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2002年湖北省博士研究生入学考试英语联考试卷解析Part I Reading ComprehensionPassage One导读:这是一篇自然科学类有关动物睡眠的说明性文章。作者首先提出问题,(是否所有动物都需睡眠以及如何判定睡眠状态),然后进行了解答(可通过观察和仪器检测确定动物是否处于睡眠状态)。点评:1. 这是一道事实辨别题。答案是A。根据文章第一句:All animals must rest, 所有动物都有休息的需要。2这是一道判断推理题。答案是D。第二段第四句指出:Yet this does not necessarily mean that they do not sleep. 虽然有些动物很少或者无法闭眼,这并不说明他们不睡觉。由此可知牛马都是睁眼睡觉的。3这是一道事实辨别题。答案是B。第三段指出:The answers come from doing experiments in “sleep laboratories” using a machine called the electroencephalograph (EEC). The machine is connected to animals and measures their brain signals, breathing, heartbeat, and muscle activity. The measurements are different when the animals appear to be sleeping than when they appear to be awake. 研究人员是根据脑波仪测量出的脑电波、呼吸、心跳和肌肉活动,来判断动物是否处于睡眠状态。4这是一道事实辨别题。答案是C。根据第三段的第六句:There is some evidence that reptiles, such as snakes and turtles, do not truly sleep, 爬行动物并没有真正的睡眠。5这是一道事实辨别题。答案是D。倒数第二句指出:Interestingly, the good sleepers are nearly all hunters with resting places that are safe from their enemies. 睡眠良好的动物都有安全的休息地点。Passage Two导读:这是一篇文化类有关幽默的说明性文章。作者首先点题,(指出幽默是不适合剖析的),然后进行了阐述(说明幽默和幽默者的特性)。点评:6. 这是一道事实辨别题。答案是B。第一段的第二句指出:Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind. 作者将幽默比作青蛙,虽可以剖析,其过程中却会丧失美学价值。7这是一道判断推理题。答案是B。第二段指出:Humor is a little like that: it wont stand much blowing up, and it wont stand much poking. It has a certain fragility, an evasiveness, which one had best respect. Essentially, it is a complete mystery. 作者将幽默比作肥皂泡,既不能吹得太大,又不能戳破,也就是说过分的夸张跟直白都不适合于幽默。8这是一道事实辨别题。答案是C。第三段的第三句指出:It would be more accurate, I think, to say that there is a deep vein of melancholy running through everyones life and that the humorist, perhaps more sensible of it than some others, compensates for it actively and positively. 悲伤贯穿人的一生,而幽默者也许能比常人有更深刻的领会,然后以积极正面的形式表现出来。9这是一道判断推理题。答案是A。第四段的第二句指出:But there is often a rather fine line between laughing and crying, and if a humorous piece of writing brings a person to the point where his emotional responses are untrustworthy and seem likely to break over into the opposite realm, it is because humor, like poetry, has an extra content. 如果幽默作品使读者不笑反哭,那是因为幽默字里行间有更多的内容。而作者在第三段最后也相应提到了闪亮的外表下涌动的悲哀。10这是一道判断推理题。答案是B。本文最突出的修辞特点就是采用了大量的比喻,将幽默分别比作青蛙,肥皂泡,诗歌,神秘事物等等,而这些比喻大多都没有使用as, like, asas等比喻词,因此正确答案是metaphor(隐喻)而不是simile(明喻)。Passage Three导读:这是一篇科技类有关科学和科学家的说明性文章。作者首先点题,(指出人们应该了解科学的定义跟目的),然后进行了阐述(说明了科学的含义和目的以及科学家的工作)。点评:11. 这是一道事实辨别题。答案是D。根据第一段的第四句:Just to make the explanation as simple as possible, suppose science is defined as classified knowledge (facts). 科学正是知识的集合。12这是一道事实辨别题。答案是B。第五段的第四句指出:one should remember that the construction of the microscope had to precede the discovery of the cell. 没有代表纯科学成果的显微镜,就不可能有发现细胞的应用科学成果。13这是一道判断推理题。答案是C。第四段的第二句指出:One, aimed at satisfying curiosity, is referred to as pure science. 旨在满足求知欲的科学方法叫做纯科学,因此探索氧气知识应属于纯科学范畴。14这是一道判断推理题。答案是A。文章的最后一句指出:The host of scientists dedicating their lives to pure science are not apologetic about ignoring the practical side of their discoveries; they know from experience that most knowledge is eventually applied. 大多数纯科学研究成果最终会得到应用,理论科学家根本无须为应用问题操心,也不应为此受到指责。15这是一道判断推理题。答案是A。前三段着重说明科学的性质,第四段着重说明科学家工作的性质。Passage Four导读:这是一篇社会类有关美国租金控制的论述性文章。作者首先点题,(说明美国房租情况及租金控制法的起源),然后从正反两方面进行了论述(开发商跟房东反对租金控制,而租户持赞成态度)。点评:16. 这是一道判断推理题。答案是B。本文说明了美国房租情况及租金控制法的起源,并论述了人们对租金控制的不同态度。17 这是一道事实辨别题。答案是A。第三段的第二句指出:Rent control in the United States began in 1943 when the government imposed rent controls on all American cities to help workers and the families of soldiers during World War II. 美国政府实行租金控制的目的就是为了帮助工人及军人家庭。18这是一道事实辨别题。答案是D。第二段指出:Renters and city planners are worried about the high cost of renting apartments. Many cities now have rent-control laws to keep the cost of renting low. These laws help low-income families who cannot pay high rents. 地方政府和租户(尤其是低收入租户)都很关注租金过高的问题。19这是一道判断推理题。答案是A。第四段的第一句指出:Many cities have rent-control laws, but why are rents so high? 许多城市都立法控制租金,而房租依然很高,由此可知房租控制并不成功。20这是一道判断推理题。答案是B。第五段的第一句指出:Many renters disagree with them这里的them指代的就是前一句的主语builders and landlords。2003年湖北省博士研究生入学考试英语联考试卷解析Part I Reading ComprehensionPassage One导读:这是一篇教育类有关远程教学的说明文。文章一开头就说明什么叫远程教育;接着区分了远程教育和自学的不同;紧接着又指出远程教育筛选学生的前提;然后简单介绍了远程教育所涉及的教学课程;最后以远程教育日益得到社会承认结束文章。点评:1 这道题考查对文章主旨的理解。答案是B。文章一开头就说明什么叫远程教育;接着区分了远程教育和自学的不同;紧接着又指出远程教育挑选学生的前提;然后简单介绍了远程教育所涉及的教学课程;最后以远程教育日益得到社会承认结束文章。所以答案应选B。C只是指出了文章的一个方面,A和D在文中并没有谈及。2 这是一道考察细节的是非判断题。答案是C。文章第一段第二句When each lesson is completed, the student mails or transmits the assigned work to the institution for correction guidance by qualified instructors. Corrected assignments are returned promptly to the student;以及第二段第五句的后面部分they clearly are not correspondence or distance education说明远程教育师生之间有通信互动,而自学没有。A和B文中没有提及,D是对If a student slows his or her pace , the school provides encouragement的误解,学校只对进步
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