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北京环亚时代信息技术有限公司 M5000Solaris 10系统的安装、打补丁及IPMP的配置目 录一、安装准备2二、安装系统14三、打补丁 48一、 安装准备首先使用串口线将笔记本与M5000连接,端口的设置请看(图 1-1):图 1-1操作系统安装以及IP地址配置如下:Solaris版本要求Solaris 10_U7使用语言en_US 是否添加中文或者其他附加的语言包添加简体中文及北美USA语言包主机名m5000IP地址192.168.0.2子网掩码255.255.255.0系统的分区如下:SliceSize(MB)Mount point030000/ /*这是根分区*/116000swap /*这是交换分区*/2350000/oracle4567512Metadb分区1 M5000的初始设置新出厂的机器,XSCF没有设置用户,需要使用串口进行初始用户的创建。机器加插上电源后,XSCF启动完成后出现登陆提示符:Dec 24 08:52:26 localhost XSCF104: XSCF Initialize complete.login:defaultChange the panel mode switch to Service and press return. (Operation : Locked state - Service - Return)Leave it in that position for at least 5 seconds. Change the panel mode switch to Locked, and press return. (Operation : Wait more than 5 seconds - Service state - Locked - Return)XSCF根据提示,输入用户名default后,将前面板钥匙由锁定位置拧到维护位置,按回车,等待5秒后,将钥匙由维护位置拧到 锁定位置,敲回车,这样系统就进入XSCF提示符了。(钥匙顺序也可以相反,即开始本来在维护位置,那么就拧到锁定,再由锁定到维护)2 添加用户及给机器加电Change the panel mode switch to Service and press return.Leave it in that position for at least 5 seconds. Change the panel mode switch to Locked, and press return.XSCFadduser eis-installerXSCF setprivileges eis-installer platadm useradm auditadm /*添加用户并设置权限*/*添加用户eis-installer并设置权限,主要是platadm useradm*/XSCF showuser l /*查看状态*/User Name: eis-installerUID: 100Status: EnabledMinimum: 0Maximum: 99999Warning: 7Inactive: -1Last Change: Dec 24, 2009Password Expires: NeverPassword Inactive: NeverAccount Expires: NeverPrivileges: useradm platadm auditadmXSCF password eis-installer /*修改密码,此M5000密码为admin123*/New XSCF password: BAD PASSWORD: it is too shortRetype new XSCF password: Sorry, passwords do not matchNew XSCF password: BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary wordRetype new XSCF password: XSCF XSCF XSCF XSCF XSCF exitlogoutlogin: eis-installerPassword: XSCF XSCF XSCF XSCF XSCF showhardconf/*加电后的M5000用此条命令确认内部配置*/SPARC Enterprise M5000; + Serial:BEF0949C90; Operator_Panel_Switch:Locked; + Power_Supply_System:Single; SCF-ID:XSCF#0; + System_Power:Off; System_Phase:Cabinet Power Off; Domain#0 Domain_Status:Powered Off; MBU_B Status:Normal; Ver:0201h; Serial:BE0948104A ; + FRU-Part-Number:CF00541-0478 08 /541-0478-08 ; + Memory_Size:32 GB; CPUM#0-CHIP#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0401h; Serial:PP094605MN ; + FRU-Part-Number:CA06761-D202 E1 /375-3568-05 ; + Freq:2.400 GHz; Type:32; + Core:4; Strand:2; CPUM#0-CHIP#1 Status:Normal; Ver:0401h; Serial:PP094605MN ; + FRU-Part-Number:CA06761-D202 E1 /375-3568-05 ; + Freq:2.400 GHz; Type:32; + Core:4; Strand:2; CPUM#1-CHIP#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0401h; Serial:PP0946056Q ; + FRU-Part-Number:CA06761-D202 E1 /375-3568-05 ; + Freq:2.400 GHz; Type:32; + Core:4; Strand:2; CPUM#1-CHIP#1 Status:Normal; Ver:0401h; Serial:PP0946056Q ; + FRU-Part-Number:CA06761-D202 E1 /375-3568-05 ; + Freq:2.400 GHz; Type:32; + Core:4; Strand:2; MEMB#0 Status:Normal; Ver:0101h; Serial:BF0944FVV3 ; + FRU-Part-Number:CF00541-0545 08 /541-0545-08 ; MEM#0A Status:Normal; + Code:ce0000000000000001M3 93T5660QZA-CE6 4151-522563a9; + Type:2A; Size:2 GB; MEM#0B Status:Normal; + Code:ce0000000000000001M3 93T5660QZA-CE6 4151-5225644f; + Type:2A; Size:2 GB; MEM#1A Status:Normal; + Code:ce0000000000000001M3 93T5660QZA-CE6 4151-522563aa; + Type:2A; Size:2 GB; MEM#1B Status:Normal; + Code:ce0000000000000001M3 93T5660QZA-CE6 4151-52256376; + Type:2A; Size:2 GB; MEM#2A Status:Normal; + Code:ce0000000000000001M3 93T5660QZA-CE6 4151-522563fd; + Type:2A; Size:2 GB; MEM#2B Status:Normal; + Code:ce0000000000000001M3 93T5660QZA-CE6 4151-52256377; + Type:2A; Size:2 GB; MEM#3A Status:Normal; + Code:ce0000000000000001M3 93T5660QZA-CE6 4151-5225640a; + Ty
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