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韩老师编辑中考305短语测试中考短语测试1a kind of a little a pair ofa few a lot ofa piece of a bitA number of above allAccording to1. An apple is _ fruit. 2. Her bag is_ heavy. 3. This small animal has _ green eyes. 4. I only have _ dollars with me, so I dont have enough money to buy it.5. It took the workers _ time to build the airport. They were really tired.6. Could you please give me _paper? 7. She is not _ tired. (=She is not tired at all.) 8. _ questions came up at the meeting. 9. What a child should do, _, is to do well in his studies. 10. _ our records, you have to return the books to the library today. 中考短语测试 2again and againAs a resultall kinds ofagree toallrightAfter allall overarrived inafter classagree with11. To improve my English, I have to practice speaking _.12._, the discussion was put off until the following week.13. There are _animals in the zoo.14. I m so glad I didnt _do it; it would have got me into serious trouble. 15. Thecomputerhadbeen_uptillyesterday. 16. Yes, youre right._, she is smart enough to go into business. 17. He has a fever and aches _. 18. Im happy that my French pen pal _ Beijing last night. 19. We often take part in activities _.20. I see your point, but I cant really _ you.中考短语测试3As long as strict withasas as wellAs far asas soon as as well asas usual was proud ofas if21. _ we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome. 22. We mustnt be too _young people, nor can we let them do whatever they like. 23.Jim is _ outgoing _ his sister. 24.I write my own songs and I play the guitar _. 25._ I know, he is kind. 26.Ill write to you _I get to England. 27.A good teacher should inspire the students _ teach them. 28.Mary got up at six this morning and went to school _. 29.I won the first prize in English speech contest, my mother _me.30.It looks _it is going to rain.中考短语测试4belong tobothandbroke inby busbroke downby daybuilt up break outby accidentwas brought up31.Whose guitar is this? It might _to Alice. She plays the guitar.32.He likes _English _Chinese. 33.She _on our conversation just now.34.This morning he went to school _.35. His car _last Friday and he was late. 36. Do you prefer travelling by night or_?37. The building has been _ since I moved.38. Do you think it is easy for fighting to _in that area?39.I met her _in a crowded bus.40. Her parents died when she was a baby, and she_ by her aunt. 中考短语测试5By the waycall inwill call up/oncalled on/upcare forwill carry oncarry outto catch up withwill change intocheck in41. Not bad. _, how is your mother? Is she all right?42. We should _ the students together in the gym now.43. If I am free, I _ the old man to ask him some questions.44. Yesterday Lily and I _ a friend first, and then we went shopping together. 45. -Do you _ this color? -Yes, of course. Its my favorite. 46. Lets stop here now. We _ our meeting tomorrow. 47. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, _ your plan.48. I have to work hard _ the other students.49. The ugly caterpillar _ a beautiful butterfly in a few months. 50. Passengers should _ in one hour before the planes take off. 中考短语测试6will clear up comes fromcome acrossCome oncame downcame outto come incomes back to check outcame to51. It is raining now, but I think it _ soon. 52. She _ England and now she lives in London. 53. I _ this book in an old bookstore in a small village last summer. 54. _, or we shall be too late for the party.55. The rain _ heavily, but I didnt take an umbrella with me. 56. His new book _ last month.57. He often asked me _ for a chat. 58. Please telephone me as soon as she _. 59. Mr. Smith is leaving for Shanghai the next day. He asks the clerk to _for him.60. The bill _ 1000 dollars last week. I felt worried. 中考短语测试7compares tocongratulateonwill cut downcome up withday and nightcome upconnect with cut offcompare withcome true61.He _ the girl _ the moon in the poem.62.I _ you _ your big success in English speech contest.63.We need the trees to make some furniture. The workers _
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