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福建省晋江市首峰中学高中英语必修一Unit 1 Lifestyles导学案7LifestyleSupposeSwitchRemoteSufferReduceStandVolunteerSupportPresentationAccountantForecastStressfulComplainPortableDocumentSocialOrganizePreferGraduateAdvertisementSovleCrowdedCrowdKey phrases:重点短语1. 谈话节目2. 中日懒散在家的人3. 把开关打开4. 把。 关掉5. 转化频道6. 想出7. 充满着8. 忍受9. 数年间10. 盼望11. 占据12. 此刻Lesson 1 A perfect day?知识点详解:1. It was _ late to catch a bus after the party, therefore we called a taxi.A too very B much too C too much D far2. Most school libraries are open _.A at weekend B on the weekend C at the weekends D on weekends3. Although the wind has _, the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.A turned up B gone back C die down D blown out4. We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _ one this month.A the other B some C another D other5. As busiest woman in Norton, she made _ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A this B that C one D it6. If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay _ $ 15.A another B other C more D each7. 用 moment, instant, minute, second 填空1. Ill be with you in a _.2. She hesitated for just an _.3. Wait a _.8. If there is a good play on BBC2, I _ and watch it.A switch on B will switch over C switch off D turn into9. 用 practice, exercise 填空1. We should do _ in speaking English.2. I also so some _ everyday.10 翻译1他过去过着艰苦的生活。2. 他父亲靠捕鱼为生。3. 在中国北方,人们以小麦为主食。11. For him _ stage is just _ means of making a living.A a;a B the; a C the; the D a; the13. After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for _ an hour, thinking of her young and happy days.A as long as B as soon as C as much as D as many as14. After he retired from office, Roger _ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.A took up B saved up C kept up D drew up15. The glass which should be _ with tea is _ now.A fillwith B fillingfull C filledfull D fulfilled16. 翻译下列句子1. 他们抱怨这糟糕的食物。2. 他几乎马上就开始抱怨起天气来了。3. 简总是满腹牢骚。17. If you think that treating a woman well means always _ her permission for things, think again.A gets B got C to get D gettingLesson 2 Relaxing1. As the busiest woman in Norton, she made _ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A this B that C one D it2. Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A that B it C this D you3. I agree with most of what you said, but I didnt agree with _.A everything B anything C something D nothing4. Many people agree that _ knowledge of Englishis a must in international _trade today.A a; / B the; an C the; the D /;the5. 用 take place, happen, occur, come about, break out 适当形式填空。1. Great changes_ in our hometown during the past ten years.2. Maybe something unexpected _.3. It _ to me that she didnt know I had moved into the new hotel.4. Ill never understand how it _ that you were late three times a week.5. A fire _ in the hospital in the mid-night.6. after the flood, diseases_ here and there.7. She _, “that is too unfair!”6. I suggest you _ by taking this medicine.A to lose weight B will lose weight C lose weight D are losing weightLesson 4 City and Country1. It _ him 5 days to finish reading this novel.A pays B costs C takes D spends2. His mother was ill in hospital, so he had to _ $ 500 for his car.A pay B cost C take D spend3. It is right of you to do that, you know, it _ one to be honest.A gives B takes Cpays D offers4. The boys bad behavior _ his mother many sleeping nights.A pays B takes C costs D spends5. The taxi driver often reminds passengers to _ their belongings when they leave the car.A keep B catch C hold D take6. The workers _ 3 years on this project.A have paid B cost C have taken D have spent7. -Must he come to sign this paper himself? - Yes, he _.A need B must C may D will8. -Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary.-she_. Ive already borrowed one.A cant B mustnt C neednt D shouldnt 9. Ill visit my uncle Tom _ next month.A sometimes B sometime C some time D some times10. Comrade Li Dazhao, _ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.Asometi
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