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G08BA,主编,Unit 1 The Internet Era 互联网时代 Unit 2 E-business 电子商务 Unit 3 E-marketing 网络营销 Unit 4 Electronic Payment 电子支付 Unit 5 E-logistics 电子商务物流,Unit 6 E-business Security 电子商务安全 Unit 7 Contracts, Legislation and Taxation 合同、立法与税收 Appendix 电子商务英语前沿词汇 Appendix 电子商务英语专业词汇的构成 参 考 文 献,Unit 3 E-marketing,网络营销,.Leading In(学习指导) . Short Interview(简短问答) . Background Reading (相关背景阅读) . Specialized Terms (专业特色词汇) . Skills of Reading (阅读技巧) . Reference Translation (参考译文),.Leading In(学习指导),什么是网络营销? 网络营销是企业整体营销战略的一个组成部分,是为实现企业总体经营目标所进行的、以互联网为基本手段营造网上经营环境的各种活动。 (1)瞄准消费者需求(consumers (2)消费者所愿意支付的成本(cost) (3)消费者的便利性(convenience) (4)与消费者沟通(communication) 网络营销的职能?,.Leading In(学习指导),实践证明,网络营销可以在八个方面发挥作用:网络品牌、网址推广、信息发布、销售促进、销售渠道、顾客服务、顾客关系、网上调研。这八种作用也就是网络营销的八大职能,网络营销策略的制订和各种网络营销手段的实施也以发挥这些职能为目的。 网络营销包含哪些内容? 一份完整的网络营销方案应该包括以下内容:营销目的、市场环境与背景、市场分析、竞争分析、营销策略、风险控制、战略规划、效益分析、总结。 网络营销的常用方法有哪些?,.Leading In(学习指导),网络营销的方法很多,如搜索引擎营销、网络广告、电子邮件营销、网上拍卖、网上商店、网络分类广告等。网络营销方法也可以按照多种不同方式进行分类。目前比较常用的分类方法是根据企业是否建立网站来进行分类,可将网络营销方法分为无站点网络营销和基于企业网站的网络营销。两种情形分别有不同的网络营销方式,也有一些通用网络营销方式,即无论是否已经建立企业网站都是适用的。,. Short Interview(简短问答),Part A.Product Development产品开发 Q: Do you think product development important for a company?,ZZ.eps,1.lifeblood 2.breakthrough(知识领域或技术方面等的)突破,重大发展或发现 3.product 4.product 5.market 6.product 7.niche,. Short Interview(简短问答),8.screening审查,调查,筛选 9.market 10.test Part B.Setting Prices产品定价 Q: Do you think price is the only factor that you consider when you are deciding to buy a product?,ZZ.eps,1.after-sales 2.reliability产品的性能可靠度 3.price,. Short Interview(简短问答),4.cash 5.quantity 6.seasonal 7.trade 8.product 9.market Part C.Product Promotion产品推广 Q: What do you think is the basic objective underlying all promotion?,ZZ.eps,1.sales,. Short Interview(简短问答),2.incentive刺激;鼓励, 3.a mass 4.target 5.coupon赠券;(连在广告上的)预约券,优待券 6.free 7.premium奖赏励, 8.trading 9.loyalty 10.point-of-sale 11.trade 12.direct 13.rebate回扣,. Short Interview(简短问答),14.sweepstake抽奖 15.publicity大众化 Part D.Advertising广告 Q: Do you think television advertising is the most effective form of advertising?,ZZ.eps,1.target 2.spontaneously自然地, 3.slot(在组织、名单、程序等中的)位置 4.Internet(net/online),. Short Interview(简短问答),5.recall 6.banner 7.pop-up 8.lead 9.classified 10.bonus奖金,额外津贴,红利,余利,额外股息 11.sales Part E.Packaging包装 Q: What is important when deciding packaging for a product?,. Short Interview(简短问答),ZZ.eps,1.product 2.packaging 3.production 4.transit 5.spoilage损坏 6.high-quality 7.graphics,. Short Interview(简短问答),Part F.Branding品牌 Q: What do you think a company should do to create brand awareness1for a new brand?,ZZ.eps,1.brand 2.brand 3.connotation内涵,(词的)涵义 4.brand 5.brand 6.brand,. Short Interview(简短问答),7.brand 8.brand 9.product 10.brand Part G.Customer Satisfaction顾客满意度 Q: What do you think a company can do to find out the needs and wants of customers?,ZZ.eps,1.go 2.calm,. Short Interview(简短问答),3.solicit Part H.Keeping Customers留住顾客 Q: What can a company do to keep its customers?,ZZ.eps,1.establish.relationships 2.rapport 3.repeat重订同类货的订单 4.regular 5.follow-up连续广告法,连续推销法 6.relationship,. Short Interview(简短问答),7.hectic忙碌不停的 Part .Marketing Channels营销渠道 Q: Do you think marketing intermediaries1are necessary when you want to buy products?,ZZ.eps,1.marketing 2.direct 3.telephone 4.mail-order 5.marketing,. Short Interview(简短问答),6.geographic 7.populated 8.middleman中间商 9.perishable/perishability易腐烂的,不经久的/易腐烂性 10.deteriorate,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),Intensive Reading(精读课文) Marketing Research (Part A) 1.ongoingadj.不间断的,继续存在的 2.proactive 3.reactive 4.sales Factors in Pricing Decisions (Part B) Price and Non-price Competition(价格与非价格的竞争) Nonprice competition involves competing based on factors other than price, such as quality or serviceThis strategy is useful in building brand loyaltyCustomers who prefer a brand for reasons other than price are less likely to switch to a brand that costs less.,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),Supply and Demand(供给与需求) The price of a product is also influenced by the economic forces of supply and demandFor most products, the quantity demanded goes up as the price goes down; demand goes down as the price goes upOn the contrary, the quantity supplied increases as price goes up; supply goes down as price goes down. Consumers Perception of Price(顾客的价格观念) (Words: 293) 1.perception 2.brand 3.penetration 4.price,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),5.odd-even 6.cost-oriented Selection of Promotion Mix Elements (Part C) 1.promotion 2.advertising 3.sales 4.personal 5.public 6.direct 7.marketer 8.target 9.geographic,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),10.demographic 11.free 12.trade 13.refund 14.rebate 15.sweepstake 16.potential,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),这几个概念都有“网络营销”或者“互联网营销”的含义,但是其含义和应用场合有一定的区别。这种细微的差别,也许只有母语是英语的国家的网络营销研究人员才能严格分辨。我们对于“网络营销”、“网上营销”、“互联网营销”等概念也很少真正去严格分辨它们之间的差别,有时也很难说清楚到底有多大不同,关键是使用习惯问题。,2T7.TIF,. Background Reading (相关背景阅读),1.Internet 2.target 3.broadcasting 4.print 5.media 6.poster 7.billboard 8.outdoor 9.informative 10.persua
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