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Unit 5Canada“The True North”Period 3Learning about language: Grammar整体设计教材分析This is the third teaching period of this unit. To test whether students have grasped the important and difficult language points they learned in the last period, the teacher should first offer them some revision exercises. Then lead in the new lesson.This teaching period mainly deals with the following: 1. Reviewing noun clauses as the subject; 2. Learning the new grammar item: noun clauses as the appositive. Students often feel noun clauses abstract and difficult to learn, so it is necessary to make the lesson interesting and lively, and connect it with their daily life in order to let it easy to accept and understand. Firstly, the teacher can ask students to read the passage A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH” again, tick out all the sentences from the passage where noun clauses are used as appositive, and then translate them into Chinese. Secondly, compare and discover the uses of each noun clause by giving a lot of example sentences. Thirdly, do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 37 and more exercises for students to master the related noun clauses. Finally, summarize the use of noun clauses as appositive and let students make it clear how each noun clause is being used in the situations.At the end of the class, ask students to do the exercises in Using structures on Pages 71-72 and more additional exercises for consolidation.教学重点Get students to understand and use noun clauses as the appositive.教学难点Enable students to learn how to use noun clauses as the appositive correctly.三维目标知识目标1. Get students to know more about noun clauses.2. Let students learn noun clauses as the appositive.The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.能力目标Enable students to use noun clauses as the appositive correctly and properly according to the context.情感目标1. Get students to become interested in grammar learning.2. Develop students sense of group cooperation.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Dictate some new words and expressions.3. Underline the noun clause in each sentence of the following and then tell what kind of noun clause it is.1)What it was to become was a mystery.2)I dont know who will help Henry to win the bet.3)His trouble is that he doesnt know anybody in London.4)It hasnt been decided yet when the new restaurant will open.5)It looked as if it was going to snow. 6)Do you know why he crossed his arms?Suggested answers:1)What it was to become was a mystery. (noun clause as the subject)2)I dont know who will help Henry to win the bet. (noun clause as the object)3)His trouble is that he doesnt know anybody in London. (noun clause as the predicative)4)It hasnt been decided yet when the new restaurant will open. (noun clause as the subject)5)It looked as if it was going to snow. (noun clause as the predicative)6)Can you tell me why he crossed his arms? (noun clause as the object)Step 2 Preparation1. Show the following two sentences on the screen. Ask students to read each of them and then underline its appositive.1)Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport.2)He was going to take them and their baggage to catch “The True North”, the cross-Canada train.Suggested answers:1)Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport.2)He was going to take them and their baggage to catch “The True North”, the cross-Canada train.2. Let students think about and discuss what kind of noun clause the underlined clause is in each of the following two sentences.1)The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.2)We were very excited at the news that our team had won.Step 3 Grammar learning1. Reading and discoveringAsk students to turn back to Page 34 to read through the reading passage and find all the sentences where noun clauses are used as the appositive and underline them. Then translate them into Chinese.Suggested answers:1)The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.他们要横穿整个北美大陆的想法真令人兴奋。2)Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5500 kilometres from coast to coast.有些人认为可以在不到5天的时间里横跨加拿大, 但是他们忘了加拿大从东海岸到西海岸有5500千米这个事实。3)The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.海轮可以开到五大湖来, 这确实使姑娘们感到吃惊。2. Thinking and discussingLet students read aloud the sentences they picked out, think over and discuss with a partner how each of these noun clauses is being used in the situations. If students have some difficulty, give them a hand.3. Summing up: noun clauses as the appositive.同位语从句在主从复合句中, 用作同位语的从句, 叫同位语从句。它一般跟在某些名词(如fact, news, idea, truth, hope, problem, information, wish, promise, answer, evidence, report, explanation, suggest
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