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Unit3 At the zoo,Part A Lets learn&Lets do,请在此输入您的标题,请在此输入您的文本。,Whats this?,Its a dog.,Its a panda.,Whats this?,Its an elephant.,Whats this?,Its a monkey.,Whats this?,Look at that monkey. Its !,fat (胖的),Look at this monkey. Its .,thin (瘦的),Its a giraffe. Its so tall.,Whats this?,tall (高的),Look at the baby giraffe. Its !,tall,short (矮的),Lets play!,Introduce your mascot 教师请每组学生的一个代表上台,他来介绍本组的吉祥物,最后获胜的组的吉祥物就当选成本次的形象代言人。 注意:用fat, tall, short 或thin来介绍,比比哪组介绍最吸引人。,Look at that . Its !,thin,fat,5m 4m 3m 2m 1m o,Look at that . Its !,short,tall,www.xkb1.com,Look at that. He is so !,Listen. (or),1.,2.,3.,4.,1.不能乱扔垃圾; 2.不能随便喂食小动物; 3.不能打扰动物休息,乱丢异物; 4. 不能随便触摸动物;,What should not do at the zoo? (在动物园我们不应该干什么),The animals are so lovely. Please love them.,动物们非常可爱,请爱护它们!,Homework:,1.Read the words and sentences and write the words for three times.(读单词和句子,并将单词抄写三遍。),2. Draw your favourite animals and describe them.(画一画你最喜欢的动物并描述他的特征来。),Who wins?,Sum-up,Goodbye!,
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