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Unit 11 Multimedia 多媒体,New word:,1.multimedia n.多媒体 The combined use of several media, such as movies, slides, music, and lighting, especially for the purpose of education or entertainment. 多媒体:多种媒体的联合使用,例如电影、幻灯片、音乐和照明的组合,尤其是出于教育或娱乐的目的 The use of several mass media, such as television, radio, and print, especially for the purpose of advertising or publicity.Also called mixed media 多种媒体组合:多种大众传媒的使用,象电视、无线电和报纸的组合,特别是出于广告或宣传的目的也作 mixed media n.attributive.(定语名词) Often used to modify another noun: 经常用来修饰另一个名词: a multimedia presentation; a multimedia advertising campaign. 多媒体的演出;多媒介的广告战,2. experience n.经历,经验 The apprehension of an object, a thought, or an emotion through the senses or mind: 体验:通过感觉或记忆对某物、思想或一种感情的理解 a childs first experience of snow. 那个孩子对雪的初次体验 Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill: 经验:在事件或活动中积极参与而积累的知识或技能: a lesson taught by experience; a carpenter with experience in wall and roof repair. 由经验得出的教训;对修理墙壁和屋顶有经验的木匠.,3.professional adj. 职业的,专业的; n.专家 Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: 专业的,职业的:职业的、与职业相关的、从事职业的或适合职业的: a professional field such as law; professional training. 专业领域,如法律;职业训练 A person following a profession, especially a learned profession. 专业人员:从事某项职业的人,尤指有学问的职业 A skilled practitioner; an expert. 行家:技术熟练的行业者;专家,4. static a.静态的 Having no motion; being at rest; quiescent. 静态的:无动作的;静止的;静态的 Fixed; stationary. 固定的;不动的 5. image n.形象、图象 The opinion or concept of something that is held by the public. 形象,概念:大众认可的某事的意见或概念 A reproduction of the form of a person or an object, especially a sculptured likeness. 画像,塑像:人或物体的轮廓的复制,尤指雕塑出来的复制品 A personification of something specified: 象征,化身:特定事物的拟人化: That child is the image of good health. 那个小孩就是健康的化身,6. definition n.定义 A statement conveying fundamental character. 定义:表达基本特征的说明 A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry. 释义:对单词、短语或术语的意义的说明,如字典的词条中的解释 The act of making clear and distinct: 清晰:使清楚明晰的行为: a definition of ones intentions. 意图的清楚表达,index n.索引 An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned. 索引:按字母顺序排列的人名、地名和印刷品内容名称,并在每个后面注上页码 A table, file, or catalog. 目录:表格目录,文件目录或内容目录 Something that reveals or indicates; a sign: 表示:具有暗示或揭示作用的东西;信号: Her face . was a fair index to her disposition 她的脸是显示她气质的一个很好的指标,8. communication n.通信,交流 The act of communicating; transmission. 传递:传送的行为;传递 The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. 交流,沟通:交换思想、消息或信息,如经由说话、信号、书写或行为 communications The technology employed in transmitting messages. communications 通讯技术:用于传输消息的技术 n.attributive.(定语名词) Often used to modify another noun: 常用于修饰另一名词: communication systems; communication technology; communications equipment; communications interface. 通信系统;通信技术;通信设备;通信接口,9. convey v. 搬运,传递 To take or carry from one place to another; transport. 传送:将从一个地方运送或输送到另一个地方;输送 To serve as a medium of transmission for; transmit: 传播:作为的传送或传播媒介;传播: wires that convey electricity. 传电的金属线 区别:convey, carry, bear, transport, transmit 这些动词,当它们指人或物从一个地方向另一个地方运动时,可相互比较 convey 常常含有持续、有规律地运动或流动的意思: Pipelines convey water. The word also means to serve as a medium for the delivery or transmission of something: 管道排送水。 这个词还表示作为某物传送或传播的媒介: The company has a fleet of trucks for conveying produce to the wholesale market. 公司有一队卡车用来把产品运到批发市场。,carry 适用范围很广,但常常表示运动时支撑着某物: The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. 火车运送行李、邮件及乘客。 bear 带有强烈的努力支承重物的意味;它常指运送某些重要物品,如珍贵的礼品等: Four attendants bore the queens palanquin. 四个随从抬着王后的轿子。 An envoy came bearing the sad news. 一位使者带来了坏消息。 transport 主要限于人或有形物体的常常是长距离的运动: The city uses buses to transport students to school. 这城市用公共汽车载送学生去学校。 Huge tankers are used to transport oil. 用巨型油轮来运输石油。,Transmit 指经过、发送或传播某物: Please transmit the stock certificates by special messenger. 请通过特种邮件投递将股票票证寄来。 The cost of transmitting books by air is very high. 空运书籍的费用很高。 We transmitted the instructions by electronic mail. The word also means “to serve as a medium for the passage of something such as light, electricity, or sound”: 我们用电子邮件传达指令。 这个词还表示“作为通过某物的媒介,如光、电或声音等”:,reinforce v.增加,加强 To give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen: 增强:给予更多的力量或效力;加强: The news reinforced her hopes. 这个消息增强了她的希望。 To strengthen by adding extra support or material. 加强:用增加支持或物资来加强 To increase the number or amount of; augment. 增加:增加的数量;增加,11. narration n. 叙述,讲述 The act, process, or an instance of narrating. 叙述:叙述的行为、过程或例子 Narrated material. 叙述的材料 animation n. 动画 An animated cartoon. 动画片,卡通 The act, process, or result of imparting life, interest, spirit, motion, or activity. 生气,活泼,热烈,热情:产生活力、兴趣、运动或活动的行为、过程或结果 The quality or condition of being alive, active, spirited, or vigorous. 活力,生气勃勃:生气、活泼、热情、活跃的品质或情形,clip v.夹住,剪辑;n.夹子 A short extract from a film or videotape. 剪辑:从电影胶片或录相带剪出的片断 To fasten with or as if with a clip; hold tightly. 夹牢,夹紧:用或好象用夹子固定;紧紧抓住
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