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Unit 4Global warmingPeriod OneWarmingUp,Prereading and Reading1Make a list of the things that consume energy in your home,school,or any other places you can think of.列举一些在家里、学校里或者其他你能想到的地方消耗能量的东西。(回归课本)用法点拨The car consumes a lot of fuel.这辆汽车很费燃料。She consumed the big cake.她把那块大蛋糕吃光了。归纳拓展consumer n消费者consumption n消费(量),消耗(量)timeconsuming adj.耗费时间的consumer goods(家用)消费品consuming adj.使人全神贯注的;强烈的 翻译句子(1)新的灯泡耗电量更小。The_new_light_bulbs_consume_less_electricity.(2)足球让许多孩子都非常着迷Football_is_a_consuming_passion_for_lots_of_kids.2So how has this come about and does it matter?那么这是如何产生的,有什么要紧吗?(回归课本)用法点拨 whether he is satisfied.他满意与否对我关系不大(不重要)。归纳拓展matter可用作名词,意为“物质,物品;要紧,重要性;问题,毛病(与with连用)”。organic (inorganic) matter有机(无机)物Any kind of matter has three states.任何物质都有三种状态。It makes no matter to us whether he will come.他来不来对我们无关紧要。a matter of 的事情/问题as a matter of factin fact事实上no matter whether (if)不管是否 翻译句子(1)他问我出了什么事。He_asked_me_what_was_the_matter.(2)他问我那是什么东西(物质)He_asked_me_what_the_matter_was.3All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy.所有的科学家都支持地球温度升高是由于燃烧像煤、天然气和石油等化石燃料来制造能量而引起的这种观点。(回归课本)用法点拨Chris subscribes to an environmental action group.克里斯定期捐款给一个环保行动组织。We dont subscribe to the view that we have failed.我们不同意我们已经失败了的观点。What newspaper do you subscribe to?你订阅哪份报纸?归纳拓展subscribe to.订阅(报纸或杂志);同意,赞同;向捐款subscribe for.认购(股票)subscription n. 完成句子(1)我们订阅所有主要的医学杂志。We subscribe_to all the main medical journals.(2)你同意这个建议吗?Do you subscribe_to the proposal?4This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere,like carbon dioxide.即当大气中微量气体像二氧化碳(回归课本)用法点拨A million dollars is a large amount of money to me.100万美元对我来说是一笔巨款。No amount of discussion will help.再多的讨论也没有帮助。归纳拓展不可数名词,大量/少量的 the amount of不可数名词单数谓语动词a large amount of不可数名词,谓语动词用单数large amounts of不可数名词,谓语动词用复数完成句子(1)账单上金额总计多少?What is the_amount of the bill?(2)一定的压力可以是好事。A_certain_amount of stress can be a good thing.5The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.当我们向空气中排放大量的多余的二氧化碳的时候,问题就开始了。(回归课本)用法点拨He prefers quantity to quality when food is concerned.就食物而言,他讲究量不讲究质。Quantities of food and tents were sent to Wenchuan from Shandong.大量的食品和帐篷被从山东运到汶川。归纳拓展in quantity大量quantities of复数谓语动词 许多的,大量的a quantity of 许多的,大量的 完成句子(1)房间里有许多老鼠。There are quantities_of rats in the room.(2)那家印刷公司成批买纸。The printing office buys paper in_quantity.6It means that more heat energy tends_to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.它意味着更多的热能会被困在大气层中,从而引起全球气温上升。(回归课本)用法点拨She tends to get angry too easily.她很容易生气。Mom was usually busy tending (to) my younger sisters.妈妈通常要忙于照顾我的妹妹们。归纳拓展tend to do sth.往往;趋向于tend (to) sb./sth.照顾;看护tend towards有倾向tendency n.tendentious adj. 翻译句子(1)健身房6点钟左右往往很忙。The_gym_tends_to_get_very_busy_at_about_six_oclock.(2)一队军医在照看伤员。A_team_of_army_doctors_were_tending_the_wounded.7In fact,Hambley states,“More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.”实际上,汉姆布雷说:“更多的二氧化碳是一件好事”(回归课本)用法点拨state v陈述,说明,阐明,往往是“详细陈述”之意,是正式用词,其名词形式为statement(陈述)。He didnt state whether the information was true.他没有说明信息是否属实。“Jemma is going back with me,”George stated firmly.“杰玛会和我一起回去,”乔治坚决地说。归纳拓展state a fact/opinion陈述事实/观点state the obvious陈述显而易见的事state n状态,状况,情形;政府;州,邦The childs poor state of health makes his parents anxious.孩子健康欠佳使得父母很焦虑。If elected,they want to cut back the powers of the state.如果当选,他们要削减政府的权力。 完成句子(1)图书馆里一切井然有序。Everything in the library is in a_state_of_order.(2)候选人在一系列的会议上陈述了他们的情况。The candidates stated their case at a series of meetings.8range n种类,范围;一系列;变化的幅度;界限;射程“.it will encourage a greater range of animalsall of which will make life for human beings better.”“,还会促进动物种类的增多所有这些都能改善人们的生活。”(回归课本)用法点拨This store sells a wide range/wide ranges of TV sets.这家商店出售各种型号的电视机。The price of the house is well beyond our range.房子的价格远远超出了我们能承受的范围。归纳拓展in/within range (of sth.)(的)范围之内out of range (of sth.)(的)范围之外range还可以用作动词,表示“(在一定范围内)变化、变动;排列,整理;涉及”。Costs range from 50 to several hundred pounds.花费在50英镑到九百英镑之间。They asked questions ranging over the whole subject of science.他们所提的问题广泛涉及整个自然科学领域。Boxes of books were ranged against the wall.成箱的书靠墙排列着。 完成句子(1)这些汽车的价格在5万美元和12万美元之间。The prices of the cars range_from 50,000 dollars to 120,000 dollars.(2)请将货物整齐地排列在商店橱窗里。Please range the goods neatly in the shop window.9So how has this come_about and does it matter?那么这是如何发生的,是否要紧?(回归课本)用法点拨The driver wouldnt tell me how the accident came about.司机就是不告诉我事故是怎么发生的。The situation should never have come about.这种情况本来不应该发生的。归
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