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07疯狂英语2003合集全部文本72003年09月号-第42期-Disc02-02Hillary Clinton in her own wordsAfter you graduated from Wellesley, you went to Yale Law School, you were one of only 27 women out of 235 students. You say it was Bill Clinton who was hard to miss. Why was he hard to miss? What did he look like?Well, he looked like a 1)Viking. He had this big 2)bushy 3)brownish 4)reddish beard and reddish hair and he looked very imposing. He was this Rhodes scholar from Arkansas who had a lot to say and knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life.Were you attracted to him from the beginning?From the very beginning.Really?Yeah, from the very beginning. In fact, there was a point which I still hadnt really met him. And I was sitting in the library and he was standing just outside the door, and he was looking at me and I was looking at him. And I finally felt this is 5)ridiculous, cause every time I saw him on campus, I just couldnt take my eyes off of him. And he was always watching me. So I put my books down and I walked out and I said, “You know, if youre going to keep looking at me and Im going to keep looking back, we should at least know each other. Im Hillary Rodham.” And he told me his name, he tells people that he couldnt remember his name. But it was an immediate attraction and it was just a life-changing experience to have met him.From day one.From day one.You were young, you were smart, you had a future in Washington. But you gave it up to be with Bill Clinton to move to Arkansas where you had no friends, no family, no traditional roots there in any way. And one of your best friends said, why on earth would you throw away your future?You know, Ive had to at so many points in my life listen really hard to my own feelings. Sometimes my family and my friends have said “do this” or “do that” or “dont do this” I just knew that I had to take that step - so I followed my heart and I went to Arkansas.Senator, I have to go back now to perhaps the most difficult time of your life and it is something that you write about very frankly. Wednesday January 21st, 1998, you write that your husband woke you up, sat on the edge of the bed and gave you some troubling news. What did he tell you?Well, he told me there was going to be a newspaper article that 6)alleged that he had some kind of a relationship with a young woman, and he said he was very 7)upset about the article and he wanted me to know before I got up and read it in the paper myself. And he told me it wasnt true.Did you believe him?I did believe him. You know, by that time, Barbara, so many 8)accusations have been made about me that were just extraordinary, outrageous accusations and I knew they werent true, and I knew that for whatever reason people felt 9)obligated or compelled to make them, and so it didnt seem unusual to me that something like this would be said.Then on Saturday, August 15th, just as he had done before, your husband woke you up. This time he had something different to say.That was probably the worst moment that I can even imagine anyone going through, because what he told me that morning was that he had not 10)levelled with me or anyone else, he had not told me the whole truth about what the relationship was. And I was, I was 11)furious, I was dumbfounded, I was, you know, just beside myself with anger and disappointment. And you know, I couldnt imagine how he could have done that to me or to anyone else. And thats what I basically told him on that long ago morning now.What did your husband say? How did he explain it?He just kept saying that he was very sorry over and over again. And I could tell that he was, but that wasnt much comfort. I was still furious and stayed furious for quite some time. But he just kept saying over and over again, you know: Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry.At one point, you described what your husband had done as a sin of weakness.It clearly was. You know, a friend, who is something of a 12)theologian, said to me during this period that there were two kinds of sins: sins of weakness and sins of 13)malice. And I think that my husband has so many strengths and is such a 14)fundamentally good person with a good heart. It was a question for me whether this particular wrongdoing or sin was something that we could work through together.But was there a day, was there a time when you said, “I forgive him, this marriage will go on”?Yes, yes, it took a long time. But I reached the point where I decided that I was either going to have to forgive and let go of the anger and the disappointment that I had felt, or we werent going to have a marriage. And both of us worked very, very hard to reach that point.What did your husband say when you told him, its OK were going to go on?He was very 15)relieved and grateful because that is what hes been asking for and it was something that we, you know, had to work
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