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,Unit 26 Text Interconnection Basics,New Words and Expressions,availability E7veilE5biliti n . 实用性,有效性 intensive in5tensiv adj. 细致的,精深的 route ru:t v. 发送 n. 路线 traverse 5trAvE(:)s v. 来回移动, 横越 status 5steitEs n. 身份, 地位 distorted dis5tR:tid adj. 扭歪的, 使变形,forward 5fC:wEd vt. 转寄, 促进 regenerate ri5dVenEreit v. 再生, 革新 bound baund adj. 开往.去的, 装订的 facilitate fE5siliteit vt. 使便利(容易) subtle 5sQtl adj. 微妙的, 精细的 complexity kEm5pleksiti n. 复杂(性), 错综 act as 担任, 充当 (be) coupled with 和.联合,结合,Technical Terms,TCP (Transmission Control Protocol ) 传输控 制协议 packet address 信包地址 beyond the local network 非本地网 traffic control capabilities 流量控制能力 protocol conversion 协议转换,Notes,1. With their increasing popularity among organizations, coupled with the widespread availability of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), LANs began to be used for linking diverse hardware and operating systems 随着LAN在各机构中的日益流行以及传输控制协议网际协议(TCPIP)的广泛利用,许多LAN开始用来链接不同的硬件与操作系统。 with是介词短语, 作伴随状语。coupled with 是形容词短语也作伴随状语。 2. the latter three relieve host computers of the processing-intensive tasks of protocol conversion and routing information to appropriate locations. 后三种设备解决了主机处理协议转换和引导信息到合适位置的细致的处理工作。 句中protocol conversion and routing information to 是介词of 的宾语; the processing-intensive tasks 译为: 细致的处理工作。,3. Bridges, which operate at the data link layer of the OSI model, interconnect LANs that have the same type of operating system. 网桥工作在OSI 参考模型的数据链路层,与具有同一类型操作系统的LAN互联。 句子的主干结构是 Bridges interconnect LANs; 其中包含了两个定语从句:which operate 是非限制性定语从句;that have是限制性定语从句。 4. Whereas a bridge only checks the packet address to see if it is bound for another network, a router looks deeper. 而网桥只查看信包是否是发往另一个网上的,路由器则更进一步。 whereas 是并列连词,相当于 while ,意为:”而,然而”。例如:Whereas some people like rice, others like buns. 有些人喜欢米饭,而有些人喜欢馒头。,Exercises I. Try to match the following columns: 1. host computer 多级寻址 2. the data link layer 非本地网 3. protocol conversion 网络管理 4. beyond the local network 智能 5. different architecture 数据链路层 6. intelligence capability 主机 7. several levels of addressing 不同(体系)结构 8. network management 协议转换,1. 主机 2. 数据链路层 3. 协议转换 4. 非本地网 5. 不同(体系)6. 智能 7. 多级寻址 8. 网络管理,II. Write out the full name of each of the following abbreviations and then put them into Chinese: TCP LAN OSI IP III. Put the following sentences into Chinese: 1. Repeater: A device that can regenerate a signal so it can transmit the signal for a long distance without becoming distortion.,中断器:一种能再生信号的设备,所以它能远距离传输信号而不使 之变坏。,Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议 Local area network 局域网 Open Systems Interconnection 开放系统互连 Internet Protocol 网际协议,2. Bridge: A device for networking. It can be used to link LANs and forwards data frames destined for an address beyond the local network to other network. 3. Router: A device for networking. It can be used to link LANs that have same protocols.,桥:一种网际互联的设备。它能用来链接LANs 把数据帧送超出本地的任意地址,到其他网络中。,路由器:一种网际互联的设备,它能用来链接具有不同协议的LANs.,B. Reading New Words and Expressions disposal dis5pEuzEl n. 配置, 布局 synthesis 5sinWisis n. 综合, 合成 scanner 5skAnE n. 扫描仪 obviate 5Cbvieit vt. 消除,避免 facsimile fAk5simili n. 传真 v. 影印 Teletype 5teli7taip n. 电传打字机 fax fAks n. v. 传真,Technical Terms,text processing 文本处理 two-way cable TV 双向电缆电视 on-line database service 联机数据服务 voice recognition and synthesis 声音识别及合成系统 shared word processor 共享式文字处理器,Exercises,Decide whether the following statements are true or false: 1. Electronic mail has come to play the principal role in most office workplaces. 2. If we want to avoid rekeying printed text in order to input it, a scanner should be used. 3. Scanners can not only printed text materials but also graphic ones be input into a computer by a scanner.,4. A computer can send or receive a FAX instead of a FAX machine. 5. In the modern automated office, word processing produce perfect final copy of written documents. 6. Documents may then be stored for immediate access in shared word processors.,F T F T F F,
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