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www.ks5u.com英语周测时间:90分钟 满分120分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFall in Love With Your Writing With These Books! Write NakedBy Jennifer ProbstWAS: $16.99NOW: $15.99Bestselling author Jennifer Probst reveals her pathway to success, from struggling as a new writer to signing a seven-figure deal. Written in Probsts unmistakable and honest voice, Write Naked mixes personal essays on craft with down-to-earth advice on writing romance in the digital age. Just WriteBy James Scott BeliWAS: $17.99NOW: $10.99Write yourself past fears, doubts and setbacks, using your desire writing excellence to deeply involve yourself in the craft. In Just Write, youll learn how to master the nuances(细微差别) of fiction, discover what readers really want, and persevere through the challenges of getting started, conquering writers block and dealing with rejection. Damn Fine StoryBy Chuck WendigWAS: $17.99NOW: $8.99Great storytelling is making readers care about your characters. And to tell a damn fine story, you need to understand why and how that caring happens. Using a mix of personal stories, pop fiction examples and traditional storytelling terms, The New York Times bestselling author Chuck Wendig will help you internalize the feel of powerful storytelling, Fearless WritingBy William KenowerWAS: $16.99NOW:$15.99Filled with insightful wisdom and practical advice, Fearless Writing teaches you how to accept the inner value of your work, enter a flow state while writing and overcome rejection, delay and other obstacles that prevent your creativity. With Fearless Writing, youll find the inner strength to set on a brave journey and build a lifelong career in the process. 21. Who shares his/her own writing experience with the readers?A. Jennifer Probst. B. James Scott Beli. C. Chuck Wendig. D. William Kenower. 22. Which book has the highest discount?A. Write Naked. B. Just Write. C. Damn Fine Story. D. Fearless Writing.23. What do the four books have in common?A. They are written by bestselling authors. B. They focus on traditional storytelling terms. C. They show how to overcome rejection. D. They give some practical advice on writingBThe year 2117 will be an eventful one for art. In May of that year in Berlin, the philosopher-artist Jonathon Keats “century cameras” cameras with a 100-year-long exposure (曝光)timewill be brought back from hiding places around the city to have their results developed and exhibited. Six months after that, the Future Library in Oslo, Norway, will open its doors for the first time, presenting 100 books printed on the wood of trees planted in the distant past of 2017. As Katie Paterson, the creator of the Future Library, puts it: “Future Library is an artwork for future generations.” These projects, more than a century in the making, are part of a new wave of slow art intended to push viewers and Participants to think beyond their own lifetimes. They aim to challenge todays short-term thinking and the brief attention spans of modern consumers, forcing people into considering works more deliberately. In their way, too, they are fighting against modern culturenot just regarding money, but also the way in which artistic worth is measured by attention. In a similar fashion, every April on Slow Art Day, visitors are encouraged to stare at five works of art for 10 minutes at a timea tough task for the average museum visitor, who typically spends less than30seconds on each piece of art. Like the Future Library, the century cameras are very much a project for cities, since its in cities that time runs fastest and the pace of life is fastest. “Since I started living in a city, Ive somehow been quite disconnected,” Anne Beate Hovind, the Future Library project manager, who described how working on the library drew her back to the Pace of life she knew when she was growing up on a farm in her youth, told The Atlantic magazine. 24. According to the first paragraph, what will NOT happenin2117?A. A camera which was produced 100 years ago will be exhibited. B. The Future Library will be0pen to the public for the first time. C. Photos with a 100-year exposure time will be developed and exhibited. D. Books printed on the wood of trees planted in 2017 will be displayed. 25. What can we learn about todays peoples attitude toward works of art?A. They consider works deliberately. B. They spend little time on Works. C. They spend much money 0n works. D. They stare at works for 10 minutes at a time. 26. What is the purpose of the wave of slow art?A. To advocate creating works of art slowly. B. To protect works of art from being damaged. C. To promote works of art for modern culture. D. To encourage people to pay more attention to works of art. 27. How would Anne Beate Hovind feel about the city life?A. Its discouraging B. Its dull C. I
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