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课题:9A Unit6Detective storiesMain task and Pronunciation班级: 姓名: 学号: 授课时间:年月日(星期)【学习目标】1、将句子和图片搭配起来,完成一则故事。2、写一个侦探故事。3、识别一个单词的动词形式和名词形式在发音时重音的区别。【课前预习】一、翻译词组1一根钻石项链 _ 2与-相处得好 _3做-谋生 _ 4感到震惊 _5一个珠宝店 _ 6因为谋杀被捕 _预习完成情况评价:日期:【知识点梳理】1. You are under arrest for murder.“be under arrest”为“被捕的、在押的”、此处arrest是名词。arrest还可以用作动词。 如: A man was arrested for murdering the girl.2. A policeman told him that a jewellery shop had been robbed.此处rob为“掠夺、抢劫”,常用于rob sb of sth这一机构中。 如: Someone robbed him of his watch last night.【当堂巩固】一、翻译下列句子。1. 我和同学们相处融洽。I _ _ my classmates.2. 有目击者见到他跑进了教学楼。A witness said she had _ him _ _ the teaching building.3. 我将不得不核对现场的指纹。I will have to _ the _ for the _.4. 当他被指控绑架罪时我们都很震惊。We were all _ when he _ _ _ kidnapping.二、 完形填空These days,cars are designed using computersLets look at how a new car is created First,several 1 talk about the new car and any good ideas that they haveThen they sit down at their computers and2many sketchesThe best two or three drawings are chosen and then more detailed drawings of3are developed on the computerYou can change the size,shape or color of any part on the computer to see_4the car would look and then you can choose the best design Both the inside and outside of the car have to be designedPart of the inside of the car is 5so that the designers can sit in itThey can feel if there is enough6inside and if they can reach7Then some cars are built-there are more than 15000 parts of a car to8 When everything is known to be9,the cars are made in the factoryAgain,computers are used to make sure that all the parts are_10as they are neededThe factoryusually stays open all through the night so that the car production never stops( ) 1Adrivers Bdesigners Cworkers Dsalesmen( ) 2. Adraw Border Ctype Denjoy( ) 3Abicycles Btrains Ccars Dbuses( ) 4Ahow Bif Cwhat Dthat( ) 5Acovered Bpainted Clocked Dbuilt( ) 6Ametal Bglass Cleather Droom( ) 7Anothing BsomebodyCeverything Dnobody( ) 8Achoose Btest Cshow Drepair( ) 9Asafe Beasy Ccheap Dfast( )10Arare Belectronic Ccomfortable Dready三、书面表达。根据表格信息写一篇不少于80字的文章,介绍一起刑事案件。案件性质抢劫案案发时间上周五晚上7点至9点之间案发地点我市城南一个公园附近作案人两个蒙面人受害人一个20几岁的女孩及其男朋友案发经过那女孩和她男朋友朝公园走,两个蒙面人拦住他们,索要钱,但遭到拒绝,强盗用刀子攻击他们,女孩的男友与他们搏斗,受了伤,强盗抢了800元后开车逃跑,女孩拨打警方电话求助。警方希望_ _【课堂延伸】学案与测评第七课时作业完成情况评价: 日期:家长签字:_参考答案一、 1. get along well with 2. seen run into 3. check, scene fingerprints 4. shocked, was charged with二、 B A C A D D C B A C 三、 略
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