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Unit 17 Cellular Mobile Telephone System,蜂窝移动电话系统,Part Three Communication and Information Processing,Technical terms: 1. cellular mobile telephone 蜂窝移动电话 2. mobile service switching center (MSC) 移动业务交换中心 3. base station(BS) 基站 4. mobile station(MS) 移动台 5. public switching telephone network (PTSN) 公共电话交换网,Preparing for the text:,Questions for text discussion: 1. Tell the advantages for mobile phone over fixed phone? -The mobile phone is a transportable, car mounted or pocket telephone, it is very convenient for people to use everywhere. 2. What are the three basic parts for a cellular mobile telephone system? -An automatic cellular mobile telephone system (CMTS) consists of three main components: mobile services switching center (MSC), radio base station (BS) and mobile station(MS) 3. What are the functions of base stations? -Each base station is connected to MSC by digital or analogue connections for speech and data communication.,The main idea of this unit:,This unit mainly discusses the development of the cellular mobile telephone system. (1)There are three parts for a cellular mobile telephone system. (2)Introduce the function of the three parts -MSC, BS, MS,1.percentage (1)百分数率, 比 (2)比例, 部分 (3) 【商】手续费, 佣金, 折扣 (4)利益, 获利, 好处, 用处 (5)(根据统计得出的)可能性 a percentage of 5 百分之五 no percentage 没利益 percentage of hits 【军】命中率 What percentage of the students were absent? 旷课的学生占百分之几? A large percentage of school-books now have pictures. 现在大部分教科书有插图。,New Words,2.telephony 电话学, 电话, 电话制造 telecom 电信 telecommunication 电信 3. subscription (1)签署; 赞助 (2)签名; 有签名的文件 (3)预订, 订阅; 预定费; 订阅费 (4)认捐(额); 认缴(额) invite subscription for a loan 申请批准放款 open close the subscription lists 开始截止募捐预订 renew ones subscription to China Daily 续订中国日报,4. Spectacular 引人入胜的, 壮观的 a spectacular achievement in science 科学上的一项惊人成就 a spectacular display of fire works 放焰火的壮观景象 in a spectacular fashion 惊人地, 壮观地 5. subscriber (1)捐助款人 (2)预约者, 订购者; 订户 (3)the subscriber签名人 (4)用户 a telephone subscriber 电话用户,6. Universal (1)宇宙的; 万物的 (2)多方面的; 多才多艺的;万能的; 通用的 universal rules 一般的原则 His speech met with universal applause. 他的讲话得到全场的热烈掌声。 He was a universal genius. 他是一个多才多艺的天才。,7. Coverage 范围美保险总额; 保证金 TV coverage of the election campaign 竞选活动的电视报道 The coverage of the subject in his botany text is inadequate. 他的植物学教科书中对那题目的叙述不充分。,8. geographical 地理学的, 地理的 geographic 地理学的, 地理的 9. engage (1)常用被动语态从事, 着手, 忙于(in) (2)约束; 约定; 使订婚, 与订婚(to) (3)保证, 担保, 允诺 (4) 使参加, 使.卷入其中 He is engaged just now. 他正有事。 Tom is engaged to Anne. 汤姆已与安妮订婚。 This seat is engaged. 此座已定出。 We engage him as technical adviser. 我们聘请他担任技术顾问。 His good nature engages everyone. 他善良的性情吸引每个人。 Work engages much of her time. 工作占去她很多时间。,10. Simultaneous 同时存在发生的 the policy of simultaneous development of industry and agriculture 工业和农业同时并举的方针 This event was almost simultaneous with that one. 这件事几乎是与那件事同时发生的。 11. transportable 可运输的 便于携带的 transport 运输, 输送; 搬运 transport mail by train 以火车运邮件,12. mounted (1)骑在马 上的, 由车马输送的 (2)装好在架子上的; 贴在衬纸上的, 镶嵌的, 裱上的 mounted infantry 骑马步兵 a mounted point 骑 兵尖兵 mounted police 骑警(队) a mounted gem 镶嵌宝石 13. situated (1)位于.的, 坐落在.的(at; on) (2)处于.地位境遇、状态的 The school is situated in the suburbs. 这所学校位于郊外。 She is awkwardly situated. 她的处境困难。,14 dedicated 献给, 献身, 致力 dedicate a book to a certain person 将(所著的书)题献给某人 The mayor dedicated the World Fair yesterday. 昨天市长主持了世界博览会的开幕式。 15 deteriorate (1)使恶化, 弄坏 (2)败坏(风俗); 使变坏(品质等) (3)退化; 堕落 The weather deteriorated overnight. His health had deteriorated while he was in prison. The nations highways are deteriorating at a rapid pace. 这个国家的高速公路正在迅速衰退。,16.Administer (1)管理; 照料; 治理 administer a trust fund 经管一项信托基金 administer justice 执行法律 17. Parameter 【数】参数,变数 parameter-transformation n. 参数变换,Expressions:,be equipped with 配备 The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons. 士兵们配备着最新式的武器。 We equip our children with a good education. 我们使孩子们受到良好的教育。 be engage in 使从事 He is engage in education all his life. 他一辈子都在从事事业。 majority of 多数, 大半 The majority of children in our class have brown eyes; only three have blue eyes. 我们班大多数孩子是棕色眼睛,只有三个是蓝眼睛。 in progress 前进, 进行中 The building of the largest bridge across the river in Adia is in progress. 这座亚洲最大的一座跨江大桥正在建设中。,Text,Unit 17 Cellular Mobile Telephone System Cellular mobile telephone(Fig17.1) is one of the fastest growing and most demanded telecom applications ever. Today , it represents a large percentage of all new telephony subscriptions all around the world and its spectacular growth continues. In 1990 it is expected that in certain areas, 10 percent of all telephony subscribers will be mobile subscribers. In the long-term perspective, cellular radio using digital technology will become the universal way of communication for virtually everybody.,译:蜂窝移动电话是发展最迅速、需求最高的电信应用之一。现今,它在全球所有新签署的电话用户协议中占有很大的份额,而且它还在惊人地持续增长。1990年就预测到在某些领域固定电话用户的10%将成为移动用户。从长远角度来看,利用数字技术的蜂窝无线电将会成为几乎每一个人的全球通信方式。,Text,Unit 17 Cellular Mobile Telephone System An aut
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