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中考英语非谓语动词总结 2010.12一接动词不定式 ( to do/ do sth )like to do sth want to do sth want sb to do sth ask sb (not ) to do sth tell sb (not ) to do sth watch sb do sth Its time (for sb) to do sth help sb (to ) do sth help do sth make sb do sth decide (not ) to do sth find it +adj + to do sth have to do sth try (not ) to do sth try ones best to do sth Its +adj +(for)of +sb + to do sth plan to do sth It takes sb +some time + to do sth send sb to do sth invite sb to do sth forget to do sth be able to do sth have sth to do seem to do sth get sb /sth to do sth 疑问词+ to do sth need sth to do sth use sth to do sth need to do sth the best way to do sth be the first / last one to do sth would like to do sth be excited /surprised to do sth be useful to do sth be allowed to do sth allow sb to do sth Its better to do sth take care (not) to do sth see sb do sth why not do sth ? have enough time to do sth too to do sth not enough to do sth encourage sb to do sth be careful to do sth be happy/glad/pleased to do sth be afraid to do sth Its our duty to do sth used to do sth cant afford to do sth make a decision to do sth agree to do sth wait for sb to do sth pretend to do sth prefer to do sth offer to do sth in order (not ) to do sth be sure to do sth Could /Would you please (not) do sth ? warn sb to do sth二、接动名词 (doing sth )like doing sth enjoy doing sth have fun doing sth be interested in doing sthThanks sbfor doing sth look at sb doing sth stop sb from doing sth What/How doing sth ? practice doing sth watch sb doing sth find sb doing sth mind (ones ) doing sth cant stand doing sth think about doing sth spend (in)doing sth finish doing sth be busy doing sth keep doing sth .keep sb from doing sth be good at doing sth hate doing sth see sb doing sth There be +名词+doing sth make a living by doing sth by doing sth have a difficult time doing sth . be afraid of doing sth be used to doing sth give up doing sth instead of doing sth before/ when /while +doing sth start doing sth continue doing sth be used for doing sth =be used to do sthprefer doing sth to doing sth without doing sth cant stop/help doing sth look forward to doing sth have trouble/problems/difficulty (in) doing sth be busy doing sth be worth doing sth中考英语易混词语用法精讲:动词 + to do sth(doing sth)动词 + to do sth(doing sth)A. remember/forget to do sth.记住/忘记未做之事;remember/ forget doing sth.记住/忘记已做之事。如:(1)Ill remember/ wont forget to turn off the computer when I leave. I dont think you need to worry.离开时我会记着(不会忘记)关电脑的。你不必担心。(2)Do you remember/Havent you forgotten our meeting each other at the station five years ago?你还记得(还没忘记)5 年前我们曾在车站见过面吧?B. stop to do sth.停下来(停下手中之活)做(去做另外的事),不定式短语用做状语,表示目的;stop doing sth.停止做 (停下来手中正为之事),动名词短语用做宾语。如:(1)Will you please stop to help us? We are in great need of help.请停下来帮帮我们,好吗?我们很需要人帮忙。(2)Will you please stop making so much noise? Nobody can hear what the lecturer is speaking about too clearly.请别吵闹太厉害,都没人能听清楚演讲者的话。C. mean to do sth.想要做某事,意欲做某事; mean doing sth.意思是,意味着。如:(1)I didnt mean to get you into trouble, but Im really sorry.我本不想让你难堪的,但实在抱歉。(2)Revolution means liberating productive force. 革命就是解放生产力。D. try to do sth.努力,(想方设法,尽力)做某事; try doing sth.试着,尝试做某事。如:(1)He tried hard to give up smoking, but failed. 他想戒烟,但没做到。(2)After we had begun to learn English for some time, we tried speaking English in English class.我们学了一阵子英语之后,就试着上英语课时讲英语。E. see/hear/watch/notice /feel+宾语do sth.看见/听见/观看/发现/感觉做了某事(强调宾补语动作发生的过程和结果),其被动结构为:be seen/heard/watched/noticed/felt to do sth; see/hear/watch/notice/feel+宾语 doing sth.看见/ 听/观看/ 发现 /感觉到正在做某事(强调宾补语动作的进行),其被动结构为:be seen/heard/watched/noticed/felt doing;see/hear/watch/notice/feel+宾语+done(只能是及物动词):看见/听见/观看/ 发现/感觉到被(宾语是宾补语动作的承受者),同样也有被动结构形式。如:(1)On arriving at the theatre, we noticed them singing the popular song.一到剧场,我们就发现他们正在唱那首流行歌曲。Arriving at the theatre, we noticed them sing quite a few popular songs.到剧场,我们发现他们唱了好几首流行歌曲。Arriving at the theatre, we noticed several popular songs sung.我们一到剧场就发现已经唱了好几首流行歌曲。(2)The teacher watched the students making the experiment.老师观看学生们做实验。The teacher watched the students try the experiment.老师看了那些学生做实验。The teacher watched the experiment done.老师观看了做实验。(3)I felt someone pat me on the shoulder.我感觉到刚才有人拍了我的肩膀。I felt someone patting my shoulder.我感觉到刚才有人在拍我的肩膀。I felt my shoulder patted.我感觉我的肩膀被拍了一下。动名词:动名词作主语、宾语和表语:1)作主语举例: Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。2)作宾语a. 动词后加动名词 doing 作宾语 V. + doing sth举例:Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? b. 词组后接 doing 举例:give up doing3)作表语举例:Her job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.不定式:1. 不定式作宾语:1) 动词+ 不定式 举例: The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。2)动词+不定式 ;动词+ 宾语+ 不定式举例: I want to speak to Tom. 我想和汤姆谈话。I want you
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