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Unit 1 The Internet Era,互联网时代,.Leading In(学习指导) . Short Interview(简短问答) . Background Reading (相关背景阅读) . Specialized Terms (专业特色词汇) . Skills of Reading (阅读技巧) . Reference Translation (参考译文),.Leading In(学习指导),互联网的发展 互联网最早来源于国防部高级研究计划局DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)的前身ARPA建立的ARPAnet,该网于1969年投入使用。,. Short Interview(简短问答),Figure 1-1,(2) (3)Name,. Short Interview(简短问答),Figure 1-2,. Short Interview(简短问答),ZZ.eps,1.Internet=Net Intranet内联网,内部网 2.network网络 3.evolve逐渐形成,发展 4.World 5.electronic 6.file,. Short Interview(简短问答),protocol协议 7.server服务器,为客户机提供共享和交互服务 8.website网站 9.page网页 Home Page主页 10.a single 11.advanced 12.interconnect相互联接 13.telecommunications电信 14.infrastructure下部结构,基础下部组织 15.newsgroups新闻组(是一个公告牌。 16.hypertext,. Short Interview(简短问答),17.embed埋置;把嵌进(in) 18.personal 19.modem=modulator-demodulator调制解调器 20.analog/analogue模拟 21.Internet 22.Web 23.Netscape美国一家以开发浏览器闻名的公司 NavigatorNetscape公司出产的浏览器 24.Microsoft美国微软公司 Internet ExplorerMicrosoft公司出产的浏览器 25.rivalry竞争,敌对 26.HTTP,. Short Interview(简短问答),27.HTML 28.formatted 29.animations动画片 30.URL 31.CERN Particle Physics) 32.Mosaic马赛克(最早出现在互联网上的图形网络浏览器) 33.integrated 34.dabble 35.bubble 36.far 37.everyday,. Short Interview(简短问答),38.contraction缩约词 39.desktop/desktop 40.prospect可能的主顾;潜在顾客 41.target 42.mushroom迅速增长 43.instantaneous迅速的;即时的 44.username用户名 45.domain toplevel domain name顶级域名 46.upload 47.Web,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),Intensive Reading(精读课文) Benefit by Logging on the Internet E-mail(电子邮件),. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),Email is a mail client program that may be a facility of the web browser or a separate software packageComing emails are downloaded from a postbox (file) on the server and outgoing emails need addressing of the recipients, for example: “LihuaWang GuangMingcom” (the first part before is the persons name who owns the mail box and the second part after is the domain name of the post box that is used on the mail server to derive the IP address).IP address is a series of digital numbers used to indicate where the mail from or toEvery IP address corresponds to the domain name, domain name is designed for people, and IP address is designed for computerEmail could let users receive or send out many types of information such as literal, image or voiceEmail is the fastest, simplest and lowest,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),cost modern transmission facility, and it is the widest used service of Internet. World Wide Web(万维网) Web is the most dynamic force in the information technology (IT) industry, for it has brought out the advent of increasingly powerful and inexpensive technologies that permitted more and more people to make use of IT; it has also provided the base for many business applications and become a incredibly flexible and accurate way of conducting digital information. FTP(文件传输协议),. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),FTP transfers can be performed on the World Wide Web without the need for special softwareIn this case, the Web browser will sufficeWhenever you download software from a Web site to your local machine, you are using FTPYou can also retrieve FTP files via search engines such as FtpFind, located at http:/wwwftpfindcom/This option is easiest because you do not need to know FTP program commands. E-mail Discussion Groups(电子邮件讨论组),. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),When you subscribe to a listserv, messages from other subscribers are automatically sent to your electronic mailboxYou subscribe to a listserv by sending an email message to a computer program called listserverThis program handles subscription information and distributes messages to and from subscribersYou must have an email account to participate in a listserv discussion groupVisit Liszt at http:/wwliszt com/ to see a site that offers email discussion groups. Usenet News(新闻组网络),. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),Usenet News is a global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computer users exchange information on a vast range of topicsThe major difference between Usenet News and email discussion groups is the fact that Usenet messages are stored on central computers, and users must connect to these computers to read or download the messages posted to these groupsThis is distinct from email distribution. Chat & Instant Message(聊天和即时消息),. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),Chat programs allow users on the Internet to communicate with each other by typing in real timeThey are sometimes included as a feature of a Web site, where users can log into the chatroom to exchange informationInternet Relay Chat (IRC) is a service through which participants can communicate to each other on hundreds of channelsThese channels are usually based on specific topics. MUD(多用户空间),. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),MUD stands for Multi User DimensionMUDs are multiuser virtual reality games based on simulated worldsTraditionally text based, graphical MUDs now existThere are MUDs of all kinds on the Internet,
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