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nose习语“have a good nose for”,这个短语有两层意思,第一层是嗅觉(a sense of smell),如:a dog with a good nose即嗅觉灵敏的狗,第二层意思是探查和发现某事物的能力(an ability to find and detect something),如:a reporter with a good nose for news, scandal, etc.即善于搜寻新闻、丑闻等的记者。该篇课文中当然是第二层意思,是指作为一名好的记者要有对新闻的敏锐的“嗅觉”,非常形象。“nose”一词看似非常普通,但还有很多有趣的习语,有些还与汉语有异曲同工之妙,如:. as plain as the nose on ones face显而易见cant see beyond (the length of ) ones nose鼠目寸光fuddle ones nose酩酊大醉keep ones nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干但有些不能望文生义:a flat nose塌鼻子a Roman nose鹰钩鼻a snub nose狮子鼻a nose to light candles at 酒糟鼻子a dogs nose一种杜松子酒掺啤酒的混合饮料a nose of wax没有主意的人;容易塑捏的东西另外还有很多:1. be no skin off ones nose事不关己Its no skin off my nose if I lose this job; I can always get another one.失掉这份工作也没有关系,我随时都能找到工作。2.bite /snap sbs nose off气势汹汹地对某人说I was only five minutes late but she really bit my nose off.我仅仅迟到五分钟,可她就对我大发雷霆。3.blow ones nose擤鼻涕He caught such a bad cold that he had to blow his nose from time to time.他的感冒这么重,只得不停地擤鼻涕。4.by a nose以极微之差He passed the examination by a nose.他差一点不及格。The team won the game by a nose.他们队以微弱优势险胜。5.count/tell noses清点人数Each time the troop assembled the leader counted noses.部队每次集合时队长都清点人数。6.cut off ones to spite ones face与人赌气为自己招来不利If you refuse her help because youre angry with her, youre cutting off your nose to spite your face.如果你是因为跟她赌气而拒绝她的帮助,那你是自讨苦吃。7.follow ones nose一直走,凭直觉If you follow your nose, you cant miss it.如果你一直向前走,不会看不到它。It had been many years since my last visit, but I found the house by following my nose.我上次去该地是许多年前的事,但我还是凭直觉找到了那所房子。8.get up ones nose惹恼某人使人生厌Her cheeky remarks really got up my nose!她那些不要脸的话真惹我生气!9.have ones nose in sth专心的阅读某物Peters always having his nose in a book.彼得总是专心看书。10.keep ones nose clean不做讨厌违法的事If you keep your nose clean, the boss might promote you.你若是规规矩矩的,老板就可能提拔你。11.lead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走,完全支配某人He lets his wife lead him by the nose.他对太太惟命是从。12. look down ones nose at sb/sth轻视某人/某物I gave the dog some lovely steak, but it just looked down its nose at it.我给了那只狗一些挺好的牛排,可它却看不上。13.make a long nose做蔑视手势(把拇指放在鼻端,其余四指分开)He made a long nose when he saw the young man.当他看到那个年轻人时他做了一个蔑视手势。14. on the nose直接地;十分正确地His estimate was right on the nose.他的估计十分正确。15. puy through the nose被敲竹杠They patronized small and exclusive shops where they cheerfully pay through the nose.他们光顾规模小而货物高档的绅士商店,在那里心甘情愿地当冤大头。16. poke/ stick ones nose into sth管闲事Dont go poking your nose into other peoples business.少管闲事。17. put sbs nose out of joint使某人难堪,冒犯或惹恼某人He is so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.他那么自负,她没接收他的邀请可把他的鼻子气歪了。18. turn ones nose up at看不上My friend turns up his nose at anyone who hasnt had a college education.我的朋友对没受过大学教育的人一律看不起。19.(right) under ones (very) nose就在某人面前;当着某人的面The thief took Mrs. Smiths jewels right from under her nose.那个小偷就在史密斯夫人眼前偷取了她的珠宝。20. with ones nose in the air非常傲慢She walked past us with her nose in the air.她从我们身边走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。
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