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Unit 7,Text A Easter or Eostre?,Text B Easter Bunnies Dont Lay Eggs,Text A: Easter or Eostre?,When asked to write an article about Easter, a funny thing happened on my journey of discovery. I knew the Easter Celebration was one of the two major religious festivals associated with the Christian Church, but it occurred to me that I didnt know how the Easter Bunny and chocolate Easter Eggs, let alone the name “Easter”, related to this solemn event. So, to solve this puzzle, we needed to delve into ancient history in order to find the connection. In the course of this research several unusual “facts” were discovered. For instance, Christmas, as the other major Christian Religious festival, celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, who, according to the Bible, is the Son of God, and Christmas always falls on the 25thof December each year. On the other hand, Easter, which celebrates the death of Jesus Christ and, three days later, his resurrection when he ascends into Heaven and returns to the home of His Father, never falls on the same date. The Easter event takes place over four days commencing with “Good” Friday, when Christ was crucified, through to Easter Sunday, when his body was found to have disappeared from a sealed tomb. The Church authorities have decreed that this celebration must take place, sometime, between the 22ndMarch and the 25thof April, each year.,课文,Easter Monday, as it turns out, tends to be a Public holiday in many western countries and is not, specifically, a religious event. Why does the date of Easter change?If the birth of Christ was so well known why wasnt His death equally well known? It seems that, in the early days of Christianity, when it was a new idea to many different societies around the Middle East, the early preachers tended to use the existing festivals to preach their new religion. One of the major festivals was the Spring Equinox, which happened to occur around the same time as Christs death and resurrection. The Spring Equinox occurs as a result of the planetary movement of the Earth in relation to the Sun,but its date varies from year to year. This is the reason for the Church decreed a range of dates to celebrate Easter. As the Spring Festivals all relate to “re-birth” of the seasons and of the plants, after the dormant winter there seemed a natural relationship to the rebirth of Christ. In very ancient times people also worshipped the Goddess of Fertility, who was named “Eostre” ,and this celebration also occurred around the Spring Equinox. The Easter celebration was not formally recognized by the Church until nearly 300 years after the death of Christ. By then, it had become so tied in with the Spring festivals that it continues, to this day, to be determined by the planetary cycles around the Sun rather than an actual fixed date. (484 words),New Words Easter n.宗 (耶稣)复活节 religious a.宗教上的, 信奉宗教的 Christian a.基督教的, 信基督教的 bunny n.小兔子(儿童对兔子的昵称) solemn a.庄严的, 严肃的 Bible n.圣经 *resurrection n.复活,复苏 *ascend v.上升, 攀登 commence v.开始, 着手 *crucify vt.十字架上钉死 seal vt.密封, 封蜡 authority n.权威, 权威人士 *decree v.颁布,生词,specifically ad.特定地, 明确地 Christianity n.基督教 preacher n.传教士 preach v.传教, 宣扬 Spring Equinox n.春分 *planetary a. 行星的 range n. 变动范围 *dormant a. 睡眠状态的, 静止的 worship vt. 崇拜, 尊敬 fertility n. 丰产, 多产 actual a. 明确的,实际的 Phrases and Expressions associate.with 把同联系在一起 let . alone 不要去管, 听其自然 relate to 有关,有关系,*delve into 钻研, 深入研究 in the course of 在期间 for instance 例如,举例说 according to 按照; 根据所说 take place 举行, 发生 turn out 证明是, 结果是 as a result of 作为的结果; 由于 in relation to 涉及, 和相关 vary from . to. 从到不等; 在到之间变动 tie in with 和联系一起 rather than 胜于 Names Christian Church 宗基督教 Jesus Christ 宗耶稣,耶稣基督 His Father 宗上帝;圣父 Goddess of Fertility 宗生育女神,1.Origin of the Word “Easter”复活节名字的由来 复活节(Easter)的名字是由古代异教的“春节”(Eostre)演变而来。古代异教的“春节”(Eostre)是庆祝春回大地后一切恢复生机的节日,而伊奥斯特(Eostre)是古代的爱情、生育、黎明和春之女神。 2.Easter Bunny 复活节兔子 关于兔子如何成为复活节的吉祥物,是有一段传说的。在古代,耶稣复活之日,正值斯堪的纳维亚地区居民庆祝大地回春的“春太阳节”。而作为草原、森林动物中多产动物之一的兔子,正象征了春天的复苏和新生命的诞生,同时它又是爱神阿弗洛狄特的宠物,也是日尔曼土地女神霍尔塔的持烛引路者。因此,作为给孩子们送复活节鸡蛋的使者,兔子深受孩子们的宠爱。在复活节这一天,孩子定会收到兔形礼物。 3.Easter Eggs 复活节彩蛋 象征生命的蛋成了复活节的吉祥物。鸡蛋在西方是新的生命和兴旺发达的象征。鸡蛋的本色象征太阳,把鸡蛋染成红色则象征生活幸福。在复活节中,父母要特地为孩子们准备制成鸡蛋或兔子形状的巧克力糖。亲友间要互赠彩蛋。在莱茵河中游和黑森东部的一些城镇,至今保留着“彩蛋树”这一古老习俗。人们把成百的蛋壳涂上彩画,串
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