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中考作文评分标准,先根据内容要点整体定档,然后根据其他三个方面的要求适当进行微调。,1.,3.,2.,1.定内容(信息点): 2.定结构(段落): 3.定语法(人称、时态):,共 段, 开头句,过渡句,结尾句,提示词语,审题思路,好作文的标准:,M1 上周六天气晴朗,你父母带你去参观长城了,请你用英语写一篇日记,简单介绍一下你的游览情况和感受。日记开头已给出,其词数不计入所完成的日记内。 提示词语:go ,by coach, interesting,two hours,take photos,had a great time,feel proud of,tired 1.What place did your parents take you to visit last Saturday? 2.What did you do there? 3.What was your feeling?,审题,检查,1.,3.,2.,1.定内容(信息点): 2.定结构(段落): 3.定语法(人称、时态):,共 段, 开头句,过渡句,结尾句,提示词语,检查,动词:,take a tour to /visit, _,March 1, Saturday Sunny I took a tour to the Great Wall with my parents Last Saturday. We went there by coach. Though the coach was full of people, the trip was interesting because I could look out of the window and enjoy the beautiful nature. It took us two hours to get there. As soon as we got to the top of the Great Wall, we began to take photos of the Great Wall and people from different countries. We stayed on the wall for half an hour and we had a great time there. While I was watching the Great Wall, I felt proud of our country. After we came back home, I was very tired but very happy. I hope I can go there again next time.,审题:,Who : when: where: what: how:,人称,时态,要点,
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