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独家代理协议 Sole Agency Agreement 甲乙双方在平等互利发展贸易的基础上签订本协议并达成条款如下:This Agreement is entered into and between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions agreed upon as follows:1甲乙双方The Parties Concerned:供货人:(以下简称甲方)Supplier:(hereinafter called Party A)代理人: (以下简称乙方)Agent: (hereinafter called Party B)2 商品及数量Commodity and quantity:甲方委任乙方为在独家销售代理人。乙方保证在本协议有效期内销售上述商品不得少于 US$的销售量,其中上半年不得少于US$,第一季度不少于US$。甲方给予乙方“FOB 上海港”的价格为: 执行。Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Sole Agent for the sale of products of in . Party B shall undertake to achieve the sale of the aforesaid commodity not less thanUS$in the duration of this Agreement, and not less than US$ in the first half year, and not less thanUS$ in the first quarter.The “FOB Shanghai” price is: reference the 2007 pricelist.3.区域Territory:仅限于地区。Inonly.4.订单的确认Confirmation of Orders:本协议商品的有关数量、价格和装船期,应逐笔交易中确认,其细节详见甲方售货确认书。The quantities ,prices and dates of shipment concerning the commodity stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which will be shown in Party A Sales Confirmation.5.付款Payment :在订单确认后,乙方应在相应的售货确认书规定的时间内,将全额货款电汇给甲方,并在电汇全额货款后立即通知甲方以利于甲方及时装运。After confirmationof an order ,Party B shall pay total value of commodity to Party A by T/T within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C.Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after the T/T is done, so that Party A may make preparations for shipment.6.市场情况报告Reports on Market Conditions:乙方有义务每三个月向甲方寄送一次详细报告,反映当地市场情况和消费者意见。乙方还应随时将其他供货人所报同样商品的样品、价格、销售情况和宣传材料等寄给甲方参考。Party B shall have the obligation to forward once every three months to Party A detailed reports on current market conditions and on consumers comments. For Party As reference, Party B shall from time to time, forward to Party A samples of similar commodity offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales position and advertising material.7.协议有效期间,乙方在任何情况下都没有权利或职权以甲方的名义或代表甲方,给甲方造成或承担任何损害甲方利益的明示或暗示的义务或责任。During the effective period of this agreement, Party B under no circumstances shall have no rights or authority to create or assume any obligation or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied, which cause harms to Party A, in the name of or on behalf of Party A. 8.协议的有效期Validity of Agreement:本协议甲乙双方签定之日后生效,有效期年。如果某一方需要延长协议,必须在协议终止前个月内书面通知另一方。如果一方未能履行本协议有关条款,另一方有权终止本协议。This Agreement, when duly signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force forto be effective as from to. If a renewal of this Agreement is desired,notice in writing should be given by either partymonth prior to its expiry. Should one of the parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement.9.仲裁Arbitration:凡执行本协议引起的一切争议,应通过双方协商解决。如协商解决不了,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,按其仲裁规则进行仲裁。该委员会的裁决是终决的,并约束双方。仲裁费用除仲裁委另有决定外, 应由败诉一方负担。All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiation between both parties. In the event that no settlement through negotiation can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Shanghai Sub-Commission in Shanghai,China, in accordance with its Rules of Procedure of Arbitration. The decision made by this Commission shall be as final and is binding on both parties. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Commission.10.其它条款Other Terms & Conditions:(1) 甲方不得向上述代理区域内的其它客户提供协议商品。如有任何直接询盘,均应转给乙方。但是,如有任何客户坚持要与甲方直接交易,甲方有权直接成交,但这种情况下甲方应送给乙方售货确认书副本一份,并且该笔交易量算作乙方的销售量。Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned territory. Direct enquiries, if any, will be referred to Party B. However,should any other buyers insist on dealing direct with Party A, Party A shall have the right to do so. In the latter case, Party A shall send to Party B a copy of relevant S/C and the net invoice value of the transaction concluded shall be added in Party Bs sales volume.(2) 乙方在协议有效期内只能代理和销售甲方一家产品,不能代理和销售其他厂家和其他品牌的同类产品。除非在甲方暂时没有或暂时不能供货的情况下,乙方有权向第三方调货,但必须书面告之甲方,并且在甲方有能力供货的时候必须立即停止从第三方调货,恢复从甲方要货。During the effective period of this agreement, Party B appoints Party A as its Sole supplier for the products of Orthopedic implants and instruments, and Party B could not sale any this kind of products which is made by any other companies or any other brands. Except the situation when Party A do not have or could not provide the products temporarily, Party B shall have the temporary rights to buy the products from the third party. But Party B shall give the written report to Party A, and Party B must stop the buy from the third party at once and resume to buy from Party A when Party A have the ability to provide the products.(3) 如果乙方未能在规定的时间内完成协议中要求的订单,甲方有权终止本协议。Should Party B fail to reach the minimum requested sale during th
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