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高考语法通关二、代词1(2012南京调研)I would appreciate _ ,to be frank,if goods could be delivered as soon as possible.Ayou Bthis Cit Dmyself解析:考查代词。此处it 作形式宾语,代替后面的“if goods could be delivered as soon as possible”。to be frank 为插入语。答案:C2. When _ comes to saving energy,big changes start with small steps,like turning off the lights.Athat Bthis Cit Done解析:考查代词用法。when it comes to (doing)sth.是固定结构,表示“当涉及某事(或做某事)时”。句意为:当提到节能的时候,大变化从细微的行动开始,比如随手关灯。答案:C3(2012徐州联考)This young man is very clever;he may be _ Edison.Athe one Bthe other Canother Done解析:考查代词。句意为:这个年轻人很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。another 另一个,这里是一种对比,强调这个年轻人的聪明。答案:C4. Neither side is prepared to talk to_ unless we can smooth things over between them.Aothers Bthe other Canother Done other解析:句意为:除非我们能消除他们之间的矛盾,否则他们两人都不打算和对方讲话。others 没有范围,指别人;another 没有范围,指另一个;the other 指两者中的另一方,根据关键词neither (两者都不)。答案:B5(2012武汉质检)You are a team star!Working with_ is really your cup of tea.Aboth BeitherCothers Dthe other解析:句意为:你是队里的明星!与别人一起工作的确是你的所爱。本题考查代词。both 和either 指两者,首先被排除;the other 有范围限定,意为“其余的”,而题干中没有范围和数量限制,故也被排除。others 意为“其他的、另外的或别的人或事物”答案:C6(2012芜湖模拟)Which one can I take?You can take _ of them;Ill keep none.Aboth BanyCeither Dall解析:句意:我能拿哪一个?你可以全拿走,我一个也不留。根据Ill keep none.可知,有三个或三个以上的东西,而且可以全部拿走,所以选D。答案:D7(2012温州模拟)How do you usually keep in touch with your friends,by email or letter?_ .I use telephone only.ANone BNeitherCAny DEither解析:考查不定代词。句意为“你通常是如何与朋友保持联系的,发邮件还是写信?都不是,我只用电话联系。”neither 表示“两者都不”,none 表示“三者(及以上)都不”,either 表示“两者中任一”,any 表示“三者(及以上)任一”,据语意选B项。答案:B8. There are two roads leading to the power station along the river.You can take _ of the roads.Aeither BbothCneither Dall解析:考查代词的用法。句意为:沿着这条河有两条路通向那座发电站。你走两条路中的任何一条都可以到达。根据句意,这里应该是“两者选一”,故B、C和D项不正确。either 指“两者中的任意一个”。答案:A9(2012苏州一模)They all wanted to stop working because they were very tired,but _ of them would say so.Aany BsomeCnone Dneither解析:本题考查代词。句意为:他们都想停止工作,因为他们太累了,但是又没有人愿意说出来。根据all 可知他们指三者或三者以上,表示三者及三者以上的全部否定应该用none。答案:C10(2012贵州检测)The number 512 is a special number,_,I think,that will be remembered by the Chinese people forever.Awhat Bit Cwhich Done解析:考查代词。该句中one指代前面提到的a special number,其实one 及其定语从句与前面的a special number 是同位语关系,I think 在句中可作插入语,所以选D项。答案:D11When I moved to a new community,I found it different from _ I had stayed in before.Aone Bthat Cit Dthe one解析:考查代词。语意表示这个新社区与“我”先前住的那个社区不同,因为空处与前面的community 是同类事物,所以用one代指;同时空后有定语修饰,表特定指代,所以要加the,故选the one。答案:D12(2012福州联考)Which of the books did you like?_ of them! They were both dull.ANeither BEitherCBoth DNone解析:考查代词。语意:你喜欢哪本书?都不喜欢!两本都很枯燥。根据答句中的信息词“both”可知有两本书,故选Neither表示“二者都不”,因此A项正确。答案:A13It is reported that two schools, _ of which are being built in my hometown, will open next year.Aall BbothCnone Dneither解析:考查代词。语意:据报道,我的家乡正在建设的两所学校将于明年投入使用。根据前面的two schools,可知表示两者,故排除A、C两项;再结合语意可知表示肯定。故B项正确。答案:B14If I had come here a minute earlier, I could have bought the shoes at a discount in this store.Dont worry. Lets go to _ store.Aone other Bthe otherCanother Done another解析:考查代词。根据语意可知此处表示不定数量中的一家商店,故用another。答案:C15(2012重庆调研)He said _ was lost, but he didnt say what it was.Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything解析:考查代词。语意:他说有什么东西丢了,但没说是什么。根据语意可知用something。答案:A16(2012日照模拟)I prefer a college in Beijing to _ in Shanghai, because I like the climate in Beijing.Aone BthatCit Dthis解析:考查代词。one代替同名异物的可数名词单数,此处指代前面提到的a college,故选A。答案:A17(2012连云港联考)The weather today in Beijing is much better than _ in Shanghai.Athat BoneCit Dwhat解析:考查代词。语意:今天北京的天气比上海的好得多。用that代替The weather,避免重复,其他三项均无此用法。答案:A18(2011安庆检测)How can I help _ if people just dont follow my advice?Athat BitCwhat Dthem解析:考查代词。语意:如果人们不听从我的建议,我有什么办法呢?此处it表示“人们不听从我的建议”这种情况。答案:B19(2012温州月考)They found _ difficult that they would finish their work in two days.Athis BthatCit Done解析:考查代词。此处it作形式宾语,从句“that they would finish their work in two days”为真正的宾语。答案:C20(2012郑州模拟)He saved all the fish for his children and never tasted _ himself.Aeach BnoneCany Deither解析:考查代词。语意:他把鱼都留给孩子们,自己一点儿都没有尝。根据语意可知此处表示“任何一个,任何一些”,故any正确。答案:C4
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