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下篇 计算机专业应用英语,第9章 英语应用文写作 本章重点: 常用英文证明书; 求学、求职信函; 个人简历; 推荐表。,9.1 常用英文证明书,证明书用于证明一个人的身份、学历、学位、工作、身体情况。是求学、求职的必要证件。常见的证明书有: 毕业证书 (Graduation Certificate) 学位证书 (Certificate of Degree) 学历证书 (Schooling Certificate) 体检证明 (Certificate of Physical Examination),9.1.1 毕业证书,GRADUATION CERTIFICATE No. 076787 July, 2007 Let it be known that student XXX, male, 24 years old, from Sept. 2003 to Jul. 2007, majoring in Computer Science and Application, having studied for four years and completed the college courses of study and satisfied all requirements of the college, is hereby given this certificate of graduation. College: Nanjing University Chancellor: XXX,中文,毕业证书 学生 XXX,男,24岁,于2003年9月至2007年7月,在计算机及应用专业四年制本科学习,修完教学计划规定的全部课程,成绩合格,准予毕业。 校名:南京大学 校长:xxx 证书编号:076787 2007年7月,9.1.2 学位证书 (Certificate of the Degree),CERTIFICATE OF THE DEGREE No. 881011 Ju1y,1990 Let it be known that student xxx,male,born in Nov. 15,1966 ,from Sept 1986 to Jul1990,majoring in Computer science and Application Engineering in Nanjing University of science and Technology,having completed the college courses of study in four years and graduated from college,and satisfied all requirements of the Regulations of Degree of Peoples Republic of China,is hereby duly admitted to the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering. XXX Chairman of committee of degree,中文,学位证书 学生XXX,男,1986年ll月15日出生,于2003年9月至2007年7月在南京大学计算机及应用专业学习,完成了四年制本科学习计划,业已毕业,经审核符合中华人民共和国学位条例的规定,授予工学学士学位。 学位评定委员会主席 XXX 2007年7月 证书编号: 071011 注释: 常见学位有: Bachelor Degree 学士学位 Master Degree 硕士学位 Doctor Degree 博士学位 PhD. (Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士 Master of Arts 文学硕士 Master of Engineering 工学硕士 Master of Science 理学硕士,9.1.3 学历证明( Schooling Certificate ),SCHOOLING CERTIFICATE No. 198 June 6, 2007 It is hereby certified that Mr. xxx, male, born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, in May 1980,is a lecturer of Department of Computer, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He graduated from Beijing University in 2001 with the degree of Bachelor of Science and finished his postgraduate courses in Beijing University in Oct. 2006, when he awarded the degree of Master of Science. XXX Public Notary, Nanjing Notary Public Office Jiangsu Province, Peoples Republic of China,【中文】,学历证明 第198号 兹证明南京大学讲师XXX先生,男,江苏省南京市人,生于1980年5月。他2001年7月毕业于北京大学,获理学学士学位;2006年10月在北京大学修完研究生课程,毕业获理学硕士学位。 中华人民共和国 江苏省南京市公证处 公证人 XXX 2007年6月6日,9.1.4 体检证明 ( Certificate of physical Examination ),CERTIFICATE OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION May l8, 2007 This is to certify that Mrs. XXX, female, aged 36, examined by me, has not got any infectious disease. She is in good health capable of studying and working. XXX,M.D.,中文,体检证明 兹证明XXX女士,女,36岁,经本人检查无任何传染性疾病,身体健康,可胜任学习和工作。 医生 XXX 1997年 5 月 18号,9.2 求学、求职信函,9.2.1 申请就读研究生 9.2.2 申请计算机程序员职位,9.2.1 申请就读研究生,Computer Department Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing, Jiangsu Peoples Republic of China Aug. 30, 2006 Graduate Admissions Office Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 U.S.A. Dear Sir/Madam: I graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 1996. To pursue further studies I wish to enter the Graduate School to read for the degree of Master of Science. Your university has a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship. It is well staffed and equipped, enjoying world - wide fame. To find a place in such an ideal school of higher learning is indeed a matter of the greatest honor. It is my long- cherished hope that I will be fortunate enough to be admitted into it. Could you send me some information on your Graduate School and an application form for admission? If you need any other information concerning my background, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely XXX,注释:,信头有两个地址 Computer Department Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing, Jiangsu Peoples Republic of China Aug. 30,2006 Graduate Admissions Office Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 U.S.A. 其中,右上方是寄信人地址,同时将写信日期写在地址下方,接下来靠左是收信人的地址,它与信封地址一样,这是英美国家的习惯, 同时也便于保存和查询处理。 上面收信人的地址为: 邮编: 94305 美国加利福尼亚州 斯坦福大学 研究生招生办公室 寄信人的地址为: 中华人民共和国 江苏 南京 南京大学计算机系,9.2.2 申请计算机程序员职位,Computer Department Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing, Jiangsu Peoples Republic of China June 20,2007 General Manager Computer Software Development Company 26001,26/F, World Trade Center 28 Zhongsan Road Nanjing , 210020 Dear Sir: I am glad to hear that you are seeking a computer programmer. I would like to apply for the situation. Next month I will obtain my B.S. in Computer Science from Nanjing University of Science and Technology. I had studied in college for four years. The main courses I had studied include Operating Systems, Data Structure, Principles of Database, Software engineering, Network and Communication, and so on. The machines I have worked with include IBM PC and compatible. And the computer languages I have learned and practiced include C+, FORTRAN, Assembly Language, FoxPro and PAS
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