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,/autumn,Which season do you like best? I like best.,Make a chant,Unit 2,My Favourite Season,B Lets learn,我能够听、说、读、写四个有关不同季节活动的词组; 我能在语境中正确运用句型:Which season do you like best? I like best. I often ,学习目标:,-What can you do in spring?,go on a picnic,-I can go on a picnic.,plant flowers,-What can you do in summer? -I can .,go swimming,eat ice cream,-What can you do in autumn? -I can .,pick apples,make a snowman,-What can you do in winter? -I can ,play in the snow,pick apples,make a snowman,go on a picnic,go swimming,请你拼出来,看谁反应快,说出英文词组,Look and match,play in the snow plant flowers go on a picnic make a snowman go swimming pick apples,去野餐 摘苹果 堆雪人 种花 在雪地里玩 去游泳,I like _ best. I often _ in spring.,spring,go on a picnic,I like _best. I often _ .,summer,go swimming,I like _ best. I often _.,fall / autumn,pick apples,I like _ best. I often make a _ .,winter,snowman,1. best, like, you, Which, season, do (?) 2. best, like, I, spring (.) 3. I, go swimming, often, summer, in (.),Which season do you like best?,I like spring best.,I often go swimming in summer.,我们要爱护自然,保护自然!,在舒缓的音乐声中,,把我们学习的内容,,好好地整理一下吧!,We should love and protect the nature!,1. Read and write “Lets learn” .(读并抄写新单词) 2. Make a season book in groups.(设计制作四季书,组内每人设计一个季节,要求图文并茂,并附季节的相应活动。完成后在全班交流),Thank you !,
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