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对女性的偏见Prejudice against women 在传统的价值观里,女性的主要任务是照顾好家庭里的成员,例如洗衣、煮饭、扫地等,关于理想抱负就由男人来做,回到家可以什么都不做。在当今的社会里,这种现象普遍存在。夫妻双方都工作,下班回家,丈夫什么都不做,而妻子要做许多家务。如果妻子不做家务,就会被责备,而不会责备丈夫。In the traditional values, womens main task is to take care of family members, such as laundry, cooking, sweeping, etc., on the ambition to do by men, at home you can do nothing. In todays society, this phenomenon is widespread. Both Both husband and wife work, came home from work, her husband does not do anything, and his wife do a lot of housework. If the wife do not do housework, they will be blamed, and not blame her husband.Women play an important part in modern society. Now many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law and engineering. They comprise a large part of the workers in businesses and factories. In addition, they are working up to important positions which used to be held mainly by men. There are even some businesses which are run completely be women. Clearly, women are making outstanding contributions to the progress of modern society.Personally, Im firmly standing on the side of those woman right defenders. Since both men and women are equally important in human activities, they should be on an equal footing.世上没有绝对的公平,男女之间也不需要绝对的公平,只要相对公平就好。就身体结构而言,像那些重的体力活,女人一般做不了,要绝对地男女平等,那么女性将遭受身心的折磨,而像妇产医生,男的就做不了。但也不能因此说男人优于女人,男女之间不需要平等。在人权、就业、社会地位等方面,应该男女享有公平待遇。There is no absolute fair, between men and women dont need the absolute fair, as long as fair. In terms of body structure, as the heavy manual labor, women generally cant do it, is absolutely equality between men and women, so women will suffer from mental and physical torture, and like a gynecology and obstetrics doctor, the man is cant do it. But also cant so say that men are superior to women, dont need to be equal between men and women. In human rights, employment, social status, etc., should enjoy equal treatment for men and women. 基因和后天教育两者一样重要。拥有良好的基因是成为天才的的一步,先天智力低下,再好的教育也培养不出人才。拥有良好的基因,但后天没有接受良好教育,也只能成为平凡人。像牛顿,先天聪明,后天勤奋好学,最后成为一位伟大的科学家。有人说:天才是百分之九十九的努力加百分之一的智力,也有人说天才是百分之九十九的智力加百分之一的努力。而我认为天才是百分之五十的努力加百分之五十的智力。Both genetic and acquired education as important. Have good genes is to become a genius step of congenital mental retardation, and it is a good education is to cultivate talent. Have good genes, but didnt get a good education, the day after tomorrow can only be an ordinary person. Like Newton, born smart, studious and the day after tomorrow finally became a great scientist. Someone said: genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration plus one percent of the intelligence, others said that genius is ninety-nine percent of the intelligence plus one percent effort. And I think genius is fifty percent perspiration plus fifty percent of intelligence 不可以。虽然在理论上可以,当是在现实中被教育成功的案例不多。教育并不是完能的,它能帮助人们过得更好,掌握更多的技能,但不能彻底改变。狼孩从小跟野兽生活在一起,他认为自己就是野兽,那种认知和习惯是难以改变的,因此习惯是可怕的。Cant. Although in theory, when in reality by education few successful cases. Education can not finish, it can help people live better, master more skills, but you cant change. Wolf child with animal life as a child, he thinks he is the beast, that kind of awareness and habits are hard to change, so the habit is terrible Because the brain is the material basis for the formation of all kinds of thinking psychological. In addition, there are other conditions, such as the social influence of family, friends, have all kinds of psychological formation has a direct effect on us. If a person away from the crowd grew up, he will not be able to know and the rules of the people, language, habits, etc. Naturally there would be no the persons psychology. 现代社会人们防治行贿受贿的方法大都从加强外部监督入手,从健全制度、完善制度入手,这当然也能起到一定的防治作用,但只能治标不能治本,因此查处贪污、贿赂的金额是越来越大,惩治贪官的级别也越来越高,腐败的形式和手段越来越隐蔽,变化越来越快,内容也越来越丰富。再全面的监督都比不上自我监督。因为自我监督来自于当事者的心灵深处,它无处不在、无时不有,它是自觉的、主动的,全面的,它是和当事者的中枢神经紧密相联的,是在腐败念头一闪现、腐败行为尚未实施、腐败尚在萌芽状态、别人尚未洞察的情况下,就能与之斗争并将其扼杀的自我监督行为,它比任何来自外界的、他人的监督更及时、更准确、更管用。来自外界的、他人的监督受时间和空间的限制,只能是被动的、滞后的、有限的,因而只有自身修养、自我监督和自我约束,才能从根本上防治腐败。提高自身修养,加强自我监督的途径是努力提高自身的政治修养和道德修养,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。Modern society people prevention and control of bribery method mostly from strengthen the external supervision, from the sound system, perfect the system of this, of course, also can have certain prevention function, but can only take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, so investigate the amount of corruption, bribery is more and more big, punishing corrupt officials is becoming more and more high level, in the form of corruption and means more and more concealed, change faster and faster, also more and more rich content. More than self supervision and comprehensive supervision. For self supervision from the care of heart, there is always it is everywhere, and it is conscious, active, comprehensive, it is connected and the care of the central nervous, is a flash in corrupt thoughts, corruption has not yet been implemented, corruption is still in the bud, others have yet to insight, can fight and kill them self supervision and behavio
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