结构原则动词 ing) 4、形容词:a/the/the most/more+ adj +名词 5、副词:主语+谓语+宾语(表达完整)+副词 主语+_+谓语 横线处常填副词 解释:十五选十的题目,有 15 个选项,而这 15 个选项里包含了 3 个名词正确答案+1 个名词干扰答案、3 个 动词正确答案+1 个动词干扰答案、3 个形容词正确答案+2 个形容词干扰答案、1 个副词正确答案+1 个副词 5 干扰答案。我们所要做的是区分出 15 个选项每个的意思以及属性,先将容易确认为正确答案的先填上,然 后根据词性一个个的进行排除。举例:15 个词一般会有 4 个名词,其中有一个是干扰项,也就是说你最后 的答案如果出现超出 3 个词的词性为名词,一般这里面肯定会有错误,应进行检查。 当然,笔者认为这道题是四六级中难度最高且不容易拿分的一道题,对于基础不好的同学,选择最后做 /放弃,或者一开始就快速蒙题,是比较明智的选择,毕竟每道题只有 3.55 分的分值,而且能做对 4 道+就 已经很厉害了,然而这才多少分,为何不多花时间解决 7.1 分/道分和 14.2 分 /道 的题目呢? 注:正确答案应满足语法要求和词性要求,句子通顺 四、阅读理解四、阅读理解 (56Nothing succeeds in business books like the study of success. The current business- book boom was launched in 1982 by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman with “In Search of Excellence”. It has b een kept going ever since by a succession of gurus and would- be gurus who promise to distil the essence of excellence into three (or five or seven) simple rules. “The Three Rules” is a self- conscious contribution to this type; it even includes a bibliography of “success studies”. Messrs Raynor and Mu mtaz Ahmed work for a consultancy, Deloitte, that is determined to turn itself into more of a thought- leader and less a corporate repairman. They employ all the tricks of the success genre. They insist that their co nclusions are “measurable and actionable”-guide to behavior rather than analysis for its own sake.(57 ) Success authors usually serve up vivid stories about how exceptional business- people stamped their personalities on a company or rescued it from a life-threatening crisis. (58) Messrs Raynor and Ahmed are happier chewing the numbers: they provide detailed appendices on “calculatin g the elements of advantage” and “detailed analysis”
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